Version 1.1

1. Overview

1.1. Algorithm Description

BF (short for Beamforming) or spatial filtering is a directional signal processing technology for sensor array transmission or reception. Strengthen the signal to achieve a specific angle combination of components in the microphone array in such a way, while others will be attenuated. Beamforming can be used at the transmitter and receiver to achieve spatial selectivity.

1.2. Keyword

1.2.1. Noise Gate

Noise Gate (dBFS), below this value, the frame will be treated as noise.

If the setting is too high, it will easily cause voice distortion. If the setting is too low, the algorithm effect will be affected. So we should to handle it with care. The value range is [-80,0], the recommended value is -44, and the step size is 1.

1.2.2. Noise Suppression Mode

Noise Suppression Mode, the larger the value, the stronger the noise cancellation intensity.

If the setting is too high, it will easily cause voice distortion. If the setting is too low, the algorithm effect will be affected. So we should to handle it with care. The value range is [0,30], the recommended value is 44, and the step size is 1.

1.3. Note

In order to facilitate debugging and confirm the effect of the algorithm, the user application needs to implement replacement algorithm parameter and grab audio data.

2. API Reference

2.1. API List

API name Features
IaaBf_GetBufferSize Get the memory size required for Bf algorithm running
IaaBf_Init Initialize Bf algorithm
IaaBf_Config Configure Bf algorithm
IaaBf_Get_Config Get the current configuration parameter information of the Bf algorithm
IaaBf_Run Bf algorithm processing
IaaBf_Reset Reinitialize Bf algorithm
IaaBf_Free Release Bf algorithm resources

2.2. IaaBf_GetBufferSize

  • Features

    Get the memory size required for Bf algorithm running.

  • Syntax

    unsigned int IaaBf_GetBufferSize(void);
  • Return value

    Return value is the memory size required for Bf algorithm running.

  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioBfProcess.h

    • Library: libBF_LINUX.so/ libBF_LINUX.a

  • Note

    The interface only returns the required memory size, and the application and release of memory need to be processed by the application.

  • Example

    Please refer to IaaBf_Run example.

2.3. IaaBf_Init

  • Features

    Initialize the Bf algorithm.

  • Syntax

    BF_HANDLE IaaBf_Init(char*
    working_buffer,AudioBfInit* bf_init);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    working_buffer Memory address used by Bf algorithm Input
    bf_init Bf algorithm initialization structure pointer Input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    Not NULL Successful
    NULL Failed
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioBfProcess.h

    • Library: libBF_LINUX.so/ libBF_LINUX.a

  • Example

    Please refer to IaaBf_Run example.

2.4. IaaBf_Config

  • Features

    Configure Bf algorithm.

  • Syntax

    handle,AudioBfConfig* bf_config);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    handle Bf algorithm handle Input
    bf_config Bf algorithm configuration structure pointer Input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to Error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioBfProcess.h

    • Library: libBF_LINUX.so/ libBF_LINUX.a

  • Example

    Please refer to IaaBf_Run example.

2.5. IaaBf_Get_Config

  • Features

    Get the current configuration parameter information of the Bf algorithm.

  • Syntax

    ALGO_BF_RET IaaBf_Get_Config(BF_HANDLE
    handle,AudioBfConfig *bf_config);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    handle Bf algorithm handle Input
    bf_config Bf algorithm configuration structure pointer Output
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to Error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioBfProcess.h

    • Library: libBF_LINUX.so/ libBF_LINUX.a

  • Example

    Please refer to IaaBf_Run example.

2.6. IaaBf_Run

  • Features

    Bf algorithm processing.

  • Syntax

    ALGO_BF_RET IaaBf_Run(BF_HANDLE handle,short* microphone_input,int *
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    handle Bf algorithm handle Input
    microphone_input Data pointer waiting for sound source location confirming Input
    microphone_doa Beamforming processing angle. Calculated by SSL, which will calculate the direction of the voice. If the sound comes from the front (fixed direction), you can input array 0. The length of this array should be the number of microphones minus 1. Input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to Error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioBfProcess.h

    • Library: libBF_LINUX.so/ libBF_LINUX.a

  • Note

    • The data pointed to by microphone_input should use the sampling point as the smallest unit and be placed in the format of L, R, L, R.... The length must correspond to the point_number (the number of sampling points once beamforming process) set in IaaBf_Init.
  • Example

    #include <stdio.h>  
    #include <string.h>  
    #include <sys/time.h>  
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "AudioBfProcess.h"
    /*  0:Fixed input file  1:User input file   */  
    #define IN_PARAMETER 1
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])  
        short in_output[1024];  
        char *workingBuffer = NULL;  
        unsigned int workingBufferSize;  
        int tempSize;  
        int delay_sample = 0;  
        AudioBfInit bf_init;  
        AudioBfConfig bf_config, bf_get_config;  
        BF_HANDLE handle;  
        FILE* fpIn;  
        FILE* fpOut;  
        char src_file[128] = {0};  
        char dst_file[128] = {0};
    #if IN_PARAMETER  
        if(argc < 3)  
            printf("Please enter the correct parameters!\n");  
            return -1;  
        sscanf(argv[1], "%s", src_file);  
        sscanf(argv[2], "%s", dst_file);  
        sprintf(src_file, "%s", "./12cm_2mic_8k_0degree.wav");  
        if(argc < 2)  
            printf("Please enter the correct parameters!\n");  
            return -1;  
        sscanf(argv[1], "%s", dst_file);  
        /****User change section start****/  
        bf_init.mic_distance = 12;  
        bf_init.point_number = 128;  
        bf_init.sample_rate = 8000;  
        bf_init.channel = 2;
        bf_config.noise_gate_dbfs = -40;  
        bf_config.temperature = 25;  
        bf_config.noise_supression_mode = 8;  
        bf_config.noise_estimation = 1;  
        bf_config.output_gain = 0.7;  
        bf_config.vad_enable = 0;
        /****User change section end ****/  
        workingBufferSize = IaaBf_GetBufferSize();  
        workingBuffer = (char*)malloc(workingBufferSize);  
        if(NULL == workingBuffer)  
            printf("workingBuffer malloc failed !\n");  
            return -1;  
        handle = IaaBf_Init(workingBuffer, &bf_init);  
        if (NULL == handle)  
            printf("IaaBf_Init failed !\n");  
            return -1;  
        printf("IaaBf_Init succeed !\n");  
        ret = IaaBf_Config(handle, &bf_config);  
        if (ALGO_BF_RET_SUCCESS != ret)  
            printf("IaaBf_Config failed !, ret = %d\n", ret);  
            return -1;  
        printf("IaaBf_Config succeed !\n");  
        ret = IaaBf_Get_Config(handle, &bf_get_config);  
        if(ALGO_BF_RET_SUCCESS != ret)  
            printf("IaaBf_Get_Config dailed !, ret = %d\n", ret);  
            return -1;  
        printf("IaaBf_Get_Config succeed !\n");  
        printf("bf_get_config.noise_gate_dbfs = %d\n", bf_get_config.noise_gate_dbfs);  
        printf("bf_get_config.temperature = %u\n", bf_get_config.temperature);  
        printf("bf_get_config.noise_supression_mode = %d\n", bf_get_config.noise_supression_mode);  
        printf("bf_get_config.noise_estimation = %d\n", bf_get_config.noise_estimation);  
        printf("bf_get_config.output_gain = %f\n", bf_get_config.output_gain);  
        fpIn = fopen(src_file, "rb");  
        if(NULL == fpIn)  
            printf("fopen in_file failed !\n");  
            return -1;  
        printf("fopen in_file success !\n");  
        fpOut = fopen(dst_file, "wb");  
        if(NULL == fpOut)  
            printf("fopen out_file failed !\n");  
            return -1;  
        printf("fopen out_file success !\n");  
    #if 1  
        fread(in_output, sizeof(char), 44, fpIn);  
        fwrite(in_output, sizeof(char), 44, fpOut);  
        tempSize = bf_init.point_number * bf_init.channel;  
        while(tempSize == fread(in_output, sizeof(short), tempSize, fpIn))  
            ret = IaaBf_Run(handle, in_output, &delay_sample);  
            if(ALGO_BF_RET_SUCCESS != ret)  
                printf("IaaBf_Run failed !\n");  
                return -1;  
            fwrite(in_output, sizeof(short), tempSize, fpOut);  
        ret = IaaBf_Free(handle);  
        if(ALGO_BF_RET_SUCCESS != ret)  
            printf("IaaBf_Free failed !, ret = %d\n", ret);  
            return -1;  
        printf("IaaBf_Free succeed !\n");  
        printf("BF end !\n");
        return 0;  

2.7. IaaBf_Reset

  • Features

    Reinitialize Bf algorithm.

  • Syntax

    working_buffer,AudioBfInit* bf_init);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    working_buffer Bf algorithm running memory address Input
    bf_init Bf algorithm initialization structure pointer Input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    Not NULL Successful
    NULL Failed
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioBfProcess.h

    • Library: libBF_LINUX.so/ libBF_LINUX.a

2.8. IaaBf_Free

  • Features

    Release Bf algorithm resources.

  • Syntax

    ALGO_BF_RET IaaBf_Free(BF_HANDLE handle);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    handle Bf algorithm handle Input
  • Return value

    Return value Result
    0 Successful
    Non-zero Failed, refer to Error code
  • Dependency

    • Header: AudioBfProcess.h

    • Library: libBF_LINUX.so/ libBF_LINUX.a

  • Example

    Please refer to IaaBf_Run example.

3. BF Data Type

3.1. BF data type list

DATA TYPE Description
AudioBfInit Bf algorithm initialization parameter structure type
AudioBfConfig Bf algorithm configuration parameter structure type
BF_HANDLE Bf algorithm handle type

3.2. AudioBfInit

  • Description

    Define Bf algorithm initialization parameter structure type.

  • Definition

    typedef struct
        unsigned int point_number;
        unsigned int sample_rate;
        unsigned int mic_distance;
        unsigned int channel;
  • Member

    Member name Description
    point_number The sampling points that Bf algorithm processed once
    sample_rate Sampling rate, currently supports 8k/16k/32k/48k
    mic_distance The distance between two mics, unit: cm, recommend: 5cm or 6cm
    channel Number of channels
  • Related data types and interfaces



3.3. AudioBfConfig

  • Description

    Define Bf algorithm configuration parameter structure type

  • Definition

    typedef struct
        unsigned int temperature;
        int noise_gate_dbfs;
        int noise_supression_mode;
        int noise_estimation;
        float output_gain;
        int vad_enable;
  • Member

    Member name Description
    temperature Ambient temperature (Celsius) Celsius = (5/9) * (Fahrenheit-32) Step size is 1
    noise_gate_dbfs Noise Gate(dB) below this value, the frame will be treated as noise. So we should to handle it with care. If the setting is too high, it will easily cause voice distortion. If the setting is too low, it will affect the effect of BF. Recommended value: -44, step size: 1.
    noise_supression_mode Noise Suppression Mode, the larger the value, the stronger the noise cancellation intensity. So we should to handle it with care. If the setting is too high, it will easily cause voice distortion. If the setting is too low, it will affect the effect of BF. Range: [0,30], Recommended value: 8, step size: 1
    noise_estimation Noise estimation mode,Input: 0 or 1. 0: Adaptive mode; recommended for keyword positioning preprocessing; 1: Average mode; recommended for voice communication.
    output_gain Output gain, range: [0,1] Setting to 0.7 is normal, Recommendation value without any gain; Setting to 1, will increase 4dB.
    vad_enable Whether voice alive detection (VAD) mode is enable. Input: 0 or 1. If this setting is enable, VAD is used to calculate whether each frame enters the noise estimation process. If this setting is disable, the noise_gate_dbfs set above is used to determine whether it is treated as noise.
  • Related data types and interfaces




4. Error code

BF API error codes are shown as follow:

Error code Definition Description
0x00000000 ALGO_BF_RET_SUCCESS BF runs successfully
0x10000301 ALGO_BF_RET_INIT_ERROR BF initialization error
0x10000302 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_CONFIG BF Config is invalid
0x10000303 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_HANDLE BF Handle is invalid
0x10000304 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_NOISE_ESTIMATION BF noise estimation mode setting is invalid
0x10000305 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_VAD_ENABLE BF VAD mode setting is invalid
0x10000306 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_OUTPUT_GAIN BF output gain setting is invalid
0x10000307 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_NOISE_SUPMODE BF noise suppression setting is invalid
0x10000308 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_INPUT_POINTER BF input indicator is invalid
0x10000309 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_SAMPLERATE BF sampling rate is invalid
0x10000310 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_POINTNUMBER BF sampling point is invalid
0x10000311 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_CHANNEL BF channel number is invalid
0x10000312 ALGO_BF_RET_INVALID_CALLING BF call API sequence error
0x10000313 ALGO_BF_RET_API_CONFLICT Other APIs are running