Version 1.0

1. Kernel Concentration

  1. Spinand flash

    make infinity2m_ssc011a_s01a_minigui_defconfig
    make menuconfig

    Enter Networking support -> Wireless, and change the following option from module compilation to build-in.

    Enter Device Drivers->Generic Driver options, change the following compile method to build-in.

  2. Nor flash

    make infinity2m_ssc011a_s01a_minigui_defconfig
    make menuconfig

    Enter Networking support -> Wireless, and change the following option from module compilation to build-in.

2. kernel compilation

make clean –j16;make –j16

Generate kernel/arch/arm/uImage.xz after success, copy it to SDK and replace the file with the same name.

The target path of Spinand: project/release/nvr/i2m/011A/glibc/8.2.1/bin/kernel/spinand

The target path of Nor: project/release/nvr/i2m/011A/glibc/8.2.1/bin/kernel/

Modify the configuration of SDK, add interface_wlan:=enable in project/release/customer_tailor/nvr_i2m_display_glibc_tailor.mk, and then compile SDK.

3. Enable/Disable WIFI in APP

Modify SSD_sample/jni/Makefile:

  • Enable wifi:

  • Disable wifi:

4. WIFI Test

Modify /appconfigs/wpa_supplicant.conf, and add AP:

The tested ssid is "SKY", password is "12345678".

  • wifi initialization

    cd /config/wifi
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib:/lib:/config/wifi

    Copy the corresponding ko to /config/wifi when the other wifi ko are used, then modify ssw01bInit.sh, insmod the dependent ko.

  • Test wifi connection

    ./wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -i wlan0 -c /appconfigs/wpa_supplicant.conf -d &
    sleep 2
    udhcpc -q -i wlan0 -s /etc/init.d/udhcpc.script &
  • WLAN scanning

    ./iwlist wlan0 scanning

5. Wifi Application Example

Source code:

Refer to wifiDemo.rar.


  1. Modify sample code, add the specified wifi information.

  2. Modify PROJECT_PATH in Makefile, use the local SDK path, and then compile the demo code:

  3. Copy the generated testWifi to the target board and run

    The prompt is as follow:

    Enter 'm' to switch STA/AP mode, the default is STA mode;

    In the code, you can preset the list of wifi to be connected, enter ‘a’ to switch to the next one, and start looping from 0 by default;

    Enter 'n' to connect the designated wifi in STA mode, open the personal wifi in AP mode;

    Enter 'd' to disconnect in STA mode, close the personal wifi in AP mode;

    Enter 'p' to print the information currently scanned in STA mode, and print the connected device information in AP mode;

    Enter 'q' to quit app.