1. sdk MI_SYS_ReadUuid API读取¶
#include <stdio.h> #include "mi_sys.h" #include "mi_common_datatype.h" int main(void) { MI_U64 u64Uuid; MI_S32 s32Ret = MI_ERR_SYS_FAILED; s32Ret = MI_SYS_ReadUuid (&u64Uuid); if(!s32Ret) { printf("uuid: %llx\n",u64Uuid); } return 0; }
2. APP直接通过reg读取¶
#include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #define DBG_INFO printf #define DBG_ERR printf #define BIT8 0x100 #define BANK_TO_ADDR32(b) (b<<9) #define REG_ADDR(riu_base,bank,reg_offset) ((riu_base)+BANK_TO_ADDR32(bank)+(reg_offset*4)) typedef struct { unsigned char *virt_addr; unsigned char *mmap_base; unsigned int mmap_length; }MmapHandle; static unsigned int const page_size_mask = 0xFFF; MmapHandle* devMemMMap(unsigned int phys_addr, unsigned int length) { int fd; unsigned int phys_offset; fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR|O_SYNC); if (fd == -1) { DBG_ERR("open /dev/mem fail\n"); return NULL; } MmapHandle *handle = malloc(sizeof(MmapHandle)); phys_offset =(phys_addr & (page_size_mask)); phys_addr &= ~(page_size_mask); handle->mmap_length = length + phys_offset; handle->mmap_base = mmap(NULL, handle->mmap_length , PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, phys_addr); handle->virt_addr = handle->mmap_base + phys_offset; DBG_INFO("phys_addr: %#x\n", phys_addr); DBG_INFO("virt_addr: %p\n", handle->virt_addr); DBG_INFO("phys_offset: %#x\n", phys_offset); if (handle->mmap_base == MAP_FAILED) { DBG_ERR("mmap fail\n"); close(fd); free(handle); return NULL; } close(fd); return handle; } int devMemUmap(MmapHandle* handle) { int ret = 0; ret = munmap(handle->mmap_base, handle->mmap_length); if(ret != 0) { printf("munmap fail\n"); return ret; } free(handle); return ret; } int main() { unsigned long long uuid; /* RIU mapping*/ MmapHandle *riu_base = devMemMMap(0x1F000000, 0x2B0000); /*Configure PAD and Clock here*/ //chg default dev2,3 pclk from d4 to gpio2 *(unsigned short*)REG_ADDR(riu_base->virt_addr, 0x20, 0x03) &= ~BIT8; uuid = (unsigned long long )(*(unsigned short*)REG_ADDR(riu_base->virt_addr, 0x20, 0x16)) | ((unsigned long long )(*(unsigned short*)REG_ADDR(riu_base->virt_addr, 0x20, 0x17)) << 16) | ((unsigned long long )(*(unsigned short*)REG_ADDR(riu_base->virt_addr, 0x20, 0x18)) << 32); devMemUmap(riu_base); printf("uuid: %llx\n",uuid); return 0; }
3. 临时通过debug终端读取¶
读取bank20 offset 03的值,然后把bit8清0
依次通过读取bank20 offset 16,17,18获取uuid的值
(16: uuid bit0~bit15,17: uuid bit16~bit31,18: uuid bit32~bit47)