SSD_WIFI AP&STA Bridging Introduction

1. Configuration Modification

Kernel config:

make menuconfig
Networking support -> Wireless:
<*> cfg80211 - wireless configuration API
Device Drivers->Generic Driver options
[*] Support for uevent helper
Networking support → Networking options
<M> 802.1d Ethernet Bridging

SSD21x: Modify project/kbuild/customize/4.9.84/p3/dispcam/kernel_mod_list_late

SSD20x: Modify project/kbuild/4.9.84/i2m/configs/nvr/011A/glibc/8.2.1/xxx/modules/kernel_mod_list

Add llc.ko, stp.ko and bridge.ko in turn.

2. Board Modification

0: modify /appconfigs/wpa_supplicant.conf, and add the information of external AP,
/ # vi appconfigs/wpa_supplicant.conf

    ssid="aryl iPhone"
  1. Load the driver

    cd /config/wifi
    mkdir -p /tmp/wifi/run/wpa_supplicant
    insmod llc.ko
    insmod stp.ko
    insmod bridge.ko
  2. Add a configuration to hostapd.conf

    interface=p2p0 //ssw101/2b uses p2p0 as ap interface.
    bridge=br0  //fixed
    hw_mode=g  //fixed

    Note: The front and back of the channel used for bridging are the same, wlan0 is connected to the ap channel, and the corresponding channel must be filled in here.

  3. Add environment variables.

    Add the so file used by wifi to the system. Generally it is export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/lib:pwd under /config/wifi

  4. Initialize wifi

    ssd20x series reference script ./

    ssd21x series reference script ./

    Note: sh: write error: Invalid argument can be ignored.

  5. Establish network adaptor bridging

    ifconfig wlan0 up
    ifconfig p2p0 up
    ifconfig wlan0
    ifconfig p2p0
    brctl addbr br0
    brctl addif br0 wlan0
    brctl addif br0 p2p0
    ifconfig br0 up
  6. Connect wifi to sta

    ./wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -i wlan0 -c /appconfigs/wpa_supplicant.conf -b br0 &
    udhcpc -S /etc/init.d/udhcpc.script -i br0
  7. Open AP mode

    ./hostapd -B /config/wifi/hostapd.conf
    ./dnsmasq -i p2p0 --no-daemon -C /config/wifi/dnsmasq.conf &


SSID: ssw101bap

pwd: 12345678

If sta connect to WAN successfully, it can also link network normally when pc connected to ssw101bap.

Note: When sta is connected to wifi, it prompts wlan0 is not sta mode, it may be that the wifi driver and the kernel do not match. Please find the corresponding wifi module manufacturer to provide a new ko.