1.1. Module Description

AEC (short for Acoustic Echo Cancellation) is a function used to suppress far-end echo.

Echo is common in conference systems, building intercom, security monitoring and other scenarios. When the far-end sound is played from the speaker, the microphone re-collects the sound played by the speaker and transmits it back to the far-end after a very small delay, which will cause an echo to be heard at the far-end.

1.2. Keyword

  • Far-end signal (Sin)

    The signal source of the device speaker, or the signal from the remote.

  • Near-end signal (Rin)

    The signal recorded by the microphone of the device, which may include acoustic echo and near-end talker signals.

  • Acoustic echo (AE)

    The sound played from the speaker of the device is transmitted back to the microphone through a direct or indirect path, and the echo is generated. The far-end talker will hear his echo after a certain delay after speaking. This echo is claimed as an acoustic echo (AE).

  • Single talk

    Only the speaker on the device side plays the far-end signal (Sin = AE + NS when NS =0)

  • Double talk

    While the speaker on the device side is playing, the near-end talker also speaks into the microphone (Sin = AE + NS when NS≠0)

1.3. Note

In order to facilitate debugging and confirm the effect of the algorithm, the user application needs to implement replacement algorithm parameter and grab audio data.


2.1. API List

API name Features
IaaAec_GetBufferSize Get the memory size required for Aec algorithm running
IaaAec_Init Initialize the memory required for the Aec algorithm
IaaAec_Config Configure Aec algorithm
IaaAec_Reset Reinitialize the memory of Aec algorithm
IaaAec_Free Release Aec algorithm resources
IaaAec_Run Aec algorithm processing
IaaAec_GetLibVersion Get the version information of the Aec algorithm

2.2. IaaAec_GetBufferSize

  • Features

    Get the memory size required for Aec algorithm running.

  • Syntax

    unsigned int IaaAec_GetBufferSize(void);
  • Return value

    Return value is the memory size required for Aec algorithm running.

  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioAecProcess.h

    • Library: libAEC_LINUX.so/ libAEC_LINUX.a

  • Note

    The interface only returns the required memory size, and the application and release of memory need to be processed by the application.

2.3. IaaAec_Init

  • Features

    Initialize the memory required for the Aec algorithm.

  • Syntax

    AEC_HANDLE IaaAec_Init (char* working_buffer_address,
    AudioAecInit * aec_init);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    working_buffer_address Memory address used by Aec algorithm input
    aec_init Aec algorithm initialization structure pointer input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioAecProcess.h

    • Library: libAEC_LINUX.so / libAEC_LINUX.a

  • Note

    • Aec algorithm only supports 8K/16K sampling rate.

2.4. IaaAec_Config

  • Features

    Configure Aec algorithm.

  • Syntax

    ALGO_AEC_RET IaaAec_Config(AEC_HANDLE handle,
    AudioAecConfig *aec_config);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    handle Aec algorithm handle input
    aec_config Aec algorithm configuration parameter structure pointer input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioAecProcess.h

    • Library: libAEC_LINUX.so / libAEC_LINUX.a

2.5. IaaAec_Reset

  • Features

    Reinitialize the memory of Aec algorithm.

  • Syntax

    AEC_HANDLE IaaAec_Reset(char* working_buffer_address,
    AudioAecInit * aec_init);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    working_buffer_address Memory address used by Aec algorithm input
    aec_init Aec algorithm initialization structure pointer input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioAecProcess.h

    • Library: libAEC_LINUX.so/ libAEC_LINUX.a

  • Note

    • Reinitialize the Aec algorithm for the same algorithm handle (same memory address) (that is, reset the sampling rate and the number of near-end and far-end channels)

    • After re-initializing the Aec algorithm, it needs to be reconfigured

2.6. IaaAec_Free

  • Features

    Release Aec algorithm resources

  • Syntax

    ALGO_AEC_RET IaaAec_Free(AEC_HANDLE handle);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    handle Aec algorithm handle input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioAecProcess.h

    • Library: libAEC_LINUX.so/ libAEC_LINUX.a

  • Note

    Must call IaaAec_Free first, and then release the memory used by the Aec algorithm.

2.7. IaaAec_Run

  • Features

    Aec algorithm processing

  • Syntax

    ALGO_AEC_RET IaaAec_Run(AEC_HANDLE handle, short*
    pss_audio_near_end, short* pss_audio_far_end);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    handle Algorithm handle input
    pss_audio_near_end Near-end data pointer input/output
    pss_audio_far_end Far-end data pointer input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioAecProcess.h

    • Library: libAEC_LINUX.so/ libAEC_LINUX.a

  • Note

    • The amount of near-end and far-end data must correspond to the point_number (the number of sampling points required for one IaaAec_Run) when calling IaaAec_Init.

    • The result after AEC is output by pss_audio_near_end

  • Example

    #include <stdio.h>  
    #include <string.h>  
    #include <sys/time.h>  
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "AudioAecProcess.h"
    /*  0:Fixed input file  1:User input file   */  
    #define IN_PARAMETER 1
    float AVERAGE_RUN(int a)  
        static unsigned int num = 0;  
        static float avg = 0;  
        if(0 == num)  
            avg = 0;  
        avg = avg + ((float)a - avg) / ((float)num);  
        return avg;  
    unsigned int _OsCounterGetMs(void)  
        struct timeval t1;  
        gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);  
        unsigned int T = ((1000000 * t1.tv_sec) + t1.tv_usec) / 1000;  
        return T;  
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])  
        short in_output[1024];  
        short input_far[1024];  
        char src_file1[128] = {0};  
        char src_file2[128] = {0};  
        char dst_file[128] = {0};  
        unsigned int workingBufferSize;  
        char *workingBuffer = NULL;  
        int counter = 0;  
        ALGO_AEC_RET ret;  
        int tempSize;  
        unsigned int T0, T1;  
        float avg;  
        FILE *fpInFar, *fpOut, *fpInNear;  
        AudioAecInit aec_init;  
        AudioAecConfig aec_config;  
        AEC_HANDLE handle;  
        /*********************User change section start*******************/  
        unsigned int supMode_band[6] = {20,40,60,80,100,120};  
        unsigned int supMode[7] = {4,4,4,4,4,4,4};  
        aec_init.point_number = 128;  
        aec_init.nearend_channel = 1;  
        aec_init.farend_channel = 1;  
        aec_init.sample_rate = IAA_AEC_SAMPLE_RATE_16000;  
        aec_config.delay_sample = 0;  
        aec_config.comfort_noise_enable = IAA_AEC_FALSE;  
        /*********************User change section end*******************/  
        memcpy(&(aec_config.suppression_mode_freq[0]), supMode_band, sizeof(supMode_band));  
        memcpy(&(aec_config.suppression_mode_intensity[0]), supMode, sizeof(supMode));  
        workingBufferSize = IaaAec_GetBufferSize();  
        workingBuffer = (char*)malloc(workingBufferSize);  
        if(NULL == workingBuffer)  
            printf("workingBuffer malloc failed !\n");  
            return -1;  
        printf("workingBuffer malloc success !\n");  
        handle = IaaAec_Init(workingBuffer, &aec_init);  
        if (NULL == handle)  
            printf("AEC init failed !\r\n");  
            return -1;  
        printf("AEC init success !\r\n");  
        ret = IaaAec_Config(handle, &aec_config);  
            printf("IaaAec_Config failed !\n");  
            return -1;  
        printf("IaaAec_Config succeed !\n");
    #if IN_PARAMETER  
        if(argc < 4)  
            printf("Please enter the correct parameters!\n");  
            return -1;  
        sscanf(argv[1], "%s", src_file1);  
        sscanf(argv[2], "%s", src_file2);  
        sscanf(argv[3], "%s", dst_file);  
        sprintf(src_file1, "%s", "./farend.wav");  
        sprintf(src_file2, "%s", "./nearend.wav");  
        if(argc < 2)  
            printf("Please enter the correct parameters!\n");  
            return -1;  
        sscanf(argv[1], "%s", dst_file);  
        fpInFar = fopen(src_file1, "rb");  
        if(NULL == fpInFar)  
            printf("src_file1 open failed !\n");  
            return -1;  
        printf("src_file1 open succeed !\n");  
        fpInNear = fopen(src_file2, "rb");  
        if(NULL == fpInNear)  
            printf("src_file2 open failed !\n");  
            return -1;  
        printf("src_file2 open succeed !\n");  
        fpOut = fopen(dst_file, "wb");  
        if(NULL == fpOut)  
            printf("dst_file open failed !\n");  
            return -1;  
        printf("dst_file open succeed !\n");  
    #if 1  
        fread(in_output, sizeof(char), 44, fpInNear);  // Remove the 44 bytes header  
        fwrite(in_output, sizeof(char), 44, fpOut);  // New file add header  
        fread(input_far, sizeof(char), 44, fpInFar); // Remove the 44 bytes header  
        tempSize = aec_init.point_number * aec_init.nearend_channel;  
        while(fread(in_output, sizeof(short), tempSize, fpInNear))  
            tempSize = aec_init.point_number * aec_init.farend_channel;  
            fread(input_far, sizeof(short), tempSize, fpInFar);  
            T0  = (long)_OsCounterGetMs();  
            ret = IaaAec_Run(handle, in_output, input_far);  
            T1  = (long)_OsCounterGetMs();  
            avg = AVERAGE_RUN(T1 - T0);  
            if(0 == counter % 100)  
                printf("counter = %d\n", counter);  
                printf("current time = %f\n", (float)counter * aec_init.point_number / aec_init.sample_rate);  
                printf("process time = %lu(ms)\t", (long)(T1 - T0));  
                printf("AVG is %.2f ms\n", avg);  
            if(ret < 0)  
                printf("IaaAec_Run failed !\n");  
            tempSize = aec_init.point_number * aec_init.nearend_channel;  
            fwrite(in_output, sizeof(short), tempSize, fpOut);  
        printf("AEC end !\n");
        return 0;  

2.8. IaaAec_GetLibVersion

  • Features

    Get the version information of the Aec algorithm.

  • Syntax

    ALGO_AEC_RET IaaAec_GetLibVersion(unsigned short *ver_year,
    unsigned short *ver_date,
    unsigned short *ver_time);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    ver_year Year when Aec Algorithm Library was built output
    ver_date Date when Aec Algorithm Library was built output
    ver_time Date when Aec Algorithm Library was built output
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioAecProcess.h

    • Library: libAEC_LINUX.so/ libAEC_LINUX.a


3.1. AEC data type list

The AEC module related data types are defined as follows:

DATA TYPE Description
AudioAecInit The initialization parameter structure of the Aec algorithm
AudioAecConfig the configuration parameter structure of the Aec algorithm
IAA_AEC_SAMPLE_RATE AEC algorithm supported sampling rate type
IAA_AEC_BOOL The Boolean type used internally in the Aec algorithm
AEC_HANDLE The handle type of the Aec algorithm

3.2. AudioAecInit

  • Description

    Define the initialization parameter structure of the Aec algorithm.

  • Definition

    typedef struct
        unsigned int point_number;
        unsigned int nearend_channel;
        unsigned int farend_channel;
        IAA_AEC_SAMPLE_RATE sample_rate;
  • Member

    Member name Description
    point_number The number of sampling points processed by the Aec algorithm once
    nearend_channel The near-end channel number ( the microphone channel number)
    farend_channel The far-end channel number (the speaker channel number)
    sample_rate Sampling rate processed by Aec algorithm
  • Related data types and interfaces



3.3. AudioAecConfig

  • Description

    Define the configuration parameter structure of the Aec algorithm

  • Definition

    typedef struct
        IAA_AEC_BOOL comfort_noise_enable;
        short delay_sample;
        unsigned int suppression_mode_freq[6];
        unsigned int suppression_mode_intensity[7];
  • Member

    Member name Description
    comfort_noise_enable Add comfort noise after AEC to avoid the muting part of the paragraph after echo cancellation, which makes users feel disconnected.
    If noise reduction is turned on after AEC, it is recommended to turn on comfort noise to help NR converge noise.
    delay_sample Echo delay samples between left and right channels When Stereo cost down is turned on, you can set the sample delay number according to the relative position of the microphone, reducing the amount of calculation required for the dual-channel.
    Default value : 0
    Unit : the number of samples
    Value ranges: -9-9
    suppression_mode_freq The frequency band division of AEC processing divides the highest frequency that can be resolved by different sampling rates into 128 equal parts. Setting six values, which can cut out seven segments to set different AEC intensities.
    Value ranges: 1-127
    suppression_mode_intensity Set seven intensities respectively in the seven paragraphs cut by the suppression_mode_freq.
    Value ranges: 0-25
  • Note

    • comfort_noise_enable

      After enabling the parameter, the AEC algorithm will add some comfort noise when there is no sound. This function can be enabled when you require a stable noise floor or when AEC is too clean that causes the NR convergence time is too long.

    • delay_sample

      Due to the placement of the microphone and the speaker, the distance between the microphones, etc., the time points when the left and right channels receive the echo are not consistent, and the echo delay between the two channels is different.

      This value indicates how many sampling points the left channel receives the echo earlier than the right channel. You can adjust this value to align the left and right channel data. When setting, please use the left channel as a reference. For example, the echo of the left channel is 4 samples faster than the right, s16DelaySample is set to 4, otherwise it is set to -4.

    • suppression_mode_freq

      This array divides the highest frequency of the current sampling rate into 7 frequency bands for processing. The following is the conversion formula of array elements and frequency range: (residual\ Echo\ Frequency\ Range/(sampleRate/2) \times pointNumber(128), The array requires that each element must be greater than the previous element.

    • suppression_mode_intensity

      This array represents the echo cancellation intensity of each frequency band, and each element corresponds to the 7 frequency bands divided by u32AecSupfreq. The greater the intensity, the more details are eliminated and the more unnatural the sound.

  • Related data types and interfaces



  • Description

    AEC algorithm supported sampling rate type.

  • Definition

    typedef enum
        IAA_AEC_SAMPLE_RATE_8000 = 8000 ,
        IAA_AEC_SAMPLE_RATE_16000 = 16000 ,
  • Member

    Member name Description
    IAA_AEC_SAMPLE_RATE_8000 8K sampling rate
    IAA_AEC_SAMPLE_RATE_16000 16K sampling rate
  • Related data types and interfaces



  • Description

    Define the Boolean type used internally in the Aec algorithm.

  • Definition

    typedef enum
        IAA_AEC_TRUE = 1,
        IAA_AEC_FALSE = 0,
  • Member

    Member name Description
  • Related data types and interfaces




AEC API error codes are shown as follow:

Error code Definition Description
0x00000000 ALGO_AEC_RET_SUCCESS AEC runs successfully
0x10000401 ALGO_AEC_RET_INIT_ERROR AEC isn`t initialized
0x10000403 ALGO_AEC_RET_INVALID_SAMPLE_RATE Sampling frequency doesn`t support
0x10000404 ALGO_AEC_RET_INVALID_POINT_NUMBER Points per frame doesn`t support
0x10000405 ALGO_AEC_RET_INVALID_CHANNEL Channel number doesn`t support
0x10000406 ALGO_AEC_RET_INVALID_SUP_BAND AEC rejection band parameter setting is invalid
0x10000407 ALGO_AEC_RET_INVALID_SUP_MODE AEC rejection intensity parameter setting is invalid
0x10000408 ALGO_AEC_RET_INVALID_COMFORT_NOISE AEC comfort noise parameter setting is invalid
0x10000409 ALGO_AEC_RET_INVALID_DELAY_SAMPLE AEC delay sample number setting is invalid
0x10000410 ALGO_AEC_RET_API_CONFLICT Other APIs are running
0x10000411 ALGO_AEC_RET_INVALID_CALLING Incorrect order of calling API