Version 1.0

1. Overview

1.1. Module Description

Get image data from sensor by PSPI, or transmit image data to panel through PSPI.


Currently, the sensor can only be connected to PSPI0, and the panel can only be connected to PSPI1.

1.2. Flow Block Diagram

The chip sets PSPI0 as a slave, and then gets data from the sensor through PSPI, and uses a BDMA to write the obtained data into the memory at the same time;

The chip sets PSPI1 as a host, and then sends the data to the panel through PSPI, with a BDMA inside to read the data in the memory.

2. API Reference

2.1. API List

API name Features
MI_PSPI_CreateDevice Create PSPI and configure PSPI properties
MI_PSPI_DestroyDevice Destroy PSPI
MI_PSPI_Transfer Send parameter information to PSPI, and configure the parameters of externally connected devices
MI_PSPI_SetDevAttr Set PSPI properties
MI_PSPI_SetOutputAttr Set PSPI output port properties
MI_PSPI_Enable Enable PSPI
MI_PSPI_Disable Disable PSPI

2.2. MI_PSPI_CreateDevice

  • Features

    Create PSPI and configure PSPI properties.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_CreateDevice (MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev, MI_PSPI_Param_t *
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    MI_PSPI_DEV PSPI specific devices Input
    MI_PSPI_Param_t Specific properties of PSPI devices Input
  • Return value

    • MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Successful.

    • Not MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Failed, refer to Error code.

  • Requirement

    • Header: mi_pspi.h mi_pspi_datatype.h

    • Library: libmi_pspi_user.a/libmi_pspi_user.so

  • Note

    The same PSPI device can’t be created twice in a row. If necessary, you can modify the properties of PSPI through MI_PSPI_SetDevAttr.

2.3. MI_PSPI_DestroyDevice

  • Features

    Destroy PSPI.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_DestroyDevice(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev) ;
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    MI_PSPI_DEV PSPI device that needs to be destroyed. Input
  • Return value

    • MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Successful.

    • Not MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Failed, refer to Error code.

  • Requiretment

    • Header: mi_pspi.h mi_pspi_datatype.h

    • Library: libmi_pspi_user.a/libmi_pspi_user.so

2.4. MI_PSPI_Transfer

  • Features

    Send parameter information to PSPI, and configure the parameters of externally connected devices.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_Transfer(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev, MI_PSPI_Msg_t *pstMsg)
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    MI_PSPI_DEV PSPI specific devices Input
    MI_PSPI_Msg_t Specific parameters sent to the slave device Input
  • Return value

    • MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Successful.

    • Not MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Failed, refer to Error code.

  • Requirement

    • Header: mi_pspi.h mi_pspi_datatype.h

    • Library: libmi_pspi_user.a/libmi_pspi_user.so

  • Note

  • The function sends data to the slave through PSPI to control the slave, For example, when using PSPI to light up the panel, you need to send some control parameters to the panel before sending specific image data, and these control parameters can be sent through this function. The number of parameters sent at one time can be controlled by the PSPI_PARAM_BUFF_SIZE macro in mi_pspi_datatype.h.

2.5. MI_PSPI_SetDevAttr

  • Features

    Set PSPI properties.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_SetDevAttr(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev, MI_PSPI_Param_t *
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    MI_PSPI_DEV PSPI specific devices Input
    MI_PSPI_Param_t Specific properties to be configured Input
  • Return value

    • MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Successful.

    • Not MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Failed, refer to Error code.

  • Requirement

    • Header: mi_pspi.h mi_pspi_datatype.h

    • Library: libmi_pspi_user.a/libmi_pspi_user.so

  • Note

    It is used to modify the properties of PSPI. Ignore it if not used.

2.6. MI_PSPI_SetOutputAttr

  • Features

    Set PSPI output port properties.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_SetOutputAttr(MI_PSPI_OutputAttr_t * pstOutputAttr);
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    MI_PSPI_OutAttr_t Properties to be configured Input
  • Return value

    • MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Successful.

    • Not MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Failed, refer to Error code.

  • Requirement

    • Header: mi_pspi.h mi_pspi_datatype.h

    • Library: libmi_pspi_user.a/libmi_pspi_user.so

  • Note

    It is used to set the buffer attribute for storing sensor data. The function is useless when connecting to the panel. The default attribute of the sensor output channel is 640 * 480, YUV 422 format.

2.7. MI_PSPI_Enable

  • Features

    Enable PSPI device.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_Enable(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev );
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    MI_PSPI_DEV PSPI device to be enabled Input
  • Return value

    • MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Successful.

    • Not MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Failed, refer to Error code.

  • Requirement

    • Header: mi_pspi.h mi_pspi_datatype.h

    • Library: libmi_pspi_user.a/libmi_pspi_user.so

  • Note

    Before using the mi_sys related interface to operate PSPI, you must call this function to enable.

2.8. MI_PSPI_Disable

  • Features

    Disable PSPI.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_Disable(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev );
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    MI_PSPI_DEV PSPI device to be disabled Input
  • Return value

    • MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Successful.

    • Not MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Failed, refer to Error code.

  • Requirement

    • Header: mi_pspi.h mi_pspi_datatype.h

    • Library: libmi_pspi_user.a/libmi_pspi_user.so

  • Note

    When PSPI is not used, this function must be called to disenable it.

3. PSPI Data Type

3.1. PSPI data type list

The PSPI module related data types are defined as follows:

DATA TYPE Description
MI_PSPI_Msg_t Define the data frame of the PSPI device parameters transmitted to the external connection.
MI_PSPI_OutputAttr_t Define PSPI output port properties.
MI_PSPI_Param_t Define PSPI properties.
MI_PSPI_DEV Define PSPI device number.

3.2. MI_PSPI_Msg_t

  • Description

    Define the data frame of the PSPI device parameters transmitted to the external connection.

  • Definition

    typedef struct{
        MI_U16 u16TxSize;
        MI_U16 u16RxSize;
        MI_U8 u8TxBitCount;
        MI_U8 u8RxBitCount;
        MI_U16 au16TxBuf[PSPI_PARAM_BUFF_SIZE];
        MI_U16 au16RxBuf[PSPI_PARAM_BUFF_SIZE];
    } MI_PSPI_Msg_t ;
  • Note

    The maximum number of data transmitted each time is controlled by the macro PSPI_PARAM_BUFF_SIZE.

  • Member

    Member name Description
    u16TxSize Number of sent data (MI_U16 type size)
    u16RxSize Number of received data (MI_U16 type size)
    u8TxBitCount The number of bits transmitted at one time when sending
    u8RxBitCount The number of bits transmitted at one time when receiving
    au16TxBuf[PSPI_PARAM_BUFF_SIZE] Send data buffer
    au16RxBuf[PSPI_PARAM_BUFF_SIZE] Receive data buffer
  • Related data types and interfaces


    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_Transfer(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev, MI_PSPI_Msg_t *pstMsg)

3.3. MI_PSPI_OutputAttr_t

  • Description

    Define PSPI output port properties. It is used to describe the properties of the connected sensor, because PSPI has an output port only when it is connected to sensor.

  • Definition

    typedef struct
      MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e ePixelFormat;
      MI_U16 u16Width;
      MI_U16 u16Height;
  • Member

    Member name Description
    ePixelFormat Define the format of sensor input data
    u16Width Define the width of the sensor input image data
    u16Height Define the height of sensor input image data
  • Related data types and interfaces

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_SetOutputAttr(MI_PSPI_OutputAttr_t * pstOutputAttr);

3.4. MI_PSPI_Param_t

  • Description

Define PSPI properties.

  • Definition

    typedef struct
        MI_U32 u32MaxSpeedHz;
        MI_U16 u16DelayCycle;
        MI_U16 u16WaitCycle;
        MI_U16 u16PspiMode;
        MI_U8 u8DataLane;
        MI_U8 u8BitsPerWord;
        MI_U8 u8RgbSwap;
        MI_U8 u8TeMode;
        MI_U8 u8ChipSelect;
  • Member

    Member name Description Optional value
    u32MaxSpeedHz Max clock frequency
    u16PspiMode PSPI mode configuration 0:Host mode, MSB, receiving on rising edge, sending on falling edge, chip select signal active low.
    SPI_CPHA: sending on rising edge, receiving on falling edge.
    SPI_CPOL: sending on rising edge, receiving on falling edge SPI_CPHA|SPI_CPOL: receiving on rising edge, sending on falling edge SPI_SLAVE: PSPI as a slave SPI_LSB: PSPI LSB first SPI_SSPOL: Chip select signal polarity control, high level is effective when set.
    u8DataLane Number of data lines when sending DATA_SINGLE: Single line
    DATA_DUAL: Double line
    DATA_QUAD: Quadra line
    u8BitsPerWord Number of bits sent each time Can be configured from 3 to 32
    u8RgbSwap The format and the number of data lines when sending data to the panel Need to configure data_lane synchronously
    u8TeMode Whether to use TE mode 1: Y; 0: N
    u8ChipSelect PSPI chip select signal MI_PSPI_SELECT_0 MI_PSPI_SELECT_1
  • Related data types and interfaces

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_CreateDevice(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev, MI_PSPI_Param_t * pstPspiParam);

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_SetDevAttr(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev, MI_PSPI_Param_t * pstPspiParam);


  • Description

    Define the PSPI number inside the chip.

  • Definition

    typedef MI_S32 MI_PSPI_DEV;
  • Note

    The parameter value can be set to 0 or 1, respectively representing PSPI0 and PSPI1 inside the chip. PSPI0 is used to represent receiving (RX), and PSPI1 represents sending (RX).

  • Related data types and interfaces

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_CreateDevice(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev, MI_PSPI_Param_t * pstPspiParam);

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_DestroyDevice(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev);

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_Transfer(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev, MI_PSPI_Msg_t * pstMsg );

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_SetDevAttr(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev, MI_PSPI_Param_t * pstPspiParam);

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_Disable(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev);

    MI_S32 MI_PSPI_Enable(MI_PSPI_DEV PspiDev);

4. Program routines

4.1. Sensor routine

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int fd = 0
    MI_PSPI_DEV   pspi_dev = 0;
    MI_PSPI_Param_t  pspi_para;
    MI_PSPI_OutputAttr_t stOutputAttr;
    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stChnPort;
    MI_SYS_BufInfo_t stBufInfo;
        MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE hSysBuf;

    memset(&stChnPort, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_ChnPort_t));
    memset(&stBufInfo, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_BufInfo_t));
    memset(&hSysBuf, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE));
    memset(&pspi_para, 0x0, sizeof(MI_PSPI_SpiParam_t));

    stChnPort.eModId    = E_MI_MODULE_ID_PSPI;
    stChnPort.u32DevId  = 0;
    stChnPort.u32ChnId  = 0;
    stChnPort.u32PortId = 0;

    stOutputAttr.u16Width   = 1920;
    stOutputAttr.u16Width   = 1080;
    stOutputAttr.ePixelFormat = E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_420;

    pspi_para.u8BitsPerWord    = 8;
        pspi_para.u8DataLane        = DATA_DUAL;
    pspi_para.u16DelayCycle      = 0;
    pspi_para.u16WaitCycle       = 0;
    pspi_para.u8RgbSwap         = 0;
    pspi_para.u32MaxSpeedHz     = 1000000;
    pspi_para.u16PspiMode         = SPI_SLAVE;
    pspi_para.u8ChipSelect      = MI_PSPI_SELECT_0;
Send commands to the sensor via I2C etc.

MI_PSPI_CreateDevice(pspi_dev, &pspi_para);
MI_PSPI_SetOutputAttr(&stOutputAttr);  // Modify the properties of the sensor input image
MI_PSPI_Enable(pspi_dev);// Removed the judgment of the return value of the function call

if (MI_SUCCESS != MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf(&stChnPort, &stBufInfo, &hSysBuf))
    goto GET_OUT_BUF;

fd = open(picture, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0777);
write(fd, tBufInfo.stFrameData.pVirAddr[0], stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32BufSize));

if (MI_SUCCESS != MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortPutBuf(hSysBuf))
    goto PUT_OUT_BUF;

Return 0;

4.2. Panel routine

int mainint argc, char *argv[])
    MI_S32 s32Ret = 0;
    MI_U16 * buff = NULL;
    MI_U32 size = 0;
    MI_PSPI_Msg_t  pspi_msg;
    MI_PSPI_Param_t  pspi_para;
    MI_PSPI_DEV   pspi_dev = 1;
    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t  stChnPort;
    MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE  stHandle;
    MI_SYS_BufInfo_t   stBufInfo;
MI_SYS_BufConf_t  stBufConf;

    pspi_para.u8BitsPerWord    = 9;
        pspi_para.u8DataLane       = DATA_SINGLE;
    pspi_para.u16DelayCycle    = 2;
    pspi_para.u16WaitCycle     = 2;
    pspi_para.u8RgbSwap        = 0;
    pspi_para.u32MaxSpeedHz    = 1000000;
    pspi_para.u16PspiMode      = 0;
    pspi_para.u8ChipSelect     = MI_PSPI_SELECT_0;
    pspi_para.u8TeMode         = 0;
    MI_PSPI_CreateDevice(pspi_dev, &pspi_para);// Removed the judgment of the return value of the function call
    memset(&pspi_msg, 0 ,sizeof(MI_PSPI_Msg_t));
    pspi_msg.u8TxBitCount = 9;// Different values can be selected according to different panels
    pspi_msg.u8RxBitCount = 8;
    pspi_msg.u8TxSize = 1;
    //0xDA   // Send the corresponding control command according to the panel model, depending on the panel model
    pspi_msg.au16TxBuf[0] = 0xDA;
    MI_PSPI_Transfer(pspi_dev,  & pspi_msg);
    /****    Send command to panel   *****/
    memset(&stChnPort, 0, sizeof(MI_SYS_ChnPort_t));
    memset(&stBufConf, 0, sizeof(MI_SYS_BufConf_t));
    memset(&stBufInfo, 0, sizeof(MI_SYS_BufInfo_t));
    memset(&stHandle, 0, sizeof(MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE));

    stChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_PSPI;
    stChnPort.u32DevId = 1;
    stChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stChnPort.u32PortId = 0;

    stBufConf.eBufType = E_MI_SYS_BUFDATA_FRAME;
    stBufConf.stFrameCfg.u16Height = 240;
    stBufConf.stFrameCfg.u16Width  = 320;// Depends on the situation
    stBufConf.stFrameCfg.eFrameScanMode = E_MI_SYS_FRAME_SCAN_MODE_PROGRESSIVE;
    stBufConf.stFrameCfg.eFormat    = E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB565;

if(MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf(&stChnPort,&stBufConf,&stBufInfo,&stHandle,4000)!= MI_SUCCESS)
                printf("get input port buf red failed\n");
                goto getBuff1;
                printf("MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf success 1\n");

                buff =  (MI_U16 *)stBufInfo.stFrameData.pVirAddr[0];
                size = stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32BufSize/2;
                for(i = 0; i < size ; i++)
                    buff[i] = 0xf800;

                if(MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBuf(stHandle, &stBufInfo, FALSE) != MI_SUCCESS)
printf("writter frame err 1\n");
                    goto putbuff1;
                    printf("written a frame red to screen success\n");

4.3. Panel display Sensor image routine

(Because the pixel and format of the sensor image currently in use are different from the panel, a vpe module must be connected in between them. For the related configuration of the vpe module, please refer to MI_VPE_API.)

#define           FRAME_RATE                 30
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    MI_S32 s32Ret = 0;
    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stSensorChnPort;
    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stPanelChnPort;
    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stDivpChnPort;

    MI_SYS_BindType_e eBindType;
    MI_U32 u32BindParam;
/* Initialize and enable sensor, refer to section 4.1 */
/* Initialize and enable panel, refer to section 4.2 */

//vpe initialization
MI_DIVP_ChnAttr_t stAttr;
MI_DIVP_OutputPortAttr_t stOutputPortAttr;
memset(&stAttr, 0, sizeof(stAttr));

stAttr.bHorMirror = false;
stAttr.bVerMirror = false;
stAttr.eDiType = E_MI_DIVP_DI_TYPE_OFF;
stAttr.eRotateType = E_MI_SYS_ROTATE_NONE;
stAttr.eTnrLevel = E_MI_DIVP_TNR_LEVEL_OFF;
stAttr.stCropRect.u16X = 0;
stAttr.stCropRect.u16Y = 0;
stAttr.stCropRect.u16Width = 640;
stAttr.stCropRect.u16Height = 480;
stAttr.u32MaxWidth = 640;
stAttr.u32MaxHeight = 480;

s32Ret = MI_DIVP_CreateChn(0, &stAttr);
stOutputPortAttr.eCompMode = E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_NONE;
stOutputPortAttr.ePixelFormat = E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB565;
stOutputPortAttr.u32Width = 240;
stOutputPortAttr.u32Height = 320;
s32Ret = MI_DIVP_SetOutputPortAttr(0, &stOutputPortAttr);
s32Ret = MI_DIVP_StartChn(0);

stSensorChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_PSPI;
stSensorChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
stSensorChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
stSensorChnPort.u32PortId = 0;

stDivpInputChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_DIVP;
stDivpInputChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
stDivpInputChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
stDivpInputChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    stPanelChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_PSPI;
    stPanelChnPort.u32DevId = 1;
    stPanelChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stPanelChnPort.u32PortId = 0;

    u32BindParam = 0;


    MI_SYS_BindChnPort2(&stSensorChnPort, &stDivpChnPort, FRAME_RATE, FRAME_RATE, eBindType, u32BindParam);

    MI_SYS_BindChnPort2(&stDivpChnPort, &stPanelChnPort, FRAME_RATE, FRAME_RATE, eBindType, u32BindParam);



    return 0;

5. Error code

PSPI API error codes are shown as follow:

Error code Definition Description
0 MI_PSPI_SUCCESS Function runs successfully
-1 MI_PSPI_FAIL Function runs failed
-2 MI_ERR_PSPI_NULL_PTR Input null pointers
-3 MI_ERR_PSPI_NO_MEM No memory
-4 MI_ERR_PSPI_ILLEGAL_PARAM Enter illegal and inappropriate parameters
-5 MI_ERR_PSPI_DEV_NOT_INIT PSPI doesn`t initialized
-6 MI_ERR_PSPI_ENABLE_CHN_FAILED Enable channel failed
-7 MI_ERR_PSPI_ENABLE_PORT_FAILED Enable port failed
-8 MI_ERR_PSPI_DISABLE_CHN_FAILED Disenable channel failed
-9 MI_ERR_PSPI_DISABLE_PORT_FAILED Disenable port failed