1.1. Module Description

The region module is a part of an internal stream processing in ‘VPE’, ‘DIVP’ and ‘LDC’ modules. It is supported by hardware module named GOP (graphic output path), it is a set of software interface abstracted by GOP characteristics. OSD (on screen display) or cover attaches to each channel in the way of using time sharing multiplexing.

The region module mainly provides the control and management functions of region resources. It includes the creation, destruction, acquisition and the setting of region attributes, acquisition and the setting of channel display attributes of the region, etc.

There are two kind of region attributions, one is called ‘cover’, which is order to cover the video by a designated color. The hardware driver of ‘cover’ only need to get the cover’s position, size and the color, so that it will not get a display buffer.

The other region attribution is ‘osd’, also called ‘overlay’, It is same to 'cover', it can be attached to the display video area, but it is worked by display buffer, this kind of region can do a drew operation in point to point way, and the color format of ‘osd’ can be support ARGB/INDEX. User can choose the color format according to the practical application scenarios.

Currently osd format supports ‘argb8888’, ‘argb1555’, ‘argb4444’, ‘rgb565’, ‘i2’, ‘i4’, ‘i8’. The format supporting conditions of each chip will be different. The following will be explained in detail. YUV format is not supported. I2, I4 and I8 are in bitmap format, and the memory data of a pixel is used as an index. Through the index, the color data in the color palette can be found, which the pixel displays is.

No matter ‘cover’ or ‘osd’, the display contents blending to the output of ‘vpe/divp/ldc’ module. Through experiments, when region display has been set, dump the output of ‘vpe/divp/ldc’ module into a file, and you can see the content of region through the tool.

‘OSD’ can display a picture, ‘Cover’ can only set different color, ‘Osd’ always display above ‘cover’ when they are attached the same path. This is a picture showed four ‘cover’ and three 'osd' attached to the same path.

1.2. Flow Chart

1.3. Keyword

  • I2:

    4 colors bitmap, 2 bits refer to an index, so that there are 4 colors. It can find the color by the index in palette.

  • I4:

    16 colors bitmap, 4 bits refer to an index and find the color by the index in palette.

  • I8:

    256 colors bitmap, 8 bits refer to an index and find the color by the index in palette.

  • Palette:

    The palette of bitmap, one color is represented by four 8bit variables: alpha, red, green and blue, there are totally 256 colors in palette with index range from 0 to 255.

  • OSD:

    Abbreviation of on-screen display, It is used to display some text, pictures, UI menus and other contents.

  • GOP:

    Abbreviation of graphic output path, it is a graphic layer above video.


API Function
MI_RGN_Init Initialization
MI_RGN_DeInit De-initialization
MI_RGN_Create Create region
MI_RGN_Destroy Destroy region
MI_RGN_GetAttr Get region attributes
MI_RGN_SetBitMap Set bitmap region
MI_RGN_AttachToChn Attach region to channel
MI_RGN_DetachFromChn Detach region from channel
MI_RGN_SetDisplayAttr Set display attributes of region
MI_RGN_GetDisplayAttr Get display attributes of region
MI_RGN_GetCanvasInfo Get canvas information of region
MI_RGN_UpdateCanvas Update canvas information of region
MI_RGN_InitDev Initialize RGN device
MI_RGN_DeInitDev De-initialize RGN device

2.1. MI_RGN_Init

  • Function


  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_Init(MI_RGN_PaletteTable_t *pstPaletteTable);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    pstPaletteTable Pointer to the palette table Input
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • MI_ERR_RGN_BUSY: Failed

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file

  • Note

    The palette table can only be done once during initialization and cannot be set again.

    It is not used for RGB color format.

    The index of ‘0’ in palette array is used for colorkey, which will not display anything.

    MI_RGN_Init needs to be done before Init of any other modules that use RGN (such as VPE/DIVP).

  • Example

    MI_S32 s32Result = 0;
    MI_RGN_PaletteTable_t stPaletteTable;
    memset(&stPaletteTable, 0, sizeof(MI_RGN_PaletteTable_t));
    stPaletteTable.astElement[1].u8Alpha = 255;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[1].u8Red = 255;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[1].u8Green = 0;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[1].u8Blue = 0;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[2].u8Alpha = 255;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[2].u8Red = 0;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[2].u8Green = 255;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[2].u8Blue = 0;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[3].u8Alpha = 255;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[3].u8Red = 0;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[3].u8Green = 0;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[3].u8Blue = 255;
    s32Result = MI_RGN_Init(&stPaletteTable);
    s32Result = MI_RGN_DeInit();
  • Related APIs


2.2. MI_RGN_DeInit

  • Function


  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_DeInit();

  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • MI_ERR_RGN_BUSY: Failed

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file

  • Note

    MI_RGN_Deinit needs to be done after Deinit of any other modules that use RGN (such as VPE/DIVP).

  • Example

    Refer to MI_RGN_Init

  • Related APIs


2.3. MI_RGN_Create

  • Function

    Create region

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_Create(MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle,
    MI_RGN_Attr_t *pstRegion);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region Must be an unused hHandle Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE]. Input
    pstRegion Pointer to the attribute of region Input
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file

  • Note

    • This handle is specified by the user and has the same meaning as the ID.

    • Repeated creation is not supported.

    • The attribute of region must be legal. Refer to MI_RGN_Attr_t

    • The pointer to attribute of region cannot be null.

    • When creating a Cover, it only needs to assign the region type. Other attributes, such as location, hierarchy, etc., are assigned when the MI_RGN_AttachToChn interface is called.

    • When creating a region, this only checks the basic parameters such as minimum width and height, maximum width and height. When this region is attached to the channel, more targeted parameters can be checked based on constraints of the supported type of channel module. Such as supported pixel formats, etc.

  • Example

    MI_S32 s32Result = 0;
    MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle = 0;
    MI_RGN_Attr_t stRegion;
    stRegion.eType = E_MI_RGN_TYPE_OSD;
    stRegion.stOsdInitParam.ePixelFmt = E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB1555;
    stRegion.stOsdInitParam.stSize.u32Width = 40;
    stRegion.stOsdInitParam.stSize.u32Height = 40;
    s32Result = MI_RGN_Create(hHandle, &stRegion);
    if (s32Result != MI_RGN_OK)
        return s32Result;
    s32Result = MI_RGN_GetAttr(hHandle, &stRegion);
    if (s32Result != MI_RGN_OK)
        return s32Result;
    s32Result = MI_RGN_Destroy(hHandle);
    if (s32Result != MI_RGN_OK)
        return s32Result;
  • Related APIs



2.4. MI_RGN_Destroy

  • Function

    Destroy region

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_REG_Destroy (MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region.
    Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE).
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file:

  • Note

    Region must have been created.

  • Example

    Refer to MI_RGN_Create

  • Related APIs


2.5. MI_RGN_GetAttr

  • Function

    Get the attribute of region.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_GetAttr(MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle,
    MI_RGN_Attr_t *pstRegion);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region.
    Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE).
    pstRegion Pointer to the attribute of region. Output
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file:

  • Note

    • Region must have been created.

    • The pointer to the attribute of region cannot be null.

  • Example

    Refer to MI_RGN_Create.

2.6. MI_RGN_SetBitMap

  • Function

    Set the region bitmap, that is, fill the region with bitmap.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_SetBitMap(MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle,
    MI_RGN_Bitmap_t *pstBitmap);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region.
    Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE).
    pstBitmap The pointer to the attribute of bitmap Input
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file:

  • Note

    • Region must have been created.

    • The size of the supported bitmap is inconsistent with the size of the region.

    • The bitmap is loaded from (0,0) of the region. When the bitmap is larger than the region, the image will be automatically cropped into region.

    • The pixel format of the bitmap must be the same as the pixel format of the region.

    • The pointer to the attribute of bitmap cannot be null.

    • Support multiple calls.

    • This interface is only valid for overlay.

    • After calling MI_RGN_GetCanvasInfo, calling this interface is invalid unless MI_RGN_UpdateCanvas is in effect.

  • Example

    MI_S32 s32Result = 0;
    MI_HANDLE hHandle = 0;
    MI_RGN_Bitmap_t stBitmap;
    MI_U32 u32FileSize = 200 * 200 * 2;
    MI_U8 *pu8FileBuffer = NULL;
    FILE *pFile = fopen("200X200.argb1555", "rb");
    if (pFile == NULL)
        printf("open file failed \n");
        return -1;
    pu8FileBuffer = (MI_U8*)malloc(u32FileSize);
    if (pu8FileBuffer == NULL)
        printf("malloc failed fileSize=%d\n", u32FileSize);
        return -1;
    memset(pu8FileBuffer, 0, u32FileSize);
    fread(pu8FileBuffer, 1,  u32FileSize, pFile);
    stBitmap.stSize.u32Width = 200;
    stBitmap.stSize.u32Height = 200;
    stBitmap.ePixelFormat = E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB1555;
    stBitmap.pData = pu8FileBuffer;
    s32Result = MI_RGN_SetBitMap(hHandle, &stBitmap);

2.7. MI_RGN_AttachToChn

  • Function

    Attach region to channel

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_AttachToChn(MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle,
    MI_RGN_ChnPort_t* pstChnPort,
    MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t *pstChnAttr);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region.
    Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE).
    pstChnPort Pointer to channel port When region type is Cover and the output port is VPE, only port 0 and port 3 are valid. Input
    pstChnAttr Pointer to the attribute of channel port. Input
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file:

  • Note

    • Region must have been created.

    • Pointer to channel port cannot be null.

    • Pointer to the attribute of channel port cannot be null.

    • There are two places in the region that can overlay: 4 output ports of MI_VPE module channel and the output port of MI_DIVP channel.

    • If two or more OSD regions are attached to the same channel, the format of these OSD regions must be the same.

    • Not only all the path has the ability to display region, the chart below list all the capabilities about region of all chips.

    • ‘Cover’ can be worked by hardware layer. ‘Osd’ can be worked by software layer, which is implemented by software jigsaw.

    • The channel id of ‘vpe/divp/ldc’ module do not has any limitation about ‘Osd’ and ‘cover’.

    • If the OSD attached on the channel is less than or equal to the number of hardware layers, all the hardware layers will be used, otherwise, the software jigsaw will be used.

Chip name Path Osd capabilities Cover layer count OSD COLOR FORMAT SUPPORT
Hardware layer count Max layer count ARGB1555 ARGB4444 I2 I4 I8 RGB565 ARGB8888
Pretzel VPE PORT 0 2 Default 8 (Adjustable)) 4 Support Support Support Support Support Support Support
VPE PORT 1 2 Default 8 (Adjustable)) 4 Support Support Support Support Support Support Support
VPE PORT 3 2 Default 8 (Adjustable)) NA Support Support Support Support Support Support Support
DIVP PORT 0 2 Default 8 (Adjustable)) NA Support Support Support Support Support Support Support

Note: The OSD can’t be attached, when the DIVP using rotate function.

Chip name Path Osd capabilities Cover layer count OSD COLOR FORMAT Support
Hardware layer count Max layer count ARGB1555 ARGB4444 I2 I4 I8 RGB565 ARGB8888
Macaron VPE PORT 0 4 128 Support Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
VPE PORT 1 4 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
DIVP PORT 0 4 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA

Note: The number of GOP hardware available in this series of chips is 3, and the OSD output ports are VPE PORT0, PORT1, PORT2, and DIVP, a total of 4 and therefore you can choose any combination of the three ports as available OSD output at the same time.. The OSD can’t be attached, when the DIVP using rotate function.

Chip name Path Osd capabilities Cover layer count OSD COLOR FORMAT Support
Hardware layer count Max layer count ARGB1555 ARGB4444 I2 I4 I8 RGB565 ARGB8888
Ispahan VPE PORT 0 4 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
VPE PORT 1 4 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
VPE PORT 2 4 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
DIVP PORT 0 4 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA

Note: The number of GOP hardware available in this series of chips is 3, and the OSD output ports are VPE PORT0, PORT1, PORT2, LDC, and DIVP, a total of 5. DIVP and LDC are mutually exclusive for usage and therefore you can choose any of the three ports as available OSD output at the same time. The OSD can’t be attached, when the DIVP using rotate function.

Chip name Path Osd capabilities Cover layer count OSD COLOR FORMAT Support
Hardware layer count Max layer count ARGB1555 ARGB4444 I2 I4 I8 RGB565 ARGB8888
Pudding VPE PORT 0 8 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
VPE PORT 1 8 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
DIVP PORT 0 8 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
LDC PORT 0 8 128 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA

Note: The number of GOP hardware available in this series of chips is 3, and the OSD output ports are VPE PORT0, PORT1, PORT2, LDC, and DIVP, a total of 5. DIVP and LDC are mutually exclusive for usage and therefore you can choose any of the three ports as available OSD output at the same time. The OSD can’t be attached, when the DIVP using rotate function.

Chip name Path Osd capabilities Cover layer count OSD COLOR FORMAT Support
Hardware layer count Max layer count ARGB1555 ARGB4444 I2 I4 I8 RGB565 ARGB8888
VPE PORT 1 8 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
VPE PORT 2 8 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
VPE PORT 5 8 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
VPE PORT 6 8 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
DIVP PORT 0 8 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
LDC PORT 0 8 128 NA Support Support Support Support NA NA

Note: The number of GOP hardware available in this series of chips is 6, and the OSD output ports are VPE PORT0, PORT1, PORT2, PORT5, PORT6 DIVP and LDC, a total of 7. DIVP and LDC are mutually exclusive for usage and therefore the most supported OSD count is 6 as available OSD output at the same time. The OSD can’t be attached, when the DIVP using rotate function.

Chip name Path Osd capabilities Cover layer count OSD COLOR FORMAT Support
Hardware layer count Max layer count ARGB1555 ARGB4444 I2 I4 I8 RGB565 ARGB8888
Ikayaki VPE PORT 0 1 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA
DIVP PORT 0 1 128 4 Support Support Support Support Support NA NA

Note: The number of GOP hardware available in this series of chips is 1, and the OSD output ports are VPE PORT0, and DIVP, a total of 2. DIVP and VPE PORT0 are mutually exclusive for usage and therefore you can choose only one port as available OSD output at the same time.

  • Example

    MI_S32 s32Result = 0;
    MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle = 0;
    MI_RGN_ChnPort_t stChnPort;
    MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t stChnAttr;
    memset(stChnPort, 0, sizeof(MI_RGN_ChnPort_t));
    memset(stChnAttr, 0, sizeof(MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t));
    stChnPort.eModId = E_MI_RGN_MODID_VPE;
    stChnPort.s32DevId = 0;
    stChnPort.s32ChnId = 0;
    stChnPort.s32OutputPortId = 0;
    stChnAttr.bShow = TRUE;
    stChnAttr.stPoint.u32X = 0;
    stChnAttr.stPoint.u32Y = 0;
    stChnAttr.unPara. stCoverChnPort.u32Layer = 0;
    stChnAttr.unPara. stCoverChnPort.stSize.u32Width = 200;
    stChnAttr.unPara. stCoverChnPort.stSize.u32Height = 200;
    stChnAttr.unPara. stCoverChnPort.u32Color = 0;
    s32Result = MI_RGN_AttachToChn(hHandle, &stChnPort, &stChnAttr);
    if (s32Result != MI_RGN_OK)
        return s32Result;
    s32Result = MI_RGN_DetachFromChn(hHandle, &stChnPort);
    if (s32Result != MI_RGN_OK)
       return s32Result;
  • Related APIs


2.8. MI_RGN_DetachFromChn

  • Function

    Detach region from channel

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_DetachFromChn(MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle,
    MI_RGN_ChnPort_t *pstChnPort);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region.
    Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE).
    pstChnPort The pointer to channel port Input
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file:

  • Note

    • Region must have been created.

    • The pointer to channel port cannot be null.

    • Support multiple calls.

    • Before the overlaid channel or modules, such as VENC or VPE, is destroyed, it needs to call this interface to detach from region channel or module.

  • Example

    Refer to MI_RGN_AttachToChn.

  • Related APIs


2.9. MI_RGN_SetDisplayAttr

  • Function

    Set the display attribute of region.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_SetDisplayAttr(MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle,
    MI_RGN_ChnPort_t *pstChnPort,
    MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t *pstChnPortAttr);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region.
    Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE).
    pstChnPort The pointer to channel port Input
    pstChnPortAttr The pointer to the parameter of channel port Input
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file:

  • Note

    • Region must have been created.

    • It is recommended to obtain the attributes first and then set them.

    • The pointer to channel port cannot be null.

    • The pointer to the parameter of channel port cannot be null.

    • The region must overlay with channel first.

    • Static properties cannot be modified, dynamic properties can be modified. Refer to MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t

  • Example

    MI_S32 s32Result = 0;
    MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle = 0;
    MI_RGN_ChnPort_t stChnPort;
    MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t stChnAttr;
    stChnPort.eModId = E_MI_RGN_MODID_VPE;
    stChnPort.s32DevId = 0;
    stChnPort.s32ChnId = 0;
    stChnPort.s32OutputPortId = 0;
    s32Result = MI_RGN_GetDisplayAttr(hHandle, &stChnPort, &stChnAttr);
    if (s32Result != MI_RGN_OK)
        return s32Result;
    stChnAttr.bShow = TRUE;
    stChnAttr.stPoint.u32X = 0;
    stChnAttr.stPoint.u32Y = 0;
    stChnAttr.stCoverPara.u32Layer = 0;
    stChnAttr.stCoverPara.stSize.u32Width = 200;
    stChnAttr.stCoverPara.stSize.u32Height = 200;
    stChnAttr.stCoverPara.u32Color = 0;
    s32Result = MI_RGN_SetDisplayAttr(hHandle, &stChnPort, &stChnAttr);
    if (s32Result != MI_RGN_OK)
        return s32Result;
  • Related APIs


2.10. MI_RGN_ GetDisplayAttr

  • Function

    Get the display attribute of region.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_GetDisplayAttr(MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle,
    MI_RGN_ChnPort_t *pstChnPort,
    MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t *pstChnPortAttr);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region.
    Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE).
    pstChnPort The pointer to channel port Input
    pstChnPortAttr The pointer to the parameter of channel port Output
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file:

  • Note

    • Region must have been created.

    • The pointer to channel port cannot be null.

    • The pointer to the parameter of channel port cannot be null.

  • Example

    Refer to MI_RGN_SetDisplayAttr.

  • Related APIs


2.11. MI_RGN_GetCanvasInfo

  • Function

    Get the canvas information of region.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_GetCanvasInfo(MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle,
    MI_RGN_CanvasInfo_t * pstCanvasInfo);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region.
    Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE).
    pstCanvasInfo Pointer to the canvas information of region Output
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file:

  • Note

    • Region must have been created.

    • This interface is similar to MI_RGN_SetBitMap and is mainly used for overlay types.

    • Import bitmap data. This interface is relative to MI_RGN_SetBitMap, users can update them directly.

    • Display the internal data of canvas. Save one memory copy and one memory’s allocation.

    • This interface is used to obtain canvas information corresponding to a region. After getting the canvas address, the user can directly operate the canvas. For example: Fill bmp data directly into the canvas, then update the display canvas data by calling MI_RGN_UpdateCanvas.

    • This interface is mutually exclusive with MI_RGN_SetBitMap. If this interface is already in use, calling MI_RGN_SetBitMap does not take effect until MI_RGN_UpdateCanvas is called.

  • Example

    MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle;
    MI_RGN_Attr_t stRegion;
    MI_RGN_PaletteTable_t stPaletteTable;
    MI_RGN_CanvasInfo_t stCanvasInfo;
    memset(&stPaletteTable, 0, sizeof(MI_RGN_PaletteTable_t));
    stPaletteTable.astElement[0].u8Alpha = 0;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[0].u8Red = 255;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[0].u8Green = 255;
    stPaletteTable.astElement[0].u8Blue = 255;
    if (MI_RGN_OK != MI_RGN_Init(&stPaletteTable))
        printf("Init error!\n");
        return -1;
    hHandle = 10;
    stRegion.eType = E_MI_RGN_TYPE_OSD;
    stRegion.stOsdInitParam.ePixelFmt = E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB1555;
    stRegion.stOsdInitParam.stSize.u32Width = 100;
    stRegion.stOsdInitParam.stSize.u32Height = 100;
    if (MI_RGN_OK != MI_RGN_Init(hHandle, &stRegion))
        printf("Create handle error!\n");
        return -1;
    if (MI_RGN_OK != MI_RGN_Create(hHandle, &stRegion))
        printf("Create handle error!\n");
        return -1;
    FILE *pFile = fopen("100X100.argb1555", "rb");
    if (pFile == NULL)
        printf("open file failed \n");
        return -1;
    if (MI_RGN_GetCanvas(hHandle, &stCanvasInfo) != MI_RGN_OK)
        return s32Result;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        fread((MI_U8*)stCanvasInfo.virtAddr + i * stCanvasInfo.u32Stride, 1, 100 * 2, pFile);
    if (MI_RGN_UpdateCanvas(hHandle) != MI_RGN_OK)
        return s32Result;
  • Related APIs


2.12. MI_RGN_UpdateCanvas

  • Function

    Update canvas. If the canvas is attached to the path, it will display on video, otherwise it will display after attach.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_UpdateCanvas(MI_RGN_HANDLE hHandle);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    hHandle Control code of region.
    Range: [0, MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE).
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file:

  • Note

    • Region must have been created.

    • This interface is used with MI_REG_GetCanvasInfo.It is mainly used for canvas switching display after the canvas memory data is updated.

    • This interface must be called by pair with MI_REG_GetCanvasInfo. It is used after user calls MI_REG_GetCanvasInfo to get the pointer of canvas and the draw operation has done. Without calling MI_REG_GetCanvasInfo first, this interface will return MI_ERR_RGN_NOT_PERM.

    • If two or more handler have attached to the same path, and all this handlers use MI_REG_GetCanvasInfo and this interface to draw, draw operation can work normally on the same thead, If it work on different thread, it must use ‘mutex’ lock to protect, or it may cause ‘osd’ flicker or disappearance .

    • The detail note of multithreading’s ‘mutex’ lock usage is as below:

      Suppose ‘handler0’ and ‘handler1’, which run on a different thread, attach to the same path.


      • handler0 

      T0_0 = getcanvas

      T0_1 = update

      • handler1

      T1_0 = getcanvas

      T1_1 = update

      The wrong situation below is running in order of time, which is showing error log ‘‘Front buf state error!!!’’:

      T0_0 -> T1_0 -> T0_1 -> T1_1.

      After using ‘mutex’, it will work fine:

      Lock-> T0_0 -> T0_1 -> unlock -> lock -> T1_0 -> T1_1 -> unlock

  • Example

    Refer to MI_RGN_GetCanvasInfo.

  • Related APIs


2.13. MI_RGN_InitDev

  • Function

    Initialize RGN device

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_InitDev(MI_RGN_InitParam_t *pstInitParam);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Input / Output
    pstInitParam Initialization Parameter Input
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file

  • Note

    Using this interface to replace the original MI_RGN_Init interface.

2.14. MI_RGN_DeInitDev

  • Function

    De-initialize RGN device

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_RGN_DeInitDev(void);
  • Return Value

    • MI_RGN_OK: Successful

    • Not MI_RGN_OK: Failed. Please refer to Return Value

  • Requirement

    • Header file: mi_sys.h, mi_rgn.h.

    • Library file

  • Note

    Using this interface to replace the original MI_RGN_DeInit interface.


The data types of video pre-processing and their data structures are defined as follows:

Data type Definition
MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE The maximum number of control codes of region.
MI_RGN_MAX_PALETTE_TABLE_NUM The maximum number of palette table
MI_RGN_HANDLE The definition for the control code of region
MI_RGN_Type_e The enumeration of region type
MI_RGN_PixelFormat_e The enumeration of Pixel format
MI_RGN_InvertColorMode_e The enumeration of inverted mode
MI_RGN_AlphaMode_e The way to display with alpha mode
MI_RGN_Size_t The structure of the region size
MI_RGN_OsdInvertColorAttr_t The structure of the attribute of inverted mode of OSD
MI_RGN_OsdAlphaAttr_t The structure of the attribute of OSD ‘alpha’.
MI_RGN_OsdInitParam_t The structure of the attribute of overlaid region
MI_RGN_PaletteElement_t The structure of Palette element
MI_RGN_PaletteTable_t The structure of Palette table
MI_RGN_Attr_t The structure of region attribute
MI_RGN_Bitmap_t The attribute of bitmap attribute
MI_RGN_ModId_e The enumeration of module ID
MI_RGN_ChnPort_t The structure of channel port
MI_RGN_Point_t The structure of coordinates
MI_RGN_CoverChnPortParam_t The structure of the covered channel port
MI_RGN_OsdChnPortParam_t The structure of the OSD channel port
MI_RGN_OsdArgb1555Alpha_t Foreground and background Alpha settings of Argb1555 format
MI_RGN_ChnPortParamUnion_u The union of the channel port
MI_RGN_AlphaModePara_u The union of the alpha mode parameters
MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t The structure of the attribute of channel port
MI_RGN_CanvasInfo_t The structure of canvas information
MI_RGN_InitParam_t Define the initialized parameter of RGN device


  • Description

    The definition for the maximum control code of region.

  • Definition

    #define MI_RGN_MAX_HANDLE 1024


  • Description

    The maximum number of palette table.

  • Definition



  • Description

    The definition for the control code of region

  • Definition

    typedef MI_U32 MI_RGN_HANDLE;

  • Members

    Member Description
    MI_RGN_HANDLE The control code of region.

3.4. MI_RGN_Type_e

  • Description

    The enumeration of region type

  • Definition

    typedef enum
        E_MI_RGN_TYPE_OSD = 0,
    } MI_RGN_Type_e;
  • Members

    Member Description
    E_MI_ REG_OSD Video overlaid region
    E_MI_REG_COVER Video covered region

3.5. MI_RGN_PixelFormat_e

  • Description

    The enumeration of Pixel format.

  • Definition

    typedef enum
        E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB1555 = 0,
    } MI_RGN_PixelFormat_e;
  • Members

    Member Description
    E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB1555 ARGB1555 format
    E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB4444 ARGB4444 format
    E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBI2 2 bit representation. Can support 4 colors. Check color by the palette table.
    E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBI4 4 bit representation. Can support 16 colors. Check color by the palette table.
    E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_I8 8 bit representation. Can support 256 colors. Check color by the palette table.
    E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888 ARGB8888 format
  • Note

    The image format supported by each chip is different. The APIs list all image formats, but some formats may not be supported by the API. If users need chip support, please refer to region procfs.

    Command: echo getcap > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0

    Users cannot set the index 0 of the color palette. The index 0 of these formats is used as the color key by the underlying driver. That means this color is not recognized by hardware, so when all 0 data is covered on the channel, no color is displayed.

    The value of the Color key can be viewed in the getcap of procfs. The value of color key is a 16bit integer. Its high 8 bits and low 8 bits are the same value. When using the color format of the Index type, memset 0 on the memory data can make the hardware not recognized. When using the RGB or ARGB format, no matter what arrangement is used, the memset (color key & 0xFF) value can be used for the memory data.

3.6. MI_RGN_InvertColorMode_e

  • Description

    The enumeration of inverted mode.

  • Definition

    typedef enum
    } MI_RGN_InvertColorMode_e;
  • Members

    Member Description
    E_MI_RGN_ABOVE_LUMA_THRESHOLD If it is greater than the threshold, then invert color.
    E_MI_RGN_BELOW_LUMA_THRESHOLD If it is less than the threshold, then invert color.

3.7. MI_RGN_AlphaMode_e

  • Description

    The way to display with alpha mode.

  • Definition

    typedef enum
        E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_ALPHA = 0,
    } MI_RGN_AlphaMode_e;
  • Members

    Member Description
    E_MI_RGN_PIXEL_ALPHA OSD display every pixel with alpha value, which can support by these color formats ‘argb1555/argb4444/arbg8888/i2/i4/i8’. Rgb565 without alpha value does not make sense.
    E_MI_RGN_CONSTANT_ALPHA The hardware ignores the alpha value (if exist) from the pixel format, In fact it use the specified alpha value to take the place of the original alpha value of each pixel.

3.8. MI_RGN_Size_t

  • Description

    The structure of the region size

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_Size_s
        MI_U32 u32Width;
        MI_U32 u32Height;
    } MI_RGN_Size_t;
  • Members

    Member Description
    u32Width Width
    u32Height Height

3.9. MI_RGN_OsdInvertColorAttr_t

  • Description

    The structure of the attribute of inverted mode of OSD.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_OsdInvertColorAttr_s
        MI_BOOL bEnableColorInv;
        MI_RGN_InvertColorMode_e eInvertColorMode;
        MI_U16 u16LumaThreshold;
        MI_U16 u16WDivNum;
        MI_U16 u16HDivNum;
    } MI_RGN_OsdInvertColorAttr_t;
  • Members

    Member Description
    bEnableColorInv Enable color inverter
    eInvertColorMode Inverted color mode
    u16LumaThreshold Luma threshold. Range: 0~255
    u16WDivNum The horizontal cutting number of inverted region. The width of the inverted color region should be divisible by the horizontal cutting number.
    u16HDivNum The vertical cutting number of inverted region. The height of the inverted color region should be divisible by the vertical cutting number.
  • Note

    Inverted color can only be displayed in the region. It will only work if the inverted color is turned on and the setting parameters are legal.

    The position and size of the inverted region is the same as the region. It is recommended to create a region according to the size of the area that needs to be reversed.

    The number of cuttable blocks in the inverted color range is 1~2048.The maximum range of each cutting block is 64pixel x 64pixel.The product of u16WdivNum and u16HDivNum cannot exceed 2048.. Can’t be set too small, so that the extent of the cutting block exceeds the maximum limit. At the same time, it is necessary to satisfy the width and height divided by the horizontal cutting number and the vertical cutting number respectively, otherwise the inverted color has no effect.

    Bind multiple regions with the same Channel port. When multiple regions turn on inverted color, the inverted color mode and threshold of each region must be set to be consistent. If the inverted color mode and the threshold setting are inconsistent, the actual inverted color mode and its threshold are the same as the settings of the top layer displaying and turning on the inverted region.

3.10. MI_RGN_OsdAlphaAttr_t

  • Description

    The structure of the attribute of OSD ‘alpha’.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_OsdAlphaAttr_s
        MI_RGN_AlphaMode_e eAlphaMode;
        MI_RGN_AlphaModePara_u stAlphaPara;
  • Members

    Member Description
    eAlphaMode The OSD alpha mode enum.
    stAlphaPara The parameters of alpha mode.

3.11. MI_RGN_OsdInitParam_t

  • Description

    The structure of the attribute of overlaid region.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_OsdInitParam_s
        MI_RGN_PixelFormat_e ePixelFmt;
        MI_RGN_Size_t stSize;
  • Members

    Member Description
    ePixelFmt Pixel format
    stSize The width and height of region Range: Width: It is related to output port resolution(8pixel alignment).TBD Height: It is related to output port resolution (2pixel alignment).
  • Note

3.12. MI_RGN_PaletteElement_t

  • Description

    The structure of the palette element of region

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_PaletteElement_s
        MI_U8 u8Alpha;
        MI_U8 u8Red;
        MI_U8 u8Green;
        MI_U8 u8Blue;
  • Members

    Member Description
    u8Alpha Alpha
    u8Red Red
    u8Green Green
    u8Blue Blue

3.13. MI_RGN_PaletteTable_t

  • Description

    The structure of Palette table.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_PaletteTable_s
        MI_RGN_PaletteElement_t astElement[MI_RGN_MAX_PALETTE_TABLE_NUM];
  • Members

    Member Description
    astElement Color element

3.14. MI_RGN_Attr_t

  • Description

    The structure of region attribute.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_Attr_s
        MI_RGN_Type_e eType;
        MI_RGN_OsdInitParam_t stOsdInitParam;
  • Members

    Member Description
    eType Region type
    stOsdInitParam Region attribute of OSD

3.15. MI_RGN_Bitmap_t

  • Description

    The attribute of bitmap attribute.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_Bitmap_s
        MI_RGN_PixelFormat_e ePixelFormat;
        MI_RGN_Size_t stSize;
        void *pData;
    } MI_RGN_Bitmap_t;
  • Members

    Member Description
    ePixelFormat Pixel format
    stSize Bitmap width, height and stride
    pData The data of bitmap

3.16. MI_RGN_ModId_e

  • Description

    The enumeration of module ID

  • Definition

    typedef enum
        E_MI_RGN_MODID_VPE = 0,
  • Members

    Member Description

3.17. MI_RGN_ChnPort_t

  • Description

    The structure of channel port

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_ChnPort_s
        MI_RGN_ModId_e eModId;
        MI_S32 s32DevId;
        MI_S32 s32ChnId;
        MI_S32 s32OutputPortId;
  • Members

    Member Description
    eModId Module ID
    s32DevId Device ID
    s32ChnId Channel ID
    s32OutputPortId Output port ID

3.18. MI_RGN_Point_t

  • Description

    The structure of coordinates.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_Point_s
        MI_U32 u32X;
        MI_U32 u32Y;
  • Members

    Member Description
    u32X X-axis
    u32Y Y-axis

3.19. MI_RGN_CoverChnPortParam_t

  • Description

    The structure of the covered channel port

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_CoverChnPortParam_s
        MI_U32 u32Layer;
        MI_RGN_Size_t stSize;
        MI_U32 u32Color;
  • Members

    Member Description
    u32Layer Layer. Low value at the bottom.
    stSize Width, height and stride
    u32Color Color,VYU444

3.20. MI_RGN_OsdChnPortParam_t

  • Description

    The structure of the OSD channel port

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_OsdChnPortParam_s
        MI_U32 u32Layer;
        MI_RGN_OsdAlphaAttr_t stOsdAlphaAttr;
  • Members

    Member Description
    u32Layer Layer.Low value at the bottom.

3.21. MI_RGN_OsdArgb1555Alpha_t

  • Description

    Argb1555 only has one bit to describe the alpha, which divide two settings, the foreground alpha with alpha bit equal ‘1’ and background alpha with alpha bit equal ‘0’.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_OsdArgb1555Alpha_s
        MI_U8 u8BgAlpha;
        MI_U8 u8FgAlpha;
  • Members

    Member Description
    u8BgAlpha The alpha value to display in background. Range is from ‘0’ to ‘oxFF’.
    u8FgAlpha The alpha value to display in foreground. Range is from ‘0’ to ‘oxFF’.

3.22. MI_RGN_ChnPortParamUnion_u

  • Description

    The union of the channel port

  • Definition

    typedef union
        MI_RGN_CoverChnPortParam_t stCoverChnPort;
        MI_RGN_OsdChnPortParam_t stOsdChnPort;
    } MI_RGN_ChnPortParamUnion_u;
  • Members

    Member Description
    stCoverChnPort The attribute of covered channel port
    stOsdChnPort The attribute of OSD region on channel port.

3.23. MI_RGN_AlphaModePara_u

  • Description

    The union of the alpha mode parameters.

  • Definition

    typedef union
        MI_RGN_OsdArgb1555Alpha_t stArgb1555Alpha;
        MI_U8 u8ConstantAlpha;
    } MI_RGN_AlphaModePara_u;
  • Members

    Member Description
    stArgb1555Alpha The setting of argb1555 format foreground and background alpha.
    u8ConstantAlpha The setting in constant alpha case, and value range is from 0 to 0xFF.

3.24. MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t

  • Description

    The structure of the attribute of channel port.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_s
        MI_BOOL bShow;
        MI_RGN_Point_t stPoint;
        MI_RGN_ChnPortParamUnion_u unPara;
    } MI_RGN_ChnPortParam_t;
  • Members

    Member Description
    bShow Whether the area is displayed. Range: MI_TRUE or MI_FALSE. Dynamic attribute.
    stPoint Starting point coordinate
    unPara The display attribute of channel port.

3.25. MI_RGN_CanvasInfo_t

  • Description

    The structure of canvas information

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_CanvasInfo_s
        MI_PHY phyAddr;
        MI_VIRT virtAddr;
        MI_RGN_Size_t stSize;
        MI_U32 u32Stride;
        MI_RGN_PixelFormat_e ePixelFmt;
    } MI_RGN_CanvasInfo_t;
  • Members

    Member Description
    phyAddr The physical address of canvas
    virtAddr The virtual address of canvas
    stSize The size of canvas
    u32Stride The stride of canvas
    ePixelFmt The pixel format of canvas

3.26. MI_RGN_InitParam_t

  • Description

    RGN device initialization parameter.

  • Definition

    typedef struct MI_RGN_InitParam_s


    MI_RGN_PaletteTable_t *pstPaletteTable;

    } MI_RGN_InitParam_t;

  • Members

    Member Description
    pstPaletteTable Color element pointer
  • Relevant data types and interface


4. Return Value

The returned values of region module is shown in the following table.

Marco definition Description
MI_RGN_OK Success.
MI_NOTICE_RGN_BUFFER_CHANGE Buffer changed. This happens when the attribute is set and needs to be remapped again
MI_ERR_RGN_INVALID_CHNID Invalid channel ID or the control code
MI_ERR_RGN_ILLEGAL_PARAM Illegal parameters.
MI_ERR_RGN_EXIST Repeat creating the existing devices, channels, or resources.
MI_ERR_RGN_UNEXIST Trying to use or destroy a device, channel, or resource that does not exist.
MI_ERR_RGN_NULL_PTR Null pointer
MI_ERR_RGN_NOT_CONFIG Not configured
MI_ERR_RGN_NOT_PERM This operation is not allowed, such as trying to modify static configuration parameters.
MI_ERR_RGN_NOMEM Failed to allocate memory, such as insufficient system memory.
MI_ERR_RGN_NOBUF The allocation for cache failed, such as the requested data buffer is too large.
MI_ERR_RGN_BUF_EMPTY Buffer is empty.
MI_ERR_RGN_BUF_FULL Buffer is full.
MI_ERR_RGN_BUSY System is busy.
MI_ERR_RGN_NOTREADY The system is not initialized or the corresponding module is not loaded.


5.1. cat

  • Debug info

    # cat  /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn0

  • Debug info analysis

    Record the current RGN usage status and device attributes, and can dynamically obtain information, which is convenient for debugging and testing.

  • Parameter Description

    Parameter Description
    Region capability Region handle The max regions to create are 1024, value range: [0~1023]
    channel The max channels are 64, value range: [0~63]
    Osd attach The max osds that can be bound to each channel of the output port are 128
    Cover attach The max covers that can be bound to each channel of the output port are 4
    Overlay Supported Format Osd supported color format:
    0: ARGB1555, align width by 2 pixels
    1: ARGB4444, align width by 2 pixels
    2: I2, align width by 4 pixels
    3: I4, align width by 2 pixels
    4: I8
    5: RGB565
    6: ARGB8888
    Osd support Osd width value range: 1 ~ 4096
    Osd height value range: 1 ~ 4096
    Color key value: Default colorkey value of the system, except for the index format.
    X pos overlap: Support multiple OSDs overlapping in the x direction.
    Overlap: osd supports overlap or not.
    HW mode: The frontbuffs of Osd, currently set to 8.
    Cover support Osd width value range: 1 ~ 8192
    Osd height value range: 1 ~ 8192
    Overlap: Cover supports overlap or not

    Parameter Description
    Region attr Handle Handle
    Type Osd or Cover
    Width Width
    Height Height
    Stride Stride
    Format Color format [0-6]:
    ARGB1555, ARGB4444, I2, I4, I8, RGB565, ARGB8888
    VirAddr Canvas virtual address
    PhyAddr Canvas physical address
    CanvasCnt Count of buffers currently used by Canvas
    UsingCnt Use the current Canvas hw count

    Parameter Description
    Channel Port Info Frontbuffer info Index Frontbuffer index
    bShow Show it or not
    OffsetX X offset
    OffsetY Y offset
    Width Width
    Height Height
    Stride Stride
    Format Color format
    VirAddr Virtual address
    PhyAddr Physical address
    AlphaMode Alpha mode, pixel alpha or constant alpha
    AlphaVal In constant alpha, alpha value
    BgAlpha In pixel alpha, argb1555 background alpha
    FgAlpha In pixel alpha, argb1555 foreground alpha
    BufCnt Front buffers on the channel
    OsdCnt Number of back buffers for splicing a front buffer on the channel
    Attach info Handle Handle of binding region
    Type Type of binding region
    bShow Show it or not
    Layer Binding cover layer
    Color Binding cover color
    Width Width
    Height Height
    Stride Stride
    PositionX X offset
    PositionY Y offset
    Format Color format of binding osd
    VirAddr Virtual address
    PhyAddr Physical address
    AlphaVal In constant alpha, alpha value
    BgAlpha In pixel alpha, argb1555 background alpha
    FgAlpha In pixel alpha, argb1555 foreground alpha

    Parameter Description
    Buffer info kmalloc Memory bytes allocated in the Region module
    mma alloc Memory bytes allocated in the Region module through sys module

5.2. echo

Dump buffer of specified region
Command echo dumpRgnBuf [Handle] [Path] > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
[Handle] region handle
[Path] Path to save dump data. The saved content is the canvas of the region.
Example echo dumpRgnBuf 0 /mnt > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn0
Generate file Rgn0_canvasInfo_fmt0_64X48 in /mnt. It is the canvas data of the region that the dump handle is 0, the color format is ARGB1555, the stride is 64, and the height is 48.
File format: Rgn[Handle]_canvasInfo_fmt[Format]_[Stride]X[Height]
[Handle] region handle
[Format] Color format, ARGB1555 is 0, ARGB4444 is 1, I2 is 2, I4 is 3.
[Stride] Stride
[Height] Height
Dump frontbuffer of specified channel and port.
Command echo dumpFrontBuf [ModId] [DevId] [ChnID] [PortID] [Path] > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
[ModId] Module ID, refer to the module in mi_common_datatype.h to define enumeration values.
[DevId] Device id
[ChnID] Channel id [0~63]
[PortID] Port id [0~3]
[Path] Path to save dump data. 0~2 files will be generated according to the actual frontbuffers currently used.
Example echo dumpFrontBuf 34 1 0 0 /mnt > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Generate file Mod34_Dev1_Chn0_Port0_frontbuf0_fmt0_64X48 in /mnt. It is the data of the frontbuffer that the dump channel is 0, the output port is port 34, the index is 0, the color format is ARGB1555, the stride is 64, and the height is 48.
File format: Mod[ModId]_Dev[DevId]_Chn[Channel]_Port[Port]_frontbuf[Index]_fmt[Format]_[Stride]X[Height]
[ModId] Output module id
[DevId] Output device id
[Channel] Channel id
[Port] Output port
[Index] Frontbuffer index
[Format] Color format, ARGB1555 is 0, ARGB4444 is 1, I2 is 2, I4 is 3.
[Stride] Stride
[Height] Height
Get region capability info.
Command echo getcap > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Example None
Get created region info.
Command echo dumprgn > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Example None
Get channel and port info.
Command echo dumpchport > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Example None
Get memory usage info.
Command echo bufcnt > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Example None
Get Palette info.
Command echo dumpPalette > proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Example None
Turn on or off a gwin.
Command echo setDispOnOff [ModId] [DevId] [ChnID] [PortID] [Idx] [OnOff] > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
[ModId] Module ID, refer to the module in mi_common_datatype.h to define enumeration values.
[DevId] Device id
[ChnID] Channel id [0~63]
[PortID] Port id [0~3]
[Idx] The gwin number displayed by the osd on the current channel.
[OnOff] 0: OFF, 1: ON
Example echo setDispOnOff 34 1 0 0 0 0 > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Force to update the back buffer of osd.
Command echo forceUpdate [handle] > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
[handle] Osd handle
Example echo forceUpdate 0 > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Set the number of front buffers to be displayed.
Command echo setFbListMaxCnt [ModId] [DevId] [ChnID] [PortID] [SetByUsr] [Cnt] > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
[ModId] Module ID, refer to the module in mi_common_datatype.h to define enumeration values.
[DevId] Device id
[ChnID] Channel id [0~63]
[PortID] Port id [0~3]
[SetByUsr] Set by user or not, 1: Y; 0: N, default by system.
[Cnt] If it is set by user, front buffer is used to display the number, after this setting, you can find it in BufCnt of Frontbuffer info.
Example echo setFbListMaxCnt 34 1 0 0 1 3 > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Enable the real-time OSD display mode to ensure that the OSD is displayed in the next video frame.
Command echo setRealtimeFlip [ModId] [DevId] [ChnID] [PortID] [OnOff] > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
[ModId] Module ID, refer to the module in mi_common_datatype.h to define enumeration values.
[DevId] Device id
[ChnID] Channel id [0~63]
[PortID] Port id [0~3]
[OnOff] RealtimeFlip enable state
Example echo setRealtimeFlip 34 1 0 0 1 >/proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Limit the maximum buffer number of specified handle.
Command echo setMaxCanvasForHandle [handleId] [LimitNum] > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
[handleId] Handle id
[LimitNum] The limited maximum buffer number
Example echo setMaxCanvasForHandle 0 2 > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
Limit the maximum buffer number of specified channel and port.
Command echo setMaxCanvasForPath [ModId] [DevId] [ChnID] [PortID] [LimitNum] > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0
[ModId] Module ID, refer to the module in mi_common_datatype.h to define enumeration values.
[DevId] Device id
[ChnID] Channel id [0~63]
[PortID] Port id [0~3]
[LimitNum] The limited maximum buffer number
Example echo setFbListMaxCnt 34 1 0 0 2 > /proc/mi_modules/mi_rgn/mi_rgn0