AE/AWB/AF Interface

Version 1.9

1. System Architecture

According to the ISP architecture, apart from the main ISP core, additional 3A algorithm modules can be plugged in to the ISP block. Customers can develop AWB/AE/AF algorithm libraries of their own and connect them to ISP by registering the AWB/AE/AF Interfaces.

The CUS3A feeds hardware statistics to the AWB/AE/AF algorithm via AWB/AE/AF interface during ISP operation, and the AWB/AE/AF algorithm reports the corresponding results back to the CUS3A Host. The CUS3A Host then writes the algorithm results to the ISP middleware via MI_ISP, and the algorithm results are finally written to hardware through the corresponding ISP driver / sensor driver.

Based on this architecture, custom algorithm can focus solely on the calculation of input and output, without the need to handle any system integration related issues.

2. AE/AWB Operation Flow

Before proceeding with MI_SYS_Init(), customer application must register the AE/AWB callback function via CUS3A_RegInterface() first. In the subsequent ISP initialization stage, the ISP core notifies the algorithm via init() to do initialization. Once the front-end sensor starts to preview frames, the ISP core will call run() at frame interrupt and bring the hardware statistics into the algorithm. When the ISP is closed, release() will be called to request the algorithm to release all resources.

In the flowchart above, functions indicated in red represent callback functions required on the part of the algorithm.

3. AE/AWB Statistic Format

The format of AE/AWB statistics in code is as defined below. Each frame will produce 128*90 entries of sampling data.

In Macaron and Pudding, each frame will produce only 32*32 entries of sampling data on AE statistics.

#define isp_3A_ROW  (128)   /**< number of 3A statistic blocks in a row */
#define isp_3A_COL  (90)    /**< number of 3A statistic blocks in a column */ @brief Single AE HW statistics data*/
typedef struct
    U8  r;  /**< block pixel R average , 0~255*/
    U8  g;  /**< block pixel G average , 0~255, g=(Gr+Gb+1)>>1*/
    U8  b;  /**< block pixel B average , 0~255*/
    U8  y;  /**< block pixel Y average , 0~255, /
            y=(Ravg*9 +Gavg*19 +Bavg*4 + 16)>>5 */
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) ISP_AE_SAMPLE;

/*! @brief Single AWB HW statistics data*/
typedef struct
    U8  r;  /**<center pixel R value , 0~255    */
    U8  g;  /**<center pixel G value , 0~255    */
    U8  b;  /**<center pixel B value , 0~255    */
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) ISP_AWB_SAMPLE;

ISP will transmit AE/AWB statistics to the algorithm at each frame end. The data arrangement is shown in the following table. As can be seen from the table, ISP divides images into isp_3A_ROW x isp_3A_COL blocks and calculates the statistics to be filled into each block.



If RGB-IR sensor is used, hardware will further extract the histogram relating to the IR information for reference by AE.

#define _3A_IR_HIST_BIN  (256)   /**< histogram type2 resolution*/

typedef struct
    u16 u2IRHist[_3A_IR_HIST_BIN];
} ____attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) ISP_IR_HISTX;

4. AF Statistic Format

By configuring AF statistic window (ISP_AF_RECT), where 16*n (n = 1~16) windows are available for configuration of (af_stats_win[16]), each frame will output the statistical results using the output structure defined by ISP_AF_STATS. For each window, the output statistics will contain 6 types of filter statistics.

The following table shows the number of filter bits supported:

Filter Bit & Chip Type Twinkie Pretzel Macaron/Pudding
IIR / Sobel 34 35 35
Luma 34 32 32
YSat 24 22 22

In the case where AF ROI Mode = AF_ROI_MODE_NORMAL, refer to CusAFStats_t.stParaAPI[0].

In the case where AF ROI Mode = AF_ROI_MODE_MATRIX, refer to CusAFStats_t.stParaAPI[0~15].

typedef struct {
    MI_U32 u32StartX;   /*range : 0~1023*/
    MI_U32 u32StartY;   /*range : 0~1023*/
    MI_U32 u32EndX;     /*range : 0~1023*/
    MI_U32 u32EndY;     /*range : 0~1023*/

typedef struct {
    MI_U8 u8WindowIndex;
} CusAFWin_t;

//for Pretzel, Macaron, Pudding              //for Twinkie
typedef struct{                         typedef struct{
    MI_U8 high_iir[5*16];                       MI_U8 high_iir[6*16];
    MI_U8 low_iir[5*16];                        MI_U8 low_iir[6*16];
    MI_U8 luma[4*16];                           MI_U8 luma[6*16];
    MI_U8 sobel_v[5*16];                        MI_U8 sobel_v[6*16];
    MI_U8 sobel_h[5*16];                        MI_U8 sobel_h[6*16];
    MI_U8 ysat[3*16];                           MI_U8 ysat[3*16];
} AF_STATS_PARAM_t ;                        } AF_STATS_PARAM_t ;

typedef struct{                         typedef struct{
    AF_STATS_PARAM_t stParaAPI[16];             AF_STATS_PARAM_t stParaAPI;
} CusAFStats_t;                         } CusAFStats_t;

4.1. AF Filter Description

Parameter Name Description Input/Output
IIR_1 AF horizontal direction IIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output
IIR_2 AF horizontal direction IIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output
Luma AF luminance statistics as calculated by ROI Output
FIR_H AF horizontal direction FIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output
FIR_V AF vertical direction FIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output
YSat Number of statistical values greater than YThd in AF FIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output

Data Example:

General scene far focus:

General scene near focus:

Low brightness scene far focus:

Low brightness scene far focus with light source:


High brightness scene with IIR:

Low brightness scene with IIR:

5. AE Result

After the ISP calls run() to run AE algorithm, the AE algorithm must provide the corresponding results back to the ISP, in the format specified below:

/*! @brief ISP ae algorithm result*/
typedef struct
    U32 Size;       /**< struct size*/
    U32 Change;    /**< if true, apply this result to hw register*/
    U32 Shutter;    /**< Shutter in us */
    U32 SensorGain; /**< Sensor gain, 1X = 1024 */
    U32 IspGain;    /**< ISP gain, 1X = 1024 */
    U32 ShutterHdrShort;    /**< Shutter in us */
    U32 SensorGainHdrShort; /**< Sensor gain, 1X = 1024 */
    U32 IspGainHdrShort;    /**< ISP gain, 1X = 1024 */
    U32 u4BVx16384; /**< Bv * 16384 in APEX system, EV = Av + Tv = Sv + Bv */
    U32 AvgY;       /**< frame brightness */
    U32 HdrRatio;   /**< hdr ratio, 1X = 1024 */

/*CUS3A v1.1*/
    U32 FNx10;           /**< F number * 10 */
    U32 DebandFPS;      /**< Target fps when running auto debanding*/
U32 WeightY;        /**< frame brightness with ROI weight*/

/*CUS3A v1.3*/
    U16 GMBlendRatio;  /**< Adaptive Gamma Blending Ratio from AE**/
U16 IRLightStr;    /**< Setting IR light source strength , range 0~100**/

Size: Size of ISP_AE_RESULT, used to deal with version backward compatibility issue.

Change: If set to 1, ISP will write the value to hardware; if 0, ISP will ignore the current result.

Shutter: Sets the sensor shutter time.

SensorGain: Sets the sensor gain. Digital/Analog gain distribution rate will be decided by sensor driver.

IspGain: Sets the ISP digital gain.

ShutterHdrShort: Sets the short-exposure sensor time.

SensorGainHdrShort: Sets the short-exposure sensor gain. Digital/Analog gain distribution rate will be decided by sensor driver.

IspGainHdrShort: Sets the short-exposure ISP digital gain.

u4BVx16384: Brightness value of current scene based on APEX calculation formula. This value will be referenced by IQ algorithm.

AvgY: Average grayscale brightness of current frame. This value will be referenced by IQ algorithm.

HdrRatio: HDR long/short exposure ratio of current frame. This value will be referenced by IQ algorithm.

Fnx10: Sets the FN Number.

DebandFPS: Sets the FPS.

WeightY: The average grayscale brightness after ROI weighting of current frame. This value will be referenced by IQ algorithm.

GMBlendRatio: It only works when both AdaptiveGamma and RGBGamma of IQ are enabled. IQ will mix AdaptiveGamma and RGBGamma according to this ratio. Take the following figure as an example. The value range is 1~1025, 513 means that RGBGamma is used directly without mixing.

6. AWB Result

After the ISP calls run() to run AWB algorithm, the AWB algorithm must provide the corresponding results back to the ISP, in the format specified below:

/*! @brief AWB algorithm result*/
typedef struct
    U32 Size;       /**< struct size*/
    U32 Change;    /**< if true, apply this result to hw register*/
    U32 R_gain;     /**< AWB gain for R channel*/
    U32 G_gain;     /**< AWB gain for G channel*/
    U32 B_gain;     /**< AWB gain for B channel*/
    U32 ColorTmp;   /**< Return color temperature*/

Size: Size of ISP_AWB_RESULT, used to deal with version backward compatibility issue.

Change: If set to 1, ISP will write the value to hardware; if 0, ISP will ignore the current result.

R_gain: R channel gain.

G_gain: G channel gain.

B_gain: B channel gain.

ColorTmp: Current scene color temperature.

7. AF Result

After the ISP calls run() to run AF algorithm, the AF algorithm must provide the corresponding results back to the ISP, in the format specified below:

/*! @brief AF algorithm result*/
typedef struct
    U32 Change;    /**< if true, apply this result to hw*/
    U32 Focal_pos; /**< Focal position*/
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) ISP_AF_RESULT;

Change: If set to 1, AF will be notified of the calculated focal position (Focal_pos).

Focal_pos: Focal position result calculated by AF algorithm.

8. AE, AWB, AF Library Interface

int CUS3A_RegInterfaceEX(IspCh_e eIspCh, AlgoAdaptor eAdaptor, IspAlgoType eAlgoType, void* pAlgo)
  • Description

    Custom AE, AWB and AF library register interfaces.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    eIspCh ISP channel corresponding to specified algorithm Input
    eAdaptor AlgoAdaptor corresponding to specified algorithm Presently only E_ALGO_ADAPTOR_1 can be used by customer. Input
    eAlgoType Specify algorithm type: E_ALGO_TYPE_AE , E_ALGO_TYPE_AWB, E_ALGO_TYPE_AF Input
    pAlgo Pointer to the algorithm library provided for implementation. If implementation algorithm is not required, fill in NULL. pAlgo type corresponds to eAlgoType as follows:
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    0 Successful
    \<0 Failed
    int CUS3A_SetAlgoAdaptor(IspCh_e eIspCh, AlgoAdaptor eAdaptor,  IspAlgoType eAlgoType)
  • Description

    Switch between registered algorithms.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    eIspCh Specify the ISP channel for switching algorithm Input
    eAdaptor Specify the AlgoAdaptor for switching algorithm: E_ALGO_ADAPTOR_NATIVE: SStar 3A E_ALGO_ADAPTOR_1: Custom 3A Input
    eAlgoType Specify algorithm type: E_ALGO_TYPE_AE , E_ALGO_TYPE_AWB, E_ALGO_TYPE_AF Input
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    0 Successful
    \<0 Failed
  • Example

    /*ISP0 AE -> SStarAE*/
    CUS3A_SetAlgoAdaptor(eIspCh0, eAdapNative, eAlgoAE) 
    /*ISP0 AWB -> Customer AWB*/
    CUS3A_SetAlgoAdaptor(eIspCh0, eAdap1, eAlgoAWB)
    /*ISP0 AF -> Customer AF */
    CUS3A_SetAlgoAdaptor(eIspCh0, eAdap1, eAlgoAF)

    int CUS3A_AERegInterface(u32 nCh,ISP_AE_INTERFACE *pAE);
    int CUS3A_AWBRegInterface(u32 nCh,ISP_AWB_INTERFACE *pAWB);
    int CUS3A_AFRegInterface(u32 nCh,ISP_AF_INTERFACE *pAF);

CUS3A_RegInterface , CUS3A_AERegInterface, CUS3A_AWBRegInterface, CUS3A_AFRegInterface 不建议使用,请以CUS3A_RegInterfaceEX取代。

  • Description

    The ISP provides AE, AWB and AF library register interfaces.

    You can use CUS3A_RegInterface to register AE, AWB, and AF simultaneously, or use CUS3A_AERegInterface, CUS3A_AWBRegInterface, and CUS3A_AFRegInterface to register AE, AWB, and AF respectively.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    nCh nCh = 0 Input
    pAe Pointer to the AE library algorithm implementation side. If you do not need to register AE, fill in NULL. Input
    pAwb Pointer to the AWB library algorithm implementation side. If you do not need to register AWB, fill in NULL. Input
    pAf Pointer to the AF library algorithm implementation side. If you do not need to register AF, fill in NULL. Input
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    0 Successful
    \<0 Failed

9. AE Callback Interface

int (*init)(void* pdata,ISP_AE_INIT_PARAM *init_state)
  • Description

    The ISP notifies AE library to start initialization through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
    init_state AE initial value Input
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    0 Successful
    -1 Failed
    void (*release)(void* pdata)
  • Description

    The ISP notifies AE library to start release through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
    void (*run)(void* pdata,const ISP_AE_INFO *info,ISP_AE_RESULT *result)
  • Description

    The ISP notifies AE library to start calculation through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
    info ISP AE statistical data structure pointer Input
    result ISP AE algorithm result structure pointer Output
    int (*ctrl)(void* pdata,ISP_AE_CTRL_CMD cmd,void* param)
  • Description

    The ISP controls AE parameters through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
    cmd AE control command Input
    param AE control command parameter Input

10. AE Data Structure


  • Description

    AE library registration structure. The algorithm needs to implement and fill in initialization, release, run, and control callback pointers to enable the ISP to call this structure.

  • Declaration

    /**@brief ISP AE interface*/
    typedef struct
        void *pdata; /**< Private data for AE algorithm.*/
        int (*init)(void* pdata, ISP_AE_INIT_PARAM *init_state);
        void (*release)(void* pdata);
        void (*run)(void* pdata, const ISP_AE_INFO *info, ISP_AE_RESULT *result);
        int (*ctrl)(void* pdata, ISP_AE_CTRL_CMD cmd, void* param);
  • Member

    Name Description
    pdata AE library private data pointer
    init AE library initialization callback pointer
    release AE library release callback pointer
    run AE library calculation callback pointer. ISP will request AE algorithm to start calculation when receiving the statistics of a frame.
    ctrl AE library control callback pointer


  • Description

    The ISP notifies AE algorithm of the related hardware initialization status through this structure.

  • Declaration

    typedef struct
        U32 Size;                   /**< struct size*/
        char sensor_id[32];             /**< sensor module id*/
        U32 shutter;                /**< shutter Shutter in us*/
        U32 shutter_step;           /**< shutter Shutter step ns*/
        U32 shutter_min;            /**< shutter Shutter min us*/
        U32 shutter_max;            /**< shutter Shutter max us*/
        U32 sensor_gain;            /**< sensor_gain Sensor gain, 1X = 1024*/
        U32 sensor_gain_min;        /**< sensor_gain_min Minimum Sensor gain, 1X = 1024*/
        U32 sensor_gain_max;        /**< sensor_gain_max Maximum Sensor gain, 1X = 1024*/
        U32 isp_gain;               /**< isp_gain Isp digital gain , 1X = 1024 */
        U32 isp_gain_max;           /**< isp_gain Maximum Isp digital gain , 1X = 1024 */
        U32 FNx10;                  /**< F number * 10*/
        U32 fps;                    /**< initial frame per second*/
        U32 shutterHDRShort_step;           /**< shutter Shutter step ns*/
        U32 shutterHDRShort_min;            /**< shutter Shutter min us*/
        U32 shutterHDRShort_max;            /**< shutter Shutter max us*/
        U32 sensor_gainHDRShort_min;        /**< sensor_gain_min Minimum Sensor gain, 1X = 1024*/
        U32 sensor_gainHDRShort_max;        /**< sensor_gain_max Maximum Sensor gain, 1X = 1024*/
        /*CUS3A v1.1*/
        U32 AvgBlkX;                  /**< HW statistics average block number*/
        U32 AvgBlkY;                  /**< HW statistics average block number*/
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    Size Size of ISP_AE_INIT_PARAM structure Input
    sensor_id[32] Image sensor name Input
    shutter Shutter time initial value in us Input
    shutter_step Shutter time step in ns Input
    shutter_min Minimum shutter time in us Input
    shutter_max Maximum shutter time in us Input
    sensor_gain Sensor gain initial value Input
    sensor_gain_min Sensor gain minimum value Input
    sensor_gain_max Sensor gain maximum value Input
    isp_gain ISP gain initial value Input
    isp_gain_max ISP gain maximum value Input
    FNx10 Aperture value *10 Input
    fps Number of frames per second Input
    shutterHDRShort_step Shutter time step in ns for HDR short exposure Input
    shutterHDRShort_min Minimum shutter time in us for HDR short exposure Input
    shutterHDRShort_max Maximum shutter time in us for HDR short exposure Input
    sensor_gainHDRShort_min Sensor gain minimum value for HDR short exposure Input
    sensor_gainHDRShort_max Sensor gain maximum value for HDR short exposure Input
    AvgBlkX Number of blocks in x-axis Input
    AvgBlkY Number of blocks in y-axis Input


  • Description

    ISP AE hardware statistics

  • Declaration

    /*! @brief ISP report to AE, hardware statistic */
    typedef struct
        U32 Size;       /**< struct size*/
        ISP_HIST  *hist1;   /**< HW statistic histogram 1*/
        ISP_HIST  *hist2;   /**< HW statistic histogram 2*/
        U32 AvgBlkX;  /**< HW statistics average block number*/
        U32 AvgBlkY;  /**< HW statistics average block number*/
        ISP_AE_SAMPLE *avgs; /**< HW statistics average block data*/
        U32 Shutter;                    /**< Current shutter in us*/
        U32 SensorGain;                 /**< Current Sensor gain, 1X = 1024 */
        U32 IspGain;                    /**< Current ISP gain, 1X = 1024*/
        U32 ShutterHDRShort;           /**< Current shutter in us*/
        U32 SensorGainHDRShort;        /**< Current Sensor gain, 1X = 1024 */
        U32 IspGainHDRShort;           /**< Current ISP gain, 1X = 1024*/
        /*CUS3A v1.1*/
        U32 PreAvgY;           /**< Previous frame brightness */
        U32 HDRCtlMode;        /**< 0 = HDR off;*/
      /**< 1 = Separate shutter & Separate sensor gain settings*/
      /**< 2 = Separate shutter & Share sensor gain settings*/
      /**< 3 = Share shutter & Separate sensor gain settings*/
        U32 FNx10;             /**< Aperture in FNx10 */
        U32 CurFPS;            /**< Current sensor FPS */
        U32 PreWeightY;        /**< Previous frame brightness with ROI weight */
        /*CUS3A v1.2*/
        ISP_IR_HISTX *histIR;           /**< HW statistic histogram IR*/
    /*CUS3A v1.3*/
    U16 IRLightStr;    /**< Setting IR light source strength , range 0~100**/
    } ISP_AE_INFO;
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    Size Size of ISP_AE_INFO structure Input
    hist1 Histogram 1 Input
    hist2 Histogram 2 (not supported by Macaron/Pudding) Input
    AvgBlkX Number of blocks in x-axis Input
    AvgBlkY Number of blocks in y-axis Input
    avgs Block brightness statistics Input
    Shutter Shutter time in us when the statistics are generated Input
    SensorGain Sensor Gain 1X=1024 when the statistics are generated Input
    IspGain ISP Gain 1X=1024 when the statistics are generated Input
    ShutterHDRShort Shutter time in us when the statistics are generated (HDR short) Input
    SensorGainHDRShort Sensor Gain 1X=1024 when the statistics are generated (HDR short) Input
    IspGainHDRShort ISP Gain 1X=1024 when the statistics are generated (HDR short) Input
    PreAvgY Average brightness 8bit*10 of previous AE result Input
    HDRCtlMode Supported shutter/gain format as returned by sensor when in HDR mode Input
    FNx10 FN value applied when the statistics are generated Input
    CurFPS Current FPS Input
    PreWeightY Average brightness 8bit*10 of previous AE result after ROI weighting Input
    histIR Histogram relating to IR information when RGB-IR sensor is used Input
    IRLightStr Current IR light strength, ranging from 0 (IR closed) to 100 (max. strength) Input


  • Description

    ISP AE algorithm result

  • Declaration

    /*! @brief ISP ae algorithm result*/
    typedef struct
        U32 Size;           /**< struct size*/
        U32 Change;       /**< if true, apply this result to hw register*/
        U32 Shutter;         /**< Shutter in us */
        U32 SensorGain;      /**< Sensor gain, 1X = 1024 */
        U32 IspGain;         /**< ISP gain, 1X = 1024 */
        U32 ShutterHdrShort;     /**< Shutter in us */
        U32 SensorGainHdrShort;  /**< Sensor gain, 1X = 1024 */
        U32 IspGainHdrShort;     /**< ISP gain, 1X = 1024 */
        U32 u4BVx16384;      /**< Bv * 16384 in APEX system, EV = Av + Tv = Sv + Bv */
        U32 AvgY;       /**< frame brightness */
        U32 HdrRatio;   /**< hdr ratio, 1X = 1024 */
        /*CUS3A v1.1*/
        U32 FNx10;           /**< F number * 10 */
        U32 DebandFPS;      /**< Target fps when running auto debanding*/
    U32 WeightY;        /**< frame brightness with ROI weight*/
    /*CUS3A v1.3*/
        U16 GMBlendRatio;   /**< Adaptive Gamma Blending Ratio from AE**/
    U16 IRLightStr;    /**< Setting IR light source strength , range 0~100**/
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    Size Size of ISP_AE_RESULT structure Input
    Change Notify ISP whether the current algorithm result is to be applied to hardware Output
    Shutter Shutter time in us as reported by AE algorithm Output
    SensorGain Sensor gain 1X=1024 as reported by AE algorithm Output
    IspGain ISP gain 1X=1024 as reported by AE algorithm Output
    ShutterHdrShort Shutter time in us as reported by AE algorithm (HDR Short) Output
    SensorGainHdrShort Sensor gain 1X=1024 as reported by AE algorithm (HDR Short) Output
    IspGainHdrShort ISP gain 1X=1024 as reported by AE algorithm (HDR Short) Output
    u4Bvx16384 Current scene brightness estimate as reported by AE algorithm Output
    AvgY Current frame average brightness as reported by AE algorithm Output
    HdrRatio Current frame HDR long/short exposure ratio 1x=1024 as reported by AE algorithm Output
    FNx10 Current FN number as reported by AE algorithm Output
    DebandFPS Current FPS as reported by AE algorithm Output
    WeightY Current average brightness after ROI weighting as reported by AE algorithm Output
    GMBlendRatio Blending ratio of IQ AdaptiveGamma to RGBGamma, controlled by AE algorithm. Range: 1~1025. Value 513 represents using RGBGamma directly without any blending. Output
    IRLightStr IR light strength determined by AE algorithm, ranging from 0 (IR closed) to 100 (max. strength) Output


  • Description

    AE control command. Through the callback interface,

    int (*ctrl)(void* pdata,ISP_AE_CTRL_CMD cmd,void* param)

    ISP can set the AE parameter. The type of the parameter param will vary with the control command used.

  • Declaration

    typedef enum
        ISP_AE_FPS_SET, /**< ISP notify AE sensor FPS has changed*/
  • Member

    Name Description Parameter Type
    ISP_AE_FPS_SET ISP notifies AE library the current FPS has changed U32

11. AWB Callback Interface

int (*init)(void* pdata)
  • Description

    The ISP notifies AWB library to start initialization through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    0 Successful
    -1 Failed
    void (*release)(void* pdata)
  • Description

    The ISP notifies AWB library to start release through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
    void (*run)(void* pdata,const ISP_AWB_INFO *awb_info,const ISP_AE_INFO *ae_info,ISP_AWB_RESULT *result)
  • Description

    The ISP notifies AWB library to start calculation through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
    awb_info ISP AWB statistical data structure pointer Input
    ae_info ISP AE statistical data structure pointer Input
    result ISP AWB algorithm result structure pointer Output
    int (*ctrl)(void* pdata,ISP_AWB_CTRL_CMD cmd,void* param)
  • Description

    The ISP controls AWB parameters through this interface.

  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    0 Successful
    \<0 Failed
  • Parameter

Parameter Name Description Input/Output
pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
cmd AWB control command Input
param AWB control command parameter Input

12. AWB Data Structure


  • Description

    AWB library registration structure. The algorithm needs to implement and fill in initialization, release, run, and control callback pointers to enable the ISP to call this structure.

  • Declaration

    typedef struct
        void *pdata; /**< Private data for AE algorithm.*/
        int (*init)(void *pdata);
        void (*release)(void *pdata);
        void (*run)(void *pdata, const ISP_AWB_INFO *awb_info, const ISP_AE_INFO *ae_info, ISP_AWB_RESULT *result);
        int (*ctrl)(void *pdata, ISP_AWB_CTRL_CMD cmd, void* param);
  • Member

    Name Description
    pdata AWB library private data pointer
    init AWB library initialization callback pointer
    release AWB library release callback pointer
    run AWB library calculation callback pointer. ISP will request AWB algorithm to start calculation when receiving the statistics of a frame.
    ctrl AWB library control callback pointer


  • Description

    ISP AWB hardware statistics

  • Declaration

    /*! @brief AWB HW statistics data*/
    typedef struct
        U32 AvgBlkX;
        U32 AvgBlkY;
        U32 CurRGain;
        U32 CurGGain;
        U32 CurBGain;
        void *avgs;
        /*CUS3A v1.1*/
        U8 HDRMode;       /**< Noramal or HDR mode */
        void* pAwbStatisShort;      /**< Short Shutter AWB statistic data*/
        U32 u4BVx16384;    /**< From AE output, Bv * 16384 in APEX system, EV = Av + Tv = Sv + Bv  */
        S32 WeightY;       /**< frame brightness with ROI weight0 */
    }__attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) ISP_AWB_INFO;
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    AvgBlkX Number of blocks in x-axis Input
    AvgBlkY Number of blocks in y-axis Input
    CurRGain AWB R Gain of current frame Input
    CurGGain AWB G Gain of current frame Input
    CurBGain AWB B Gain of current frame Input
    avgs ISP AWB block RGB statistics Input
    HDRMode Indicates whether the current frame is in HDR mode Input
    pAwbStatisShort ISP AWB block RGB statistics (short exposure information under HDR mode) Input
    U4BVx16384 BV information returned by AE Input
    WeightY Average brightness after ROI weighting as returned by AE Input


  • Description

    ISP AWB algorithm result

  • Declaration

    /*! @brief AWB algorithm result*/
    typedef struct
    U32 Size;       /**< struct size*/
    U32 Change;    /**< if true, apply this result to hw register*/
        U32 R_gain;     /**< AWB gain for R channel*/
        U32 G_gain;     /**< AWB gain for G channel*/
        U32 B_gain;     /**< AWB gain for B channel*/
        U32 ColorTmp;   /**< Return color temperature*/
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    Size Size of ISP_AWB_RESULT structure Input
    Change Notify ISP whether the current algorithm result is to be applied to hardware Output
    R_gain AWB R gain 1X = 1024 as reported by AWB algorithm Output
    G_gain AWB G gain 1X = 1024 as reported by AWB algorithm Output
    B_gain AWB B gain 1X = 1024 as reported by AWB algorithm Output
    ColorTmp Current scene color temperature K as reported by AWB algorithm Output


  • Description

    AWB control command. Through the callback interface,

    int (*ctrl)(void* pdata,ISP_AWB_CTRL_CMD cmd,void* param)

    ISP can set the AWB parameter. The type of the parameter param will vary with the control command used.

  • Declaration

    typedef enum
  • Member

    Name Description Parameter Type
    ISP_AWB_MODE_SET ISP notifies AWB library the current AWB mode has changed U32

13. AF Callback Interface

int (*init)(void* pdata, ISP_AF_INIT_PARAM *param)
  • Description

    The ISP notifies AF library to start initialization through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
    param AF initial setting Input/Output
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    0 Successful
    -1 Failed
    void (*release)(void* pdata)
  • Description

    The ISP notifies AF library to start release through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
    void (*run)(void* pdata,const ISP_AF_INFO *af_info ,ISP_AF_RESULT *result)
  • Description

    The ISP notifies AF library to start calculation through this interface.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer Input
    af_info ISP AF statistical data structure pointer Input
    result ISP AF algorithm result structure pointer Output
    int (*ctrl)(void* pdata,ISP_AF_CTRL_CMD cmd,void* param) (Reserve)
  • Description

    The ISP controls AF parameters through this interface.

  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    0 Successful
    \<0 Failed
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pdata Algorithm private data pointer (Reserved) Input
    cmd AF control command (Reserved) Input
    param AF control command parameter (Reserved) Input

14. AF Data Structure


  • Description

    AF library registration structure. The algorithm needs to implement and fill in initialization, release, run, and control callback pointers to enable the ISP to call this structure.

  • Declaration

    typedef struct isp_af_interface
        void *pdata; /**< Private data for AF algorithm.*/
        int (*init)(void *pdata, ISP_AF_INIT_PARAM *param);   
    void (*release)(void *pdata);
        void (*run)(void *pdata,const ISP_AF_INFO *af_info, ISP_AF_RESULT *result);
        int (*ctrl)(void *pdata,ISP_AF_CTRL_CMD cmd,void* param);
  • Member

    Name Description
    pdata AF library private data pointer
    init AF library initialization callback pointer
    release AF library release callback pointer
    run AF library calculation callback pointer. ISP will request AF algorithm to start calculation when receiving the statistics of a frame.
    ctrl AF library control callback pointer


  • Description

    ISP uses this structure to indicate the AF algorithm related hardware initialization status.

  • Declaration

    typedef struct _isp_af_init_param
        u32 Size; /**< struct size*/
        ISP_AF_RECT af_stats_win[16];
    /**< CUS3A v1.3*/
        u32 CurPos; //motor current position
        u32 MinPos; //motor down position limit
        u32 MaxPos; //motor up position limit
        u32 MinStep;//motor minimum step
        u32 MaxStep;//motor maximum step
  • Member

    Name Description 輸出/輸入
    Size Size of ISP_AF_INIT_PARAM structure Input
    Af_stats_win[16] Current AF windows set value Input
    CurPos Current AF motor position Input
    MinPos AF motor position lower limit Input
    MaxPos AF motor position upper limit Input
    MinStep AF motor minimum step Input
    MaxStep AF motor maximum step


  • Description

    ISP AF hardware statistics

  • Declaration

    /*! @brief AF HW statistics data*/
    typedef struct
        U32 Size;       /**< struct size*/
        ISP_AF_STATS pStats; /**< AF statistic*/
        u32 CurPos;     /**<motor current position*/
        u32 MinPos;     /**<motor down position limit*/
    u32 MaxPos;     /**<motor up position limit*/
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    Size Size of ISP_AF_INFO data structure Input
    pStats ISP AF statistics Output
    CurPos Current AF motor position Input
    MinPos AF motor position lower limit Input
    MaxPos AF motor position upper limit Input


  • Description

    ISP AF hardware statistics

  • Declaration

    //for Pretzel, Macaron, Pudding              //for Twinkie
    typedef struct{                         typedef struct{
        MI_U8 high_iir[5*16];                       MI_U8 high_iir[6*16];
        MI_U8 low_iir[5*16];                        MI_U8 low_iir[6*16];
        MI_U8 luma[4*16];                           MI_U8 luma[6*16];
        MI_U8 sobel_v[5*16];                        MI_U8 sobel_v[6*16];
        MI_U8 sobel_h[5*16];                        MI_U8 sobel_h[6*16];
        MI_U8 ysat[3*16];                           MI_U8 ysat[3*16];
    } AF_STATS_PARAM_t ;                        } AF_STATS_PARAM_t ;
    typedef struct{                         typedef struct{
        AF_STATS_PARAM_t stParaAPI[16];             AF_STATS_PARAM_t stParaAPI;
    } CusAFStats_t;
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    IIR_1 AF horizontal direction IIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output
    IIR_2 AF horizontal direction IIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output
    Luma AF luminance statistics as calculated by ROI Output
    FIR_h AF horizontal direction FIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output
    FIR_v AF vertical direction FIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output
    YSat Number of statistical values greater than YThd in AF FIR filter statistics as calculated by ROI Output
    • * By default, IIR_1 is IIR Low, and IIR_2, IIR High.

    • * Each filter is divided into 16 blocks. The first 9 blocks correspond to the 9 cells of the 3x3 magic square by default. The 16th block is user-definable, and is normally used for touch AF.

    • * Higher IIR FIR values represent greater image clarity. Luma means brightness.

  • Usage Recommendation

    Block weighting weight: We suggest using ”center weight.”

    Statistics: We suggest using IIR_1 (IIR Low) in all cases.

    IIR_2 (IIR High) will change significantly when the image is clear, but it will hardly change when the image is blurred; for this reason, it is suitable for determination of clearest position.

    FIR is biased in nature and is only suitable for strength change references.


  • Description

    ISP AF algorithm result

  • Declaration

    /*! @brief AF algorithm result*/
    typedef struct
        u32 Size;           /**< struct size*/
        u32 Change; /**< if true, apply this result to hw*/
        u32 NextPos; /**< Next position*/
    /**< CUS3A v1.3*/
        u32                   ChangeParam;      /** if true, apply the following 4 results to hw register **/
        CusAFRoiMode_t        ROIMode;          /** roi mode configuration**/
        CusAFWin_t            Window[16];       /** AF statistics window position **/
        CusAFFilter_t         Filter;           /** AF filter paramater**/
        CusAFFilterSq_t       FilterSq;         /** AF filter square parameter**/
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    Change Notify ISP whether the current algorithm result is to be applied to hardware Output
    NextPos AF motor target position Output
    ChangeParam Notify ISP whether ROIMode, Window, Filter, and FilterSq have been updated Output
    ROIMode AF window ROI mode Output
    Window AF window position Output
    Filter AF filter parameter Output
    FilterSq AF filter square Output

15. Sample Code

#include <mi_isp.h>


int ae_init(void* pdata, ISP_AE_INIT_PARAM *init_state)
    printf("****** ae_init ,shutter=%d,shutter_step=%d,sensor_gain_min=%d,sensor_gain_max=%d *******\n",
    return 0;

void ae_run(void* pdata, const ISP_AE_INFO *info, ISP_AE_RESULT *result)
#define log_info 1

    // Only one can be chosen (the following three define)
#define shutter_test 0
#define gain_test 0
#define AE_sample 1

#if (shutter_test) || (gain_test)
    static int AE_period = 4;
    static unsigned int fcount = 0;
    unsigned int max = info->AvgBlkY * info->AvgBlkX;
    unsigned int avg = 0;
    unsigned int n;
#if gain_test
    static int tmp = 0;
    static int tmp1 = 0;

    result->Change              = 0;
    result->u4BVx16384          = 16384;
    result->HdrRatio            = 10; //infinity5 //TBD //10 * 1024;   //user define hdr exposure ratio
    result->IspGain             = 1024;
    result->SensorGain          = 4096;
    result->Shutter             = 20000;
    result->IspGainHdrShort     = 1024;
    result->SensorGainHdrShort  = 1024;
    result->ShutterHdrShort     = 1000;
    //result->Size         = sizeof(CusAEResult_t);

    for(n = 0; n < max; ++n)
        avg += info->avgs[n].y;
    avg /= max;

    result->AvgY         = avg;

#if shutter_test // shutter test under constant sensor gain
    int Shutter_Step = 100; //per frame
    int Shutter_Max = 33333;
    int Shutter_Min = 150;
    int Gain_Constant = 10240;

    result->SensorGain = Gain_Constant;
    result->Shutter = info->Shutter;

    if(++fcount % AE_period == 0)
        if (tmp == 0)
            result->Shutter = info->Shutter + Shutter_Step * AE_period;
            //printf("[shutter-up] result->Shutter = %d \n", result->SensorGain);
            result->Shutter = info->Shutter - Shutter_Step * AE_period;
            //printf("[shutter-down] result->Shutter = %d \n", result->SensorGain);
        if (result->Shutter >= Shutter_Max)
            result->Shutter = Shutter_Max;
            tmp = 1;
        if (result->Shutter <= Shutter_Min)
            result->Shutter = Shutter_Min;
            tmp = 0;
#if log_info
    printf("fcount = %d, Image avg = 0x%X \n", fcount, avg);
    printf("tmp = %d, Shutter: %d -> %d \n", tmp, info->Shutter, result->Shutter);

#if gain_test // gain test under constant shutter
    int Gain_Step = 1024; //per frame
    int Gain_Max = 1024 * 100;
    int Gain_Min = 1024 * 2;
    int Shutter_Constant = 20000;

    result->SensorGain = info->SensorGain;
    result->Shutter = Shutter_Constant;

    if(++fcount % AE_period == 0)
        if (tmp1 == 0)
            result->SensorGain = info->SensorGain + Gain_Step * AE_period;
            //printf("[gain-up] result->SensorGain = %d \n", result->SensorGain);
            result->SensorGain = info->SensorGain - Gain_Step * AE_period;
            //printf("[gain-down] result->SensorGain = %d \n", result->SensorGain);
        if (result->SensorGain >= Gain_Max)
            result->SensorGain = Gain_Max;
            tmp1 = 1;
        if (result->SensorGain <= Gain_Min)
            result->SensorGain = Gain_Min;
            tmp1 = 0;
#if log_info
    printf("fcount = %d, Image avg = 0x%X \n", fcount, avg);
    printf("tmp = %d, SensorGain: %d -> %d \n", tmp, info->SensorGain, result->SensorGain);

#if AE_sample
    int y_lower = 0x28;
    int y_upper = 0x38;
    int change_ratio = 10; // percentage
    int Gain_Min = 1024 * 2;
    int Gain_Max = 1024 * 1000;
    int Shutter_Min = 150;
    int Shutter_Max = 33333;

    result->SensorGain = info->SensorGain;
    result->Shutter = info->Shutter;

    if(avg < y_lower)
        if (info->Shutter < Shutter_Max)
            result->Shutter = info->Shutter + (info->Shutter * change_ratio / 100);
            if (result->Shutter > Shutter_Max) result->Shutter = Shutter_Max;
            result->SensorGain = info->SensorGain + (info->SensorGain * change_ratio / 100);
            if (result->SensorGain > Gain_Max) result->SensorGain = Gain_Max;
        result->Change = 1;
    else if(avg > y_upper)
        if (info->SensorGain > Gain_Min)
            result->SensorGain = info->SensorGain - (info->SensorGain * change_ratio / 100);
            if (result->SensorGain < Gain_Min) result->SensorGain = Gain_Min;
            result->Shutter = info->Shutter - (info->Shutter * change_ratio / 100);
            if (result->Shutter < Shutter_Min) result->Shutter = Shutter_Min;
        result->Change = 1;

#if 0 //infinity5 //TBD
    //hdr demo code
    result->SensorGainHdrShort = result->SensorGain;
    result->ShutterHdrShort = result->Shutter * 1024 / result->HdrRatio;

#if log_info
    printf("fcount = %d, Image avg = 0x%X \n", fcount, avg);
    printf("SensorGain: %d -> %d \n", (int)info->SensorGain, (int)result->SensorGain);
    printf("Shutter: %d -> %d \n", (int)info->Shutter, (int)result->Shutter);


void ae_release(void* pdata)
    printf("************* ae_release *************\n");


int awb_init(void *pdata)
    printf("************ awb_init **********\n");
    return 0;

void awb_run(void* pdata, const ISP_AWB_INFO *info, ISP_AWB_RESULT *result)
#define log_info 1

    static u32 count = 0;
    int avg_r = 0;
    int avg_g = 0;
    int avg_b = 0;
    int tar_rgain = 1024;
    int tar_bgain = 1024;
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;

    result->R_gain = info->CurRGain;
    result->G_gain = info->CurGGain;
    result->B_gain = info->CurBGain;
    result->Change = 0;
    result->ColorTmp = 6000;

    if (++count % 4 == 0)
        //center area YR/G/B avg
        for (y = 30; y < 60; ++y)
            for (x = 32; x < 96; ++x)
                avg_r += info->avgs[info->AvgBlkX * y + x].r;
                avg_g += info->avgs[info->AvgBlkX * y + x].g;
                avg_b += info->avgs[info->AvgBlkX * y + x].b;
        avg_r /= 30 * 64;
        avg_g /= 30 * 64;
        avg_b /= 30 * 64;

        if (avg_r < 1)
            avg_r = 1;
        if (avg_g < 1)
            avg_g = 1;
        if (avg_b < 1)
            avg_b = 1;

#if log_info
        printf("AVG R / G / B = %d, %d, %d \n", avg_r, avg_g, avg_b);

        // calculate Rgain, Bgain
        tar_rgain = avg_g * 1024 / avg_r;
        tar_bgain = avg_g * 1024 / avg_b;

        if (tar_rgain > info->CurRGain)
            if (tar_rgain - info->CurRGain < 384)
                result->R_gain = tar_rgain;
                result->R_gain = info->CurRGain + (tar_rgain - info->CurRGain) / 10;
            if (info->CurRGain - tar_rgain < 384)
                result->R_gain = tar_rgain;
                result->R_gain = info->CurRGain - (info->CurRGain - tar_rgain) / 10;

        if (tar_bgain > info->CurBGain)
            if (tar_bgain - info->CurBGain < 384)
                result->B_gain = tar_bgain;
                result->B_gain = info->CurBGain + (tar_bgain - info->CurBGain) / 10;
            if (info->CurBGain - tar_bgain < 384)
                result->B_gain = tar_bgain;
                result->B_gain = info->CurBGain - (info->CurBGain - tar_bgain) / 10;

        result->Change = 1;
        result->G_gain = 1024;

#if log_info
        printf("[current] r=%d, g=%d, b=%d \n", (int)info->CurRGain, (int)info->CurGGain, (int)info->CurBGain);
        printf("[result] r=%d, g=%d, b=%d \n", (int)result->R_gain, (int)result->G_gain, (int)result->B_gain);

void awb_release(void *pdata)
    printf("************ awb_release **********\n");


int af_init(void *pdata, ISP_AF_INIT_PARAM *param)
    MI_U32 u32ch = 0;
    MI_U8 u8win_idx = 16;
    CusAFRoiMode_t taf_roimode;
    CusAFWin_t taf_win;

    printf("************ af_init **********\n");
#if 1
    //Init Normal mode setting
    static CusAFWin_t afwin[16] =
        { 0, {   0,    0,  255,  255}},
        { 1, { 256,    0,  511,  255}},
        { 2, { 512,    0,  767,  255}},
        { 3, { 768,    0, 1023,  255}},
        { 4, {   0,  256,  255,  511}},
        { 5, { 256,  256,  511,  511}},
        { 6, { 512,  256,  767,  511}},
        { 7, { 768,  256, 1023,  511}},
        { 8, {   0,  512,  255,  767}},
        { 9, { 256,  512,  511,  767}},
        {10, { 512,  512,  767,  767}},
        {11, { 768,  512, 1023,  767}},
        {12, {   0,  768,  255, 1023}},
        {13, { 256,  768,  511, 1023}},
        {14, { 512,  768,  767, 1023}},
        {15, { 768,  768, 1023, 1023}}
    for(u8win_idx = 0; u8win_idx < 16; ++u8win_idx){
        MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFWindow(u32ch, &afwin[u8win_idx]);

taf_roimode.mode = AF_ROI_MODE_NORMAL;
    taf_roimode.u32_vertical_block_number = 1;
    MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFRoiMode(u32ch, &taf_roimode);

    //Init Matrix mode setting
    static CusAFWin_t afwin[16] =
#if 1
        //full image, equal divide to 16x16
        //window setting need to multiple of two
        {0, {16, 0, 62, 62}},
        {1, {64, 64, 126, 126}},
        {2, {128, 128, 190, 190}},
        {3, {192, 192, 254, 254}},
        {4, {256, 256, 318, 318}},
        {5, {320, 320, 382, 382}},
        {6, {384, 384, 446, 446}},
        {7, {448, 448, 510, 510}},
        {8, {512, 512, 574, 574}},
        {9, {576, 576, 638, 638}},
        {10, {640, 640, 702, 702}},
        {11, {704, 704, 766, 766}},
        {12, {768, 768, 830, 830}},
        {13, {832, 832, 894, 894}},
        {14, {896, 896, 958, 958}},
        {15, {960, 960, 1022, 1022}}
        //use two row only => 16x2 win
        {0, {16, 0, 62, 62}},
        {1, {64, 64, 126, 126}},
        {2, {128, 0, 190, 2}},      //win2 v_str, v_end doesn't use, set to (0, 2)
        {3, {192, 0, 254, 2}},
        {4, {256, 0, 318, 2}},
        {5, {320, 0, 382, 2}},
        {6, {384, 0, 446, 2}},
        {7, {448, 0, 510, 2}},
        {8, {512, 0, 574, 2}},
        {9, {576, 0, 638, 2}},
        {10, {640, 0, 702, 2}},
        {11, {704, 0, 766, 2}},
        {12, {768, 0, 830, 2}},
        {13, {832, 0, 894, 2}},
        {14, {896, 0, 958, 2}},
        {15, {960, 0, 1022, 2}}        

    for(u8win_idx = 0; u8win_idx < 16; ++u8win_idx){
        MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFWindow(u32ch, &afwin[u8win_idx]);

taf_roimode.mode = AF_ROI_MODE_MATRIX;
    taf_roimode.u32_vertical_block_number = 16; //16xN, N=16
    MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFRoiMode(u32ch, &taf_roimode);


    static CusAFFilter_t affilter =
#if Twinkie || Pretzel || Macaron
        //filter setting with sign value
        //{63, -126, 63, -109, 48, 0, 320, 0, 1023},
        //{63, -126, 63, 65, 55, 0, 320, 0, 1023}

        //convert to hw format (sign bit with msb)
        63, 126+1024, 63, 109+128, 48, 0, 320, 0, 1023,
        63, 126+1024, 63, 65, 55, 0, 320, 0, 1023,
#elseif Pudding
        //filter setting with sign value
        //{s9, s10, s9, s7, s7}
        //high: 37, 0, -37, 83, 40; 37, 0, -37, -54, 34; 32, 0, -32, 14, 0
        //low:  15, 0, -15, -79, 44; 15, 0, -15, -115, 55; 14, 0, -14, -91, 37

        //convert to hw format (sign bit with msb)
        37, 0, 37+512, 83, 40, 0, 1023, 0, 1023,    //high
        15, 0, 15+512, 79+128, 44, 0, 1023, 0, 1023,    //low
        1, 37, 0, 37+512,  54+128, 34, 1, 32, 0, 32+512, 14, 0, //high-e1, e2
        1, 15, 0, 15+512, 115+128, 55, 1, 14, 0, 14+512, 91+128, 37,  //low-e1, e2

    MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFFilter(0, &affilter);
    return 0;

void af_run(void *pdata, const ISP_AF_INFO *af_info, ISP_AF_RESULT *result)
    #define af_log_info 1

#if af_log_info
    int i=0,x=0;


    //print row0 16wins
    for (i=0; i<16; i++){
        printf("[AF]win%d-%d iir0: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, iir1:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, luma:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x, sobelh:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, sobelv:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x ysat:0x%02x%02x%02x\n",
            x, i,

    //print row15 16wins
    for (i=0; i<16; i++){
        printf("[AF]win%d-%d iir0: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, iir1:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, luma:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x, sobelh:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, sobelv:0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x ysat:0x%02x%02x%02x\n",
            x, i,

void af_release(void *pdata)
    printf("************ af_release **********\n");

int main(int argc,char** argv)
    //TO DO: Register 3rd party AE/AWB library


    tAeIf.ctrl = NULL;
    tAeIf.pdata = NULL;
    tAeIf.init = ae_init;
    tAeIf.release = ae_release; = ae_run;

    tAwbIf.ctrl = NULL;
    tAwbIf.pdata = NULL;
    tAwbIf.init = awb_init;
    tAwbIf.release = awb_release; = awb_run;

// or use below reginterface

//TO DO: Open MI

15.1. CUS3A_AeAvgDownSample

A function for converting AE statistics from 32x32 down to 16x16 is available.

Set forth below is a sample code:

void ae_run(void* pdata, const ISP_AE_INFO *info, ISP_AE_RESULT *result)
        ISP_AE_SAMPLE *pInBuf = info->avgs;
        ISP_AE_SAMPLE *pOutBuf = info->avgs;
        unsigned int u32InBlkNumX = info->AvgBlkX;  //value is 32 for MACARON, PUDDING
        unsigned int u32InBlkNumY = info->AvgBlkY;  //value is 32 for MACARON, PUDDING
        unsigned int u32OutBlkNumX = 16;
        unsigned int u32OutBlkNumY = 16;

        CUS3A_AeAvgDownSample(pInBuf, pOutBuf, u32InBlkNumX, u32InBlkNumY, u32OutBlkNumX, u32OutBlkNumY);
        max = u32OutBlkNumX*u32OutBlkNumY;

16. Setting AE Crop Range Using MI_ISP

16.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A _SetAECropSize

  • Purpose

    Set AE statistical value range.

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAECropSize(U32 nChannel, CusAEAWBCropSize_t *data);
  • Description

    1. Call MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAECropSize to set the AE crop size.

    2. Call MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAEWindowBlockNumber to divide the region within the crop size into MxN blocks.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    data Set the AE statistical value range
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed
  • Requirement

    header file:mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding) / / (for Macaron, Pudding)

16.2. CusAEAWBCropSize_t

  • Purpose

    Set AE statistical value range.

  • Syntax

    typedef struct {
        MI_U16 u2CropX;
        MI_U16 u2CropY;
        MI_U16 u2CropW;
        MI_U16 u2CropH;
    } CusAEAWBCropSize_t;
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    U2CropX AE/AWB crop X start (0~1023)
    U2CropY AE/AWB crop Y start (0~1023)
    U2CropW AE/AWB crop width (0~1023)
    U2CropH AE/AWB crop height (0~1023)
  • CropSize Description

  • Note

    The image width and height already correspond to 1023, so the crop information is based on 1023. FW will automatically take the current actual image size and perform the mapping action. Therefore, user can simply set the relative position without the need to know the current image size.

    Assume CropX = 10, CropY = 10, CropW = 300, and CropH = 200:

    If the actual image width and height = 1920x1080, the CropX, CropY, CropW and CropH corresponding to 1920x1080 will be as follows:

    CropX = 1920*10/1023 = 18

    CropY = 1080*10/1023 = 10

    CropW = 1920*300/1023 = 563

    CropH = 1080*200/1023 = 211

17. Setting AE Block Number Using MI_ISP

17.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAEWindowBlockNumber

  • Purpose

    Set AE window block number

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAEWindowBlockNumber(U32 nChannel, MS_CUST_AE_WIN_BLOCK_NUM_TYPE_e eBlkNum);
  • Description

    Call this interface to set AE block number

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    eBlkNum Block number, by which an image is divided into X*Y blocks
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed
  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Macaron, Pudding)


  • Description

    AE block

  • Definition

    typedef enum {
        AE_16x24 = 0,
    } AeWinBlockNum_e;
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description
    AE_16x24 Image divided into 16*24 blocks
    AE_32x24 Image divided into 32*24 blocks
    AE_64x48 Image divided into 64*48 blocks
    AE_64x45 Image divided into 64*45 blocks
    AE_128x80 Image divided into 128*80 blocks
    AE_128x90 Image divided into 128*90 blocks

  • Note

    Macaron and Pudding do not support this API. The image will be divided into 32*32 blocks automatically.

18. Setting AE Histogram Window Using MI_ISP

18.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAEHistogramWindow

  • Purpose

    Window setting of AE brightness distribution statistics

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAEHistogramWindow(MI_U32 Channel, CusAEHistWin_t *data);
  • Description

    Call this interface to set the window position and size of AE brightness distribution statistics.

  • Member

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    data Window position and size of AE brightness distribution statistics, for window number (0 or 1)
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed
  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Macaron, Pudding)

  • Note

    Currently, only two windows (0/1) can be set at the same time. The window areas can overlap.

18.2. HistWin_t

  • Description

    Window setting of AE brightness distribution statistics

  • Definition

    typedef struct {
        MI_U16 u2Stawin_x_offset;
        MI_U16 u2Stawin_x_size;
        MI_U16 u2Stawin_y_offset;
        MI_U16 u2Stawin_y_size;
        MI_U16 u2WinIdx;
    } CusAEHistWin_t;
  • Member

    Parameter Name Description
    u2Stawin_x_offset Window start coordinate x-axis offset
    u2Stawin_x_size X-axis direction window size
    u2Stawin_y_offset Window start coordinate y-axis offset
    u2Stawin_y_size Y-axis direction window size
    u2WinIdx Window number (0 or 1)
  • Parameter Range

    X-axis offset: 0~127

    Y-axis offset: 0~89

    X-axis (offset + size) <= 128

    Y-axis (offset + size) <= 90

  • Note

    For Macaron and Pudding, the parameter range is as follows:

    X-axis offset: 0~31

    Y-axis offset: 0~31

    X-axis (offset + size) <= 32

    Y-axis (offset + size) <= 32

19. Setting AWB Crop Range Using MI_ISP

19.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A _SetAWBCropSize

  • Purpose

    Set AWB statistical value range.

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAWBCropSize(U32 nChannel, CusAEAWBCropSize_t *data);
  • Description

    1. Call MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAWBCropSize to set the AWB crop size.

    2. Divide the region within the crop size fixedly into 12890 blocks.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    data Set the AWB statistical value range
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed
  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Macaron, Pudding)

19.2. CusAWBCropSize_t

  • Purpose

    Set AWB statistical value range.

  • Syntax

    typedef struct {
        MI_U16 u2CropX;
        MI_U16 u2CropY;
        MI_U16 u2CropW;
        MI_U16 u2CropH;
    } CusAEAWBCropSize_t;
  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    U2CropX AE/AWB crop X start (0~1023)
    U2CropY AE/AWB crop Y start (0~1023)
    U2CropW AE/AWB crop width (0~1023)
    U2CropH AE/AWB crop height (0~1023)
  • CropSize Description

  • Note

    The image width and height already correspond to 1023, so the crop information is based on 1023. FW will automatically take the current actual image size and perform the mapping action. Therefore, user can simply set the relative position without the need to know the current image size.

    Assume CropX = 10, CropY = 10, CropW = 300, and CropH = 200:

    If the actual image width and height = 1920x1080, the CropX, CropY, CropW and CropH corresponding to 1920x1080 will be as follows:

    CropX = 1920*10/1023 = 18

    CropY = 1080*10/1023 = 10

    CropW = 1920*300/1023 = 563

    CropH = 1080*200/1023 = 211

20. Setting AWB Sampling Using MI_ISP

20.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAwbSampling

  • Purpose

    Set AWB sampling size

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAwbSampling(U32 nChannel, CusAWBSample_t *data)
  • Description

    Call this interface to set AWB sampling size

  • Member

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    SizeX X-axis sampling size
    SizeY Y-axis sampling size
    IncRatio Multiply the statistics by a ratio
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed
  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Macaron, Pudding)

  • Note

    An image is divided into 128*90 blocks, where SizeX * SizeY pixels are taken from each block as the AWB sampling size.

    SizeX: SizeX >=4 && SizeX \<= Block_size_X

    SizeY: SizeY >=2 && SizeY \<= Block_size_Y

    When AE brightness is very low, you can multiply the statistics by a ratio(IncRatio) to avoid statistical values of 0.

21. Setting AF Filter Using MI_ISP

21.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFFilter

  • Purpose

    Set AF Filter parameter

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFFilter (MI_U32 Channel, CusAFFilter_t *data);
  • Description

    Call this interface to set AF Filter parameter

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    data AF Filter parameter
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed

21.2. CusAFFilter_t

  • Description

    ISP AF hardware statistics

  • Definition

    typedef struct
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_a0;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_a1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_a2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_b1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_b2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_1st_low_clip;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_1st_high_clip;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_2nd_low_clip;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_2nd_high_clip;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_a0;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_a1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_a2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_b1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_b2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_1st_low_clip;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_1st_high_clip;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_2nd_low_clip;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_2nd_high_clip;
        //for Pudding only
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e1_en;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e1_a0;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e1_a1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e1_a2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e1_b1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e1_b2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e2_en;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e2_a0;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e2_a1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e2_a2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e2_b1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1_e2_b2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e1_en;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e1_a0;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e1_a1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e1_a2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e1_b1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e1_b2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e2_en;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e2_a0;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e2_a1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e2_a2;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e2_b1;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2_e2_b2;
    } CusAFFilter_t;
  • Member

    The IIR parameters are as listed below:

    Name Bit Representation Description IIR1 Default IIR2 Default
    a0 S+9 a0 multiplier 63 63
    a1 S+10 a1 multiplier -126 -126
    a2 S+9 a2 multiplier 63 63
    b1 S+7 b1 multiplier 65 -109
    b2 S+7 b2 multiplier 55 48
    1st_low_clip 10 X(n) input low clip 0 0
    1st_high_clip 10 X(n) input high clip 320 320
    2nd_low_clip 10 Y(n) output low clip 0 0
    2nd_high_clip 10 Y(n) output high clip 1023 1023

    ** By default, IIR1 is IIR High, and IIR2, IIR Low.

    The following parameters are for Pudding only:

    Name Bit Representation Description IIR1 Default IIR2 Default
    a0 S+9 a0 multiplier 37 15
    a1 S+10 a1 multiplier 0 0
    a2 S+9 a2 multiplier -37 -15
    b1 S+7 b1 multiplier 83 -79
    b2 S+7 b2 multiplier 40 44
    1st_low_clip 10 X(n) input low clip 0 0
    1st_high_clip 10 X(n) input high clip 1023 1023
    2nd_low_clip 10 Y(n) output low clip 0 0
    2nd_high_clip 10 Y(n) output high clip 1023 1023
    e1_en 1 Extra1 enable 1 1
    e1_a0 S+9 a0 multiplier 37 15
    e1_a1 S+10 a1 multiplier 0 0
    e1_a2 S+9 a2 multiplier -37 -15
    e1_b1 S+7 b1 multiplier -54 -115
    e1_b2 S+7 b2 multiplier 34 55
    e2_en 1 Extra2 enable 1 1
    e2_a0 S+9 a0 multiplier 32 14
    e2_a1 S+10 a1 multiplier 0 0
    e2_a2 S+9 a2 multiplier -32 -14
    e2_b1 S+7 b1 multiplier 14 -91
    e2_b2 S+7 b2 multiplier 0 37

    ** By default, IIR1 is IIR High, and IIR2, IIR Low.

    The architecture of IIR coefficients is shown in the diagram below:

  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Macaron, Pudding)

22. Setting AF Filter Square Using MI_ISP

22.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFFilterSq

  • Purpose

    Set AF Filter Square parameter

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFFilterSq (MI_U32 Channel, CusAFFilterSq_t *data);
  • Description

    Call this interface to set AF Filter Square parameter

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    data AF Filter Square parameter
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed

22.2. CusAFFilterSq_t

  • Description

    ISP AF Square hardware statistics

  • Definition

    typedef struct
        MI_BOOL bFIRYSatEn;
        MI_U16 u16FIRYThd;
        MI_BOOL bIIRSquareAccEn;
        MI_BOOL bFIRSquareAccEn;
        MI_U16 u16IIR1Thd;
        MI_U16 u16IIR2Thd;
        MI_U16 u16FIRHThd;
        MI_U16 u16FIRVThd;
        MI_U8 u8AFTblX[12];
        MI_U16 u16AFTblY[13];
    } CusAFFilter_t;
  • Member

    Name Description
    bFIRYSatEn This switch involves two actions:
    FIR Filter Y threshold control
    Y_sat statistics setting control
    u16FIRYThd If bFIRYSatEn = 1, FIR Filter Y threshold control:
    when the pixel brightness is less than u16FIRYThd, it will be included in the FIR Filter calculation.
    Y_sat statistics setting control: the number of pixels larger than u16FIRYThd will be returned and shown in Y_sat statistics.
    The value range is 0 ~ 1023.
    bIIRSquareAccEn IIR Filter enhancement control
    bFIRSquareAccEn FIR Filter enhancement control
    u16IIR1Thd IIR Filter Output = IIR Filter Output – IIRThd. The value range is 0 ~ 1023.
    u16IIR2Thd IIR Filter Output = IIR Filter Output – IIRThd. The value range is 0 ~ 1023.
    u16FIRHThd FIR Filter Output = FIR Filter Output – FIR Thd. The value range is 0 ~ 1023.
    u16FIRVThd FIR Filter Output = FIR Filter Output – FIR Thd. The value range is 0 ~ 1023.
    u8AFTblX[12] Non-linear mapping between IIR and FIR Filters. u8AFTblX is the horizontal axis, and the node is the accumulation of the power of two, which must cumulatively be greater than 1024. The value range is 0 ~ 15.
    u16AFTblY[13] Non-linear mapping between IIR and FIR Filters. u8AFTblY is the horizontal axis. The value range is 0 ~ 8191.

    SquareACC can be used against coarse edge with middle to high contrast, for enhancement. Values lower than Thd will be taken as 0, to deal with noise under low luminance.

    Reference setting (with enhanced statistics)

    u8AFTblX = 6,7,7,6,6,6,7,6,6,7,6,6

    u16AFTblY = 0,1,53,249,431,685,1023,1999,2661,3455,5487,6749,8191

    Reference setting (with original statistics)

    u8AFTblX = 6,7,7,6,6,6,7,6,6,7,6,6

    u16AFTblY = 0,64,192,320,384,448,512,640,704,768,896,960,1023

  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Macaron, Pudding)

  • Note

    Twinkie does not support this API.

23. Setting AF ROI Mode Using MI_ISP

23.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFRoiMode

  • Purpose

    Set AF statistical mode

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFRoiMode (U32 nChannel, CusAFRoiMode_t *data);
  • Description

    Call this interface to set source of AF statistics

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    data AF statistical mode
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed

23.2. CusAFRoiMode_t

  • Description

    Set AF statistical mode

  • Definition

    typedef enum __attribute__ ((aligned (1)))
    } ISP_AF_ROI_MODE_e;
    typedef struct
        ISP_AF_ROI_MODE_e mode;
        MI_U32 u32_vertical_block_number;
    } CusAFRoiMode_t;
  • Member

    Name Description
    mode AF_ROI_MODE_NORMAL: Can be divided into 16 sets of ROI blocks. The window size and position can be set according to user preference. This is the default mode. AF_ROI_MODE_MATRIX: Can be divided into 16 * N sets of ROI windows. The window size and position are relatively more limited, but more blocks can be used (N= u32_vertical_block_number).
    u32_vertical_block_number If mode = AF_ROI_MODE_MATRIX, can divide the window into 16 * N sets of ROI blocks (N= u32_vertical_block_number, 1~16).

    AF_ROI_MODE_NORMAL: AF ROI division method

    AF_ROI_MODE_MATRIX: AF ROI division method

    There are 16 fixed ROI blocks in the vertical axis direction.

    As for the horizontal axis direction, the number (16*N) of ROI blocks will be decided by u32_vertical_block_number. In the above diagram, u32_vertical_block_number=16. That means the number of ROI blocks is 16*16.

  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Macaron, Pudding)

  • Note

    Twinkie does not support this API.

24. Setting AF Window Using MI_ISP

24.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFWindow

  • Purpose

    Set AF Window

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFWindow (U32 nChannel, CusAFWin_t *data);
  • Description

    AF window is set during AF_Init stage. CMOS sensor image is divided into 1024*1024 grids for AF window setting.

    The coordinate and actual crop range conversion formula is:

    Image width * X /1024 = actual X coordinate

    Image_height * Y/1024 = actual Y coordinate

    For example,

    Suppose AF window is set as:

    Start_X = 458

    End_X = 566

    Start_Y = 418

    End_Y = 606

    Then the AF window coordinates for 1920x1080 CMOS sensor case are:

    Real_Start_X = 1920 *458/1024 = 858

    Real_End_X = 1920 *566/1024 = 1061

    Real_Start_Y = 1080 *418/1024 = 440

    Real_End_Y = 1080 *606/1024 = 639

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    data AF Window setting
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed

24.2. CusAFWin_t

  • Syntax

    typedef struct AF_WINDOW_PARAM_s { MI_U32 u32StartX; /range : 0~1023/ MI_U32 u32StartY; /range : 0~1023/ MI_U32 u32EndX; /range : 0~1023/ MI_U32 u32EndY; /range : 0~1023/ } AF_WINDOW_PARAM_t;

    typedef struct { MI_U8 u8WindowIndex; AF_WINDOW_PARAM_t stParaAPI; } CusAFWin_t;

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    u8WindowIndex AF ROI Index (0~15), for NORMAL & MARIX mode
    stParaAPI AF ROI position
  • Description

    When AF ROI Mode = AF_ROI_MODE_NORMAL, StrX, StrY, EndX, and EndY represent the position of the Window Index.

    When AF ROI Mode = AF_ROI_MODE_MATRIX, StrX and EndX represent the crop position of horizontal-axis window, and StrY and EndY the crop position of vertical-axis window.



    • The respective window width and height can overlap.

    • h/v end > h/v start


    • The respective window width can overlap, but not in the case of window height.

    • h/v end > h/v start

    • win0_v_start \< win0_v_end \< win1_v_start \< win1_v_end \< win2…

    • win(0,0), win(1,0), …, win(15,0) share same h_start, h_end, and setting by af0_h_start, h_end

    • win(0,1), win(1,1), …, win(15,1) share same h_start, h_end, and setting by af1_h_start, h_end, and so on for other windows

    • win(0,0), win(0,1), …, win(0,15) share same v_start, v_end, and setting by af0_v_start, v_end

    • win(1,0), win(1,1), …, win(1,15) share same v_start, v_end, and setting by af1_v_start, v_end, and so on for other windows

    When setting to Matrix mode, you need to finish setting AF Window before switching to Matrix mode.

  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Macaron, Pudding)

25. Setting AF YParam Using MI_ISP

25.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFYParam

  • Purpose

    Set AF Y Param

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFYParam (U32 nChannel, CusAFYParam_t *data);
  • Description

    When AF calculates statistical values, the algorithm will convert Bayer data to Y data. This function provides control over the respective conversion ratio of R/G/B.

    Default ratios for the conversion of BayerRGB to Y are (76, 75, 29), respectively. When the value is set to 128, the ratio would be 1x (i.e. remains unchanged). This function will be useful in backlight scenario or under darker environment, where less brightness results in lower AF statistics, which, in turn, impede the determination of peak value. In such cases, you might raise the RGB ratios to — for example — (255, 252, 97), thereby enhancing the Y signal and making the peak value more obvious. The values cannot be set greater than 255.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    data AF Window setting
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed

25.2. CusAFYParam_t

  • Syntax

    typedef struct { MI_U8 r; //0~255 MI_U8 g; //0~255 MI_U8 b; //0~255 } CusAFYParam_t;

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    r Bayer to Y conversion ratio of r channel. Range: 0 ~ 255.
    g Bayer to Y conversion ratio of g channel. Range: 0 ~ 255.
    b Bayer to Y conversion ratio of b channel. Range: 0 ~ 255.
  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Macaron, Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Macaron, Pudding)

26. Setting AF Source Using MI_ISP

26.1. MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFSource

  • Purpose

    Select the source of AF statistical value.

  • Syntax

    MI_RET MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFSource (U32 nChannel, CusAFSource_e *data);
  • Description

    Select the source of AF statistical value.

  • Parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    nChannel Video input channel number (normally 0)
    data AF Window setting
  • Return Value

    Return Value Description
    MI_RET_SUCCESS Successful
    MI_RET_FAIL Failed

26.2. CusAFSource_e

  • Syntax


  • Parameter

    HDR Mode

    Parameter Name Description
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_SE_OBC_BF_HDR Selects short exposure result before HDR (after optical black correction, or OBC).
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_SE_WBG_BF_HDR Selects short exposure result before HDR (after white balance gain, or WBGain).
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_ALSC_AF_HDR Selects post-HDR result after Shading.
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_WBG_AF_HDR Selects post-HDR result after WBGain.
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_LE_OBC_BF_HDR Selects long exposure result before HDR (after OBC).
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_LE_WBG_BF_HDR Selects long exposure result before HDR (after WBGain).

    Linear Mode

    Parameter Name Description
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_SE_OBC_BF_HDR Selects post-OBC result.
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_SE_WBG_BF_HDR Selects post-WBGain result
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_ALSC_AF_HDR Selects the result before color interpolation (CI) and after Shading.
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_WBG_AF_HDR Selects the result before CI and after WBGain.
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_LE_OBC_BF_HDR Not supported.
    AF_SOURCE_FROM_LE_WBG_BF_HDR Not supported.
  • Requirement

    header file: mi_isp_twinkie.h / mi_isp_pretzel.h / mi_isp.h (for Pudding)

    .so: / / (for Pudding)

  • Note

Macaron is not supported.

27. Getting CUST3A VERSION

Please refer to isp_cus3a_if.h. The version definition is as follows:

#define CUS3A_VER_STR "CUS3A_V1.1"
#define CUS3A_VER_MAJOR 1
#define CUS3A_VER_MINOR 1

unsigned int CUS3A_GetVersion(char* pVerStr);

To get the version number, you can:

  1. Check the header file, or

  2. Check CUS3A_GetVersion.

28. Twinkie/Pretzel/Macaron/Pudding Difference Table

The following table lists the difference in functions supported among Twinkie, Pretzel, Macaron and Pudding:

Parameter Name Twinkie Pretzel Macaron Pudding
AE Statistics 128*90 128*90 32*32 32*32
AE Hist2 V V X X
AF Statistics IIR(34), FIR(34), Luma(34), YSat(24) IIR(35), FIR(35), Luma(32), YSat(22) IIR(35), FIR(35), Luma(32), YSat(22) IIR(35), FIR(35), Luma(32), YSat(22)
MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAEWindowBlockNumber V V X X
MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAEHistogramWindow offset + size limit: Max. 128*90 offset + size limit: Max. 128*90 offset + size limit: Max. 32*32 offset + size limit: Max. 32*32
MI_ISP_CUS3A_SetAFFilter V V V V (with new extra parameter)