Panel Q&A

Q1: How to dump disp input buf?


echo dumpframe 0 0 /mnt/ > /proc/mi_modules/mi_panel/mi_panel0

Q2: How to turn on the panel power supply backlight control sequence function?

In order to solve the problem of flashing garbage during panel initialization, we have added the panel power supply backlight control sequence function (first power supply, then send data, and then turn on the backlight), and add the following parameters:

m_ePanelPwBlCtrl = 1;                  //Turn on the panel power supply backlight timing control function:  1:  enable, 0:  disable
m_wPanelPwGpioNum = 88;        //The gpio index corresponding to the panel power supply, if not used, fill in 88 (GPIO_NR)
m_wPanelPwmNum = 0;              //Control the pwm corresponding to the backlight, note: it is the pwm group, not the gpio index
m_wPanelDutyVal = 200000;       //pwm duty
m_wPanelDlyTm2Data = 0;          //Delay from panel power supply to data sending, unit: ms
m_wPanelDlyTmData2Bl = 100;   //Delay from sending data to turning on the backlight,  unit: ms
m_wPanelPeriodVal = 200000;     //pwm Period
