Version 2.25


1.1. Module Description

MI_SYS is the foundation module for the entire MI system, and it provides the basis for the operation of other MI modules.

Figure 1‑1 : MI_SYS System Framework

As shown in Figure 1‑1, the main functions of the MI_SYS Overview are as follows:

  • Realize MI system initialization, MMA memory buffer pool management.

  • Provides the registration device nodes of each module, the general interface established by the proc system.

  • Provide s/he interface for each module to establish a binding relationship and manage the flow of data between the modules.

  • Provide s/he interface for each module to request MMA continuous physical memory, manage memory allocation, map virtual addresses, and reclaim memory.

  • Provides the interface of each module to establish the worker thread, manages the creation, operation, destruction of each module thread.

As shown in Figure 1‑2, the code structure of the MI_SYS is divided into four layers: the impl layer, the internal layer, the ioctl layer, and the api layer.

Figure 1‑2 : MI_SYS Code Structure

Sys impl layer: at the bottom of the MI_SYS, basically sys functionality is implemented here.

Sys internal layer: The Sys impl layer external interface is encapsulated in kernel mode, providing other MI modules with features such as device creation, request memory, creation of threads, and management of memory.

Sys ioctl layer: Sys impl layer external interface encapsulation, composed of the format of ioctl, provided by sys api call.

Sys api layer: The Sys api layer compiles once each in kernel mode and user mode, but is currently only open to user mode calls, i.e. the api interface that is finally open to customers. Please refer to the API interface instructions for specific functions.


The Sys impl layer, the Sys internal layer, the Sys ioctl layer are implemented in "mi_sys.ko", the Sys api layer is implemented in "libmi_sys.so", the header file is (mi_sys.h, mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_ sys.h).

1.2. Document format constraints

Body: for writing the body content of the document, where the writing of the snippet needs to be written in an equal-width font.

Body and bold: For writing important content in the body of a document.

Italics: for writing in the Tips section of the document.

Italics and boldness: For writing important content in the Tips section of the document.

1.3. Keyword Description

ID: An abbreviation for Identity document, which means unique encoding.

MI: SStar SDK Middle Interface abbreviation, in this article, if a similar structure of "MI_SYS" appears to represent the MI SYS module, if it is a simple "MI", refers to the entire SDK.

Hex: Hex.

Kernel Mode: refers to code that works in kernel environments and has control over the hardware that operates directly, such as functions and threads in ko.

User Mode: refers to working in a User environment, such as customer applications, system calls, and so on.

APP: An abbreviation for Application, which refers primarily to an application that calls the MI API.

API: Application Interface, Application Interface.

NVR: Network Video Recorder, or Network Video Recorder.

IPC: Full name IP Camera, or webcam.

HW: Full name hardware, that is, hardware.

Dev: Full name Device, which is described in this article as the MI module device, 1.4.1 is explained in detail.

Pass: This article represents the workflow of the MI module device device, 1.4.1 is explained in detail.

Chn: Full Chanel, which represents a channel of MI module equipment, 1.4.1 is explained in detail.

Port: This article indicates that a port in the MI module device channel, 1.4.1 is explained in detail.

Additional notes:

  • Without separate instructions, the MI_SYS in this article have the same meaning as SYS, MI_DISP, and DISP, and the remaining modules have similar names.

  • All module names that appear in this article can be found in MI_ModuleId_e.

1.4. Flow frame

1.4.1. Relationship between Dev/Pass/Chn/Port

A typical MI module will have a Dev/Pass/Port three-stage structure as shown in Figure 1‑3.

  • Dev

    An MI module will have one or more Devs, and in general different Devs indicate that the module device needs to invoke different HW resources or work in different working patterns. For example, VENC needs to invoke different HW resources when encoding H264/H265 and Jpeg, and Dev has to separate.

  • Chn

    A Dev will have one or more Chns, which generally mean that the channel is different, and that the channel, although it shares HW resources with other Chns under Dev, is different from the data source or working pattern. For example, the source of the code flow is different, Chn is generally not the same.

  • Port

    A Chn will have one or more ports, which means port, consisting of Input Port and Output Port. In general, different Ports indicate that the channel shares HW resources and data sources with other Ports under Dev and Chn, but the parameters that need to be set are different, such as different resolutions, and Port is generally different.

    In general, Port is the smallest independent unit for the customer to operate the MI module because it identifies all the information: HW resources, data sources, parameter properties.

    Each Port consists of InputPort and OutputPort, which are the ports for data inflows, and OutputPort, which is the port of data flowing out. It is important to note, however, that a Port does not always have input Port and OutputPort, depending on the behavior of the module. Modules like Disp only need InputPort, and output Port is needed, and it shows the results directly on the Panel. A module like Vdec, where the data can be fed directly by a user calling the Vdec interface, does not go through InputPort, so that he does not have OutputPort.

    Figure 1‑3 : Three-level structure of the MI module


1. The boundaries between Chn and Port are not always clear, if there is a difference between the interpretation of a module's API documentation and the explanation above, call the module to its API documentation.

2. InputPort/OutpuPort for a Port is usually only one or zero, with the exception of some special modules. The Vpe module, for example, has a structural relationship as shown in the figure. That is, it has one InputPort and multiple OutputPorts. This means that Vpe shares the same data source, but must have different output formats of different specifications.

  • Pass

Pass is a new concept introduced MI_SYS V2.0 and above. As we said above, Dev generally corresponds to access to HW resources, which is that worker threads should have been created at this level.

However, for some complex modules, you need to use multiple sets of HW resources to complete the function in stages. These stages can work in parallel, but there is order between them, and the output of the previous stage is the input of the latter stage, at which point the process of Dev's work needs to be processed into different Pass threads.

Figure 1‑4 : Relation between Pass and Dev


  1. Some modules have only one Pass, some have multiple, and one Pass is for a worker thread, and a valid execution represents the process of "one data inflow - HW processing - data outflow".

  2. It is important to note that Pass and Chn/Port are not subordinate, they are a submodule belonging to Dev. Its functionality is implemented within MI, and there is no need to pay too much attention to using the API interface.

1.4.2. A typical NVR data stream

Figure 1‑5 is a typical NVR data flow model. The flow process is as follows:

  1. Establishing a binding relationship with Vdec-Divp-Disp;

  2. The user writes a stream of yards to InputPort in Vdec;

  3. Vdec decoding, writing decoded data to Vdec OutpuPort requested memory, sent to the next level;

  4. Divp receives the data, sends it to Divp HW for processing, writes to Divp OutputPort, and sends it to the next level;

  5. Disp will receive the data displayed.

Figure 1‑5 : A typical NVR data flow model


The data flow is the original practice, now the Vdec module has provided a separate interface to the customer, can write the data directly to Vdec's private memory, do not need to make extra copies through the interface of Ah SYS. That said, Vdec no longer needs InputPort.

1.4.3. A typical IPC data stream

Figure 1‑6 is a typical IPC data flow model with the following flow procedures:

  1. Establishing a binding relationship with Vif-Vpe-Venc;

  2. Sensor feeds the data into vif processing;

  3. Vif sends the processed data to the memory requested by Output Port and sends it to the next level;

  4. Vpe receives the data, feeds it into Pass0 (ISP/SCL0), Pass1 (LDC), Pass2 (SCL1) for processing, and writes the processed data to the memory requested by Output Port and sends it to the next level;

  5. Venc receives the data, feeds the encoder for coding processing, and writes the encoded data to the RingPool memory area;

  6. The user calls Venc's interface to retrieve the stream and feeds it into the user's business layer app.

    Figure 1‑6 : A typical IPC data flow model


The flow of data between the three Passes inside Vpe is actually more complex than in the figure. But this is all MI internal processing logic, using the API without excessive attention.

2. API Reference

2.1. API Format Description

This manual uses information about the Description APIs for the nine reference domains, which are represented by Table 2-1.

Table 2‑1 : API Format Description

Label Function
Function Briefly Description the main features of the API.
Syntax List the header files that should be included in the call API and the prototype declaration of the API.
Parameters List the parameters, parameter descriptions, and parameter properties of the API.
Return value List all possible return values of the API and what it means.
Dependency Lists the header files that the API contains and the library files that the API will link to when the API compiles.
Attention List the things you should be aware of when using the API.
Example List instances that use the API.
Related topics The interface associated with the call context.

2.2. Feature Module API List

As mentioned earlier, we can roughly divide the MI_SYS's API into three broad categories: system functional class, data flow class, memory management class.

Table 2‑2 : API List

API Name Function
System functional class
MI_SYS_Init Initialize the MI_SYS system
MI_SYS_Exit Destructing MI_SYS System
MI_SYS_GetVersion Get the system version number of MI
MI_SYS_GetCurPts Get the current timestamp of the MI system
MI_SYS_InitPtsBase Initializing MI System Baseline Timestamp
MI_SYS_SyncPts Synchronized MI system timestamp
MI_SYS_SetReg Set the value of the register, debug with
MI_SYS_GetReg Get the value of the register, debug with
MI_SYS_ReadUuid Get Chip's Unique ID
MI_SYS_EnableChnOutputPortLowLatency Enable or disable output port low latency
MI_SYS_InitDev Initialize sys device
MI_SYS_DeInitDev De-initialize sys device
MI_SYS_SetGlobalFlag Set global flag bit value
Data stream class
MI_SYS_BindChnPort Binding of the data source Output port to the recipient Input port
MI_SYS_BindChnPort2 Binding from the output port of the data source to the recipient Input port, requiring a working mode to be specified
MI_SYS_UnBind_ChnPort The de-binding of the data source Output port to the recipient Input port
MI_SYS_GetBindbyDest Query the corresponding source Output port for the data recipient Input port
MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf Get the buf of channel input Port
MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBuf Add the buf of the channel input Port to the pending queue
MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf Get the buf of the channel output Port
MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortPutBuf Release channel outputPort's buf
MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBufPa The buf object corresponding to the allocation channel input port, which only returns MIU physical address
MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBufPa Add the buf object corresponding to the channel input port to the pending queue, which needs to be used in pair with the function MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBufPa
MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBufPa The buf object corresponding to the allocation channel ouput port, which only returns MIU physical address
MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortPutBufPa Release channel output port corresponding to the buf object, which needs to be used in pair with the function MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBufPa
MI_SYS_SetChnOutputPortDepth Set the depth of the channel OutputPort
MI_SYS_ChnPortInjectBuf Inject output Port Buf data into module channel inputPort Port
MI_SYS_GetFd Get the file Description character of the current channel wait event
MI_SYS_CloseFd File Description character to close the current channel
MI_SYS_DupBuf Duplicate buf object
Memory management classes
MI_SYS_SetChnMMAConf Set the MMA pool name for the default allocation of memory for the module device channel Output port
MI_SYS_GetChnMMAConf Get the MMA pool name of the module device channel Output port's default allocated memory
MI_SYS_ConfDevPubPools Configure and initialize the module's public buffer pool
MI_SYS_ReleaseDevPubPools Release module public buffer pool
MI_SYS_ConfGloPubPools Configure and initialize the MI system-wide default VB cache pool
MI_SYS_ReleaseGloPubPools Release MI System Default VB Cache Pool
MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc Application requests physical continuous memory from MMA memory management pool
MI_SYS_MMA_Free Memory allocated to the MMA memory management pool in the user state
MI_SYS_Mmap Mapping physical memory to CPU virtual addresses
MI_SYS_FlushInvCache Flush cache CPU virtual address
MI_SYS_Munmap Unmapping physical memory to virtual addresses
MI_SYS_MemsetPa Fill the entire physical memory with the DMA hardware module.
MI_SYS_MemcpyPa Copy the source memory data to the target memory via the DMA hardware module
MI_SYS_BufFillPa Fill some of the physical memory with the DMA hardware module
MI_SYS_BufBlitPa Copy parts of the source memory data to parts of the target memory through the DMA hardware module.
MI_SYS_ConfigPrivateMMAPool Configure private MMA Heap for mold fast
MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapAlloc Request memory from module channel private MMA Pool
MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapFree Free memory from module channel private MMA pool
MI_SYS_Va2Pa Turn CPU virtual address pointer to Physical address

2.3. System functional class API

2.3.1. MI_SYS_Init

  • Function

    MI_SYS_Init ialization, the MI_SYS module provides basic support for other MI modules in the system and needs to be initialized earlier than other MI modules in the system, otherwise other stream types within the module will fail when initialization.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_Init(void);
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • MI_SYS_Init need to be called earlier than other MI modules in the Init function.

    • The MI_SYS_Init can be repeatedly called, but must be used in pairs with the MI_SYS_Exit or an error will be reported.

    • The system needs to configure the configuration parameters of the MMA memory heap within the kernel boot parameters.

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_Init Sample

    MI_S32 ST_Sys_Init(void)
        MI_SYS_Version_t stVersion;
        MI_U64 u64Pts = 0;
        memset(&stVersion, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_Version_t));
        ST_INFO("u8Version:%s\n", stVersion.u8Version);
        ST_INFO("u64Pts:0x%llx\n", u64Pts);
        u64Pts = 0xF1237890F1237890;
        u64Pts = 0xE1237890E1237890;
        return MI_SUCCESS;
    MI_S32 ST_Sys_Exit(void)
        return MI_SUCCESS;


This example is intended for: MI_SYS_Init / MI_SYS_Exit / MI_SYS_GetVersion / MI_SYS_GetCurPts / MI_SYS_InitPtsBase / MI_SYS_SyncPts / MI_SYS_ReadUuid .

2.3.2. MI_SYS_Exit

  • Function

    MI_SYS_Init ialization, before calling MI_SYS_Exit, you need to make sure that all other modules in the system have been deinitialized and that all VBPOOL has been Destroyed or the MI_SYS_Exit will return to failure.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_Exit (void);
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • MI_SYS_Exit Before calling, make sure that all other modules in the system have been deinitialized.

    • MI_SYS_Exit Before calling, you need to make sure that all created VBPOOL in the system has been successfully destroyed.

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_Init Sample.

  • Related topics


2.3.3. MI_SYS_GetVersion

  • Function

    Get the system version number of MI.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_GetVersion (MI_SYS_Version_t *pstVersion);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstVersion System version number returns data structure pointer Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_Init Sample.

2.3.4. MI_SYS_GetCurPts

  • Function

    Get the current timestamp of the MI system.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_GetCurPts (MI_U64 *pu64Pts);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pu64Pts The system's current timestamp returns address Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_Init Sample.

2.3.5. MI_SYS_InitPtsBase

  • Function

    Initializing MI System Baseline Timestamp.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_InitPtsBase (MI_U64 u64PtsBase);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    u64PtsBase Set system timestamp baseline Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_Init Sample.

2.3.6. MI_SYS_SyncPts

  • Function

    Synchronized MI system timestamp.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_SyncPts (MI_U64 u64Pts);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    u64Pts Fine-tuned system timestamp baseline Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_Init Sample.

2.3.7. MI_SYS_SetReg

  • Function

    Set the value of the register.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_SetReg (MI_U32 u32RegAddr, MI_U16 u16Value,MI_U16 u16Mask);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    u32RegAddr Register Bus Address Input
    u16Value 16bit register value to be written Input
    u16Mask This time the Mask mask ingests the bar for the register value Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

2.3.8. MI_SYS_GetReg

  • Function

    Get the value of the register, debug with.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_GetReg (MI_U32 u32RegAddr, MI_U16 *pu16Value);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    u32RegAddr Register Bus Address Input
    pu16Value To read back to 16bit register value return address Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

2.3.9. MI_SYS_ReadUuid

  • Function

    Get Chip's Unique ID.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ReadUuid (MI_U64 *u64Uuid);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    u64Uuid Get a pointer to the chip unique ID value Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_Init Sample.

2.3.10. MI_SYS_EnableChnOutputPortLowLatency

  • Function

    Enable or disable output port low latency.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_EnableChnOutputPortLowLatency(MI_SYS_ChnPort_t *pstChnPort,MI_BOOL bEnable , MI_U32 u32Param);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Parameter meaning Input/Output
    pstChnPort A pointer to the output port of the module channel Input
    bEnable TRUE: enable; FALSE: disable Input
    u32Param Low Latency parameter, which is determined by specific modules. For VPE, it is used for configuring the line count. The buffer of frame is sent to user or backward once the count of lines is written, instead of waiting for the whole frame done. Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    When bEnable is true, u32Param must be greater than 0; otherwise the setting is invalid.

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stChnPort;
    stChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
    stChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    MI_SYS_EnableChnOutputPortLowLatency(&stChnPort,TRUE , 100);
    MI_SYS_EnableChnOutputPortLowLatency(&stChnPort,FALSE , 0);

2.3.11. MI_SYS_InitDev

  • Function

    MI_SYS_Init ialization, the MI_SYS module provides basic support for other MI modules in the system and needs to be initialized earlier than other MI modules in the system, otherwise other stream types within the module will fail when initialization.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_InitDev(MI_SYS_InitParam_t *pstInitParam);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstInitParam Initialization Parameter Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • MI_SYS_Init need to be called earlier than other MI modules in the Init function.

    • The system needs to configure the configuration parameters of the MMA memory heap within the kernel boot parameters.

    • pstInitParam is not used now, the null value can be passed in.

    • This interface is recommended in version 2.17 or above, use to replace the original MI_SYS_Init interface.

  • Related topics


2.3.12. MI_SYS_DeInitDev

  • Function

    MI_SYS initialization, before calling MI_SYS_DeInitDev, you need to make sure that all other modules in the system have been deinitialized and that all VBPOOL has been Destroyed or the MI_SYS_DeInit will return to failure.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_DeInitDev(void);
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • This interface should be called after device has been initialized; otherwise a failed message will be returned.

    • This interface does not support multiple calls under the same process, otherwise a failed message will be returned.

    • MI_SYS_DeInitDev Before calling, make sure that all other modules in the system have been deinitialized.

    • This interface is recommended in Version 2.17 and above, use to replace the original MI_SYS_Exit interface

  • Related topics


2.3.13. MI_SYS_SetGlobalFlag

  • Function

    Set the global flag bit value, currently supports setting the IR flag bit value.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_SetGlobalFlag(MI_SYS_GlobalFlagParam_t *pstGlobalFlagParam);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstGlobalFlagParam Set global Flag parameter Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h、mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

2.4. Data flow class API

2.4.1. MI_SYS_BindChnPort

  • Function

    Binding of the data source Output port to the data receiver Input port.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_BindChnPort( *pstSrcChnPort, *pstDstChnPort, ,MI_U32 u32SrcFrmrate, MI_U32 u32DstFrmrate);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Parameter meaning Input/Output
    pstSrcChnPort Source port configuration information data structure pointer Input
    pstDstChnPort Target port configuration information data structure pointer Input
    u32SrcFrmrate Frame rate of source port configuration Input
    u32DstFrmrate Frame rate of target port configuration Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • The source port must be a channel Output port.

    • The destination port must be a channel Input port.

    • The source and destination ports must not have been bound before.

    • This interface only supports binding modules in E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_FRAME_BASE mode, not recommended in version 2.0 or above, please use MI_SYS_BindChnPort2 instead.

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stSrcChnPort;
    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stDstChnPort;
    MI_U32 u32SrcFrmrate;
    MI_U32 u32DstFrmrate;
    stSrcChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
    stSrcChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stSrcChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stSrcChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC;
    stDstChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    u32SrcFrmrate = 30;
    u32DstFrmrate = 30;
    MI_SYS_BindChnPort(&stSrcChnPort, &stDstChnPort, u32SrcFrmrate, u32DstFrmrate);
  • Related topics



2.4.2. MI_SYS_BindChnPort2

  • Function

    Binding of the data source Output port to the data receiver Input port requires additional operating mode.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_BindChnPort2(MI_SYS_ChnPort_t *pstSrcChnPort,
    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t *pstDstChnPort,MI_U32 u32SrcFrmrate, MI_U32
    u32DstFrmrate, MI_SYS_BindType_e eBindType, MI_U32 u32BindParam);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Parameter meaning Input/Output
    pstSrcChnPort The source port configures the information data structure pointer. Input
    pstDstChnPort The destination port configures the information data structure pointer. Input
    u32SrcFrmrate Frame rate of source port configuration Input
    u32DstFrmrate Frame rate of target port configuration Input
    eBindType The operating mode of the source port connected to the destination port, refer to the MI_SYS_BindType_e Input
    u32BindParam Additional parameters to be brought in by different working modes. Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • The source port must be a channel Output port.

    • The destination port must be a channel Input port.

    • The source and destination ports must not have been previously bound

    • Older versions of MI SYS do not provide this interface if not found, do not need to be set.

    • Various eBindType usage scenarios are as follows:

      eBindType Applicable Scenario
      E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_SW_LOW_LATENCY u32 Bind Param represents low latency value, unit ms
      E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_HW_RING u32 Bind Param represents ring buffer depth, currently only vpe and venc (h264/h265) support this model, only all the way
      E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_REALTIME u32 Bind Param unused, jpe imi will go this way, only support all the way
      E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_FRAME_BASE u32 Bind Param unused, default is to walk this frame mode
  • Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stSrcChnPort;
    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stDstChnPort;
    MI_U32 u32SrcFrmrate;
    MI_U32 u32DstFrmrate;
    MI_SYS_BindType_e eBindType;
    MI_U32 u32BindParam;
    // a.    When the type of connection between vpe and venc is E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_FRAME_BASE, the code is as follows:
    stSrcChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
    stSrcChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stSrcChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stSrcChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC;
    stDstChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    u32SrcFrmrate = 30;
    u32DstFrmrate = 30;
    u32BindParam = 0;
    STCHECKRESULT(MI_SYS_BindChnPort2(&stSrcChnPort, &stDstChnPort, u32SrcFrmrate, u32DstFrmrate, eBindType, u32BindParam));
    //b.    When the type of connection between vpe and venc is
    E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_REALTIME, the code is as follows:
    stSrcChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
    stSrcChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stSrcChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stSrcChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC;
    stDstChnPort.u32DevId = 1;
    stDstChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    u32SrcFrmrate = 30;
    u32DstFrmrate = 30;
    u32BindParam = 0;
    STCHECKRESULT(MI_SYS_BindChnPort2(&stSrcChnPort, &stDstChnPort, u32SrcFrmrate, u32DstFrmrate, eBindType, u32BindParam));
    //c.    When the type of connection between vpe and venc is
    E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_HW_RING, the code is as follows:
    tSrcChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
    stSrcChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stSrcChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stSrcChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC;
    stDstChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
    stDstChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    u32SrcFrmrate = 30;
    u32DstFrmrate = 30;
    u32BindParam = 1080; //Suppose vpe output resolution is 1920*1080, and
    ring buffer depth is 1080
    STCHECKRESULT(MI_SYS_BindChnPort2(&stSrcChnPort, &stDstChnPort, u32SrcFrmrate u32DstFrmrate, eBindType, u32BindParam));
  • Related topics



2.4.3. MI_SYS_UnBind_ChnPort

  • Function

    Debinding between the data source Output port to the data receiver Input port.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_UnBindChnPort( *pstSrcChnPort, *pstDstChnPort);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstSrcChnPort The source port configures the information data structure pointer. Input
    pstDstChnPort The destination port configures the information data structure pointer. Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • The source port must be a channel Output port.

    • The destination port must be a channel Input port.

    • The source and destination ports must have been bound before

  • Related topics



2.4.4. MI_SYS_GetBindbyDest

  • Function

    Query the corresponding source Output port for the data recipient Input port.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_GetBindbyDest ( *pstDstChnPort, *pstSrcChnPort);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstDstChnPort The destination port configures the information data structure pointer. Input
    pstDstChnPort The source port configures the information data structure pointer. Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • The destination port must be a channel Input port.

    • The target port must have been bound before

2.4.5. MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf

  • Function

    The buf object corresponding to the allocation channel input port.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf (MI_SYS_ChnPort_t *pstChnPort,MI_SYS_BufConf_t *pstBufConf,  MI_SYS_BufInfo_t *pstBufInfo,  MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE *phHandle , MI_S32 s32TimeOutMs);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstChnPort A pointer to the input port of the module channel Input
    pstBufConf Memory configuration information to be allocated Input
    pstPortBuf Return buf pointer Output
    phHandle Get the Idr handle of intput Port Buf Output
    s32TimeOutMs Number of milliseconds waiting for timeout Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf Call Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stVpeChnInput;
    MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE hHandle = 0;
    MI_SYS_BufConf_t stBufConf;
    MI_SYS_BufInfo_t stBufInfo;
    struct timeval stTv;
    MI_U16 u16Width = 1920, u16Height = 1080;
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    memset(&stVpeChnInput, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_ChnPort_t));
    memset(&stBufConf, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_BufConf_t));
    memset(&stBufInfo, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_BufInfo_t));
    stVpeChnInput.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
    stVpeChnInput.u32DevId = 0;
    stVpeChnInput.u32ChnId = 0;
    stVpeChnInput.u32PortId = 0;
    fp = fopen("/mnt/vpeport0_1920x1080_pixel0_737.raw","rb");
    if(fp == NULL)
        printf("file %s open fail\n", "/mnt/vpeport0_1920x1080_pixel0_737.raw");
        return 0;
        stBufConf.eBufType = E_MI_SYS_BUFDATA_FRAME;
        gettimeofday(&stTv, NULL);
        stBufConf.u64TargetPts = stTv.tv_sec*1000000 + stTv.tv_usec;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.eFormat = E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_YUV422_YUYV;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.eFrameScanMode = E_MI_SYS_FRAME_SCAN_MODE_PROGRESSIVE;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.u16Width = u16Width;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.u16Height = u16Height;
        if(MI_SUCCESS  == MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf(&stVpeChnInput,&stBufConf,&stBufInfo,&hHandle,0))
            if(fread(stBufInfo.stFrameData.pVirAddr[0], u16Width*u16Height*2, 1, fp) <= 0)
                fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
            MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBuf(hHandle,&stBufInfo, FALSE);
  • Related topics



2.4.6. MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBuf

  • Function

    Add the buf object corresponding to the channel input port to the pending queue.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBuf (MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE hHandle ,MI_SYS_BufInfo_t *pstPortBuf, MI_BOOL bDropBuf);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    hHandle Current buf's Idr Handle Input
    pstPortBuf Buf pointer to be submitted Input
    bDropBuf Direct waiver of modifications to buf does not submit Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf Call Sample.

  • Related topics



2.4.7. MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf

  • Function

    The buf object corresponding to the allocation channel input port.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32  MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf (MI_SYS_ChnPort_t *pstChnPort,  MI_SYS_BufInfo_t MI_SYS_BufInfo_t *pstBufInfo , MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE *phHandle);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstChnPort A pointer to the input port of the module channel Input
    pstBufInfo Return buf pointer Output
    phHandle Get the Idr handle of outputPort Buf Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stChnPort;
    MI_SYS_BufInfo_t stBufInfo;
    MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE stBufHandle;
    MI_S32 s32Ret = MI_SUCCESS;
    MI_S32 s32Fd = 0;
    fd_set read_fds;
    struct timeval TimeoutVal;
    char szFileName[128];
    int fd = 0;
    MI_U32 u32GetFramesCount = 0;
    MI_BOOL _bWriteFile = TRUE;
    stChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_DIVP;
    stChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stChnPort.u32ChnId = DIVP_CHN_FOR_VDF;
    stChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    s32Ret = MI_SYS_GetFd(&stChnPort, &s32Fd);
    if(MI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
        ST_ERR("MI_SYS_GetFd 0, error, %X\n", s32Ret);
        return NULL;
    s32Ret = MI_SYS_SetChnOutputPortDepth(&stChnPort, 2, 3);
    if (MI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
        ST_ERR("MI_SYS_SetChnOutputPortDepth err:%x, chn:%d,port:%d\n", s32Ret,
            stChnPort.u32ChnId, stChnPort.u32PortId);
        return NULL;
    sprintf(szFileName, "divp%d.es", stChnPort.u32ChnId);
    printf("start to record %s\n", szFileName);
    fd = open(szFileName, O_RDWR | O_ CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
    if (fd < 0)
        ST_ERR("create %s fail\n", szFileName);
    while (1)
        FD_SET(s32Fd, &read_fds);
        TimeoutVal.tv_sec  = 1;
        TimeoutVal.tv_usec = 0;
        s32Ret = select(s32Fd + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &TimeoutVal);
        if(s32Ret < 0)
            ST_ERR("select failed!\n");
            //  usleep(10 * 1000);
        else if(s32Ret == 0)
            ST_ERR("get divp frame time out\n");
            //usleep(10 * 1000);
            if(FD_ISSET(s32Fd, &read_fds))
                s32Ret = MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf(&stChnPort, &stBufInfo, &stBufHandle);
                if(MI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
                    //ST_ERR("MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf err, %x\n", s32Ret);
                // save one Frame YUV data
                if (fd > 0)
                        write(fd, stBufInfo.stFrameData.pVirAddr[0], stBufInfo.stFrameData.u16Height * stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32Stride[0] +
                        stBufInfo.stFrameData.u16Height * stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32Stride[1] /2);
                printf("channelId[%u] u32GetFramesCount[%u]\n", stChnPort.u32ChnId, u32GetFramesCount);
    if (fd > 0)
        fd = -1;
    MI_SYS_SetChnOutputPortDepth(&stChnPort, 0, 3);
    printf("exit record\n");
    return NULL;
  • Related topics



2.4.8. MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortPutBuf

  • Function

    Release channel output port corresponding to buf object.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortPutBuf (MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE hBufHandle);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    hBufHandle Idr handle for buf to be submitted Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf Sample.

  • Related topics



2.4.9. MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBufPa

  • Function

    The buf object corresponding to the allocation channel input port, which only returns MIU physical address.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBufPa (MI_SYS_ChnPort_t *pstChnPort,MI_SYS_BufConf_t *pstBufConf,  MI_SYS_BufInfo_t *pstBufInfo,  MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE *phHandle , MI_S32 s32TimeOutMs);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstChnPort A pointer to the input port of the module channel Input
    pstBufConf Configuration information of the memory to be allocated Input
    pstPortBuf Return buf pointer Output
    phHandle Get the Idr handle of intput Port Buf Output
    s32TimeOutMs Time in milliseconds before timeout Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBufPa Call Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stVpeChnInput;
    MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE hHandle = 0;
    MI_SYS_BufConf_t stBufConf;
    MI_SYS_BufInfo_t stBufInfo;
    struct timeval stTv;
    MI_U16 u16Width = 1920, u16Height = 1080;
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    void *pVirAddr = NULL;
    memset(&stVpeChnInput, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_ChnPort_t));
    memset(&stBufConf, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_BufConf_t));
    memset(&stBufInfo, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SYS_BufInfo_t));
    stVpeChnInput.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
    stVpeChnInput.u32DevId = 0;
    stVpeChnInput.u32ChnId = 0;
    stVpeChnInput.u32PortId = 0;
    fp = fopen("/mnt/vpeport0_1920x1080_pixel0_737.raw", "rb");
    if (fp == NULL)
        printf("file %s open fail\n", "/mnt/vpeport0_1920x1080_pixel0_737.raw");
        return 0;
    while (1)
        stBufConf.eBufType = E_MI_SYS_BUFDATA_FRAME;
        gettimeofday(&stTv, NULL);
        stBufConf.u64TargetPts = stTv.tv_sec * 1000000 + stTv.tv_usec;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.eFormat = E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_YUV422_YUYV;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.eFrameScanMode =
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.u16Width = u16Width;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.u16Height = u16Height;
        if (MI_SUCCESS == MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf(&stVpeChnInput, &stBufConf,
        &stBufInfo, &hHandle, 0))
            pVirAddr = MI_SYS_Mmap(stBufInfo.stFrameData.phyAddr[0],
            stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32BufSize, &pVirAddr, TRUE);
            if (fread(pVirAddr, u16Width * u16Height * 2, 1, fp) <= 0)
                fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
            MI_SYS_Munmap(pVirAddr, stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32BufSize);
            MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBuf(hHandle, &stBufInfo, FALSE);
  • Related topics




2.4.10. MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBufPa

  • Function

    Add the buf object corresponding to the channel input port to the pending queue, which needs to be used in pair with the function MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBufPa.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBufPa (MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE hHandle
    ,MI_SYS_BufInfo_t *pstPortBuf, MI_BOOL
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    hHandle Current buf's Idr Handle Input
    pstPortBuf Buf pointer to be submitted Input
    bDropBuf Drop direct waiver of modifications to buf Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Please refer to MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBufPa Call Sample.

  • Related topics




2.4.11. MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBufPa

  • Function

    The buf object corresponding to the allocation channel ouput port, which only returns MIU physical address.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBufPa ( *pstChnPort,
    MI_SYS_BufInfo_t *pstBufInfo ,
    MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE *phHandle);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstChnPort A pointer to the input port of the module channel Input
    pstBufInfo Return buf pointer Output
    phHandle Get the Idr handle of outputPort Buf Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBufPa Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stChnPort;
    MI_SYS_BufInfo_t stBufInfo;
    MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE stBufHandle;
    MI_S32 s32Ret = MI_SUCCESS;
    MI_S32 s32Fd = 0;
    fd_set read_fds;
    struct timeval TimeoutVal;
    char szFileName[128];
    int fd = 0;
    MI_U32 u32GetFramesCount = 0;
    MI_BOOL _bWriteFile = TRUE;
    void *pVirAddr = NULL;
    stChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_DIVP;
    stChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
    stChnPort.u32ChnId = DIVP_CHN_FOR_VDF;
    stChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
    s32Ret = MI_SYS_GetFd(&stChnPort, &s32Fd);
    if (MI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
        ST_ERR("MI_SYS_GetFd 0, error, %X\n", s32Ret);
        return NULL;
    s32Ret = MI_SYS_SetChnOutputPortDepth(&stChnPort, 2, 3);
    if (MI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
        ST_ERR("MI_SYS_SetChnOutputPortDepth err:%x, chn:%d,port:%d\n", s32Ret,
            stChnPort.u32ChnId, stChnPort.u32PortId);
        return NULL;
    sprintf(szFileName, "divp%d.es", stChnPort.u32ChnId);
    printf("start to record %s\n", szFileName);
    fd = open(szFileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
    if (fd < 0)
        ST_ERR("create %s fail\n", szFileName);
    while (1)
        FD_SET(s32Fd, &read_fds);
        TimeoutVal.tv_sec = 1;
        TimeoutVal.tv_usec = 0;
        s32Ret = select(s32Fd + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &TimeoutVal);
        if (s32Ret < 0)
            ST_ERR("select failed!\n");
            //  usleep(10 * 1000);
        else if (s32Ret == 0)
            ST_ERR("get divp frame time out\n");
            //usleep(10 * 1000);
            if (FD_ISSET(s32Fd, &read_fds))
                s32Ret = MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf(&stChnPort, &stBufInfo, &stBufHandle);
                if (MI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
                    //ST_ERR("MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf err, %x\n", s32Ret);
                pVirAddr = MI_SYS_Mmap(stBufInfo.stFrameData.phyAddr[0], stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32BufSize, &pVirAddr, TRUE);
                // save one Frame YUV data
                if (fd > 0)
                    if (_bWriteFile)
                        write(fd, pVirAddr, stBufInfo.stFrameData.u16Height * stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32Stride[0] + stBufInfo.stFrameData.u16Height * stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32Stride[1] / 2);
                printf("channelId[%u] u32GetFramesCount[%u]\n", stChnPort.u32ChnId, u32GetFramesCount);
                MI_SYS_Munmap(pVirAddr, stBufInfo.stFrameData.u32BufSize);
    if (fd > 0)
        fd = -1;
    MI_SYS_SetChnOutputPortDepth(&stChnPort, 0, 3);
    printf("exit record\n");
    return NULL;
  • Related topics




2.4.12. MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortPutBufPa

  • Function

    Release channel output port corresponding to the buf object, which needs to be used in pair with the function MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBufPa.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortPutBufPa (MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE hBufHandle);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    hBufHandle Idr handle for buf to be submitted Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Please refer to MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBufPa Sample.

  • Related topics




2.4.13. MI_SYS_SetChnOutputPortDepth

  • Function

    Set the number of system bufs corresponding to the channel output port and the number of bufs that users can get.

  • Syntax

    *pstChnPort, MI_U32 u32UserFrameDepth, MI_U32 u32BufQueueDepth);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstChnPort A pointer to the output port of the module channel Input
    u32UserFrameDepth Set the maximum number of buf that the output user can get Input
    u32BufQueueDepth Set the maximum number of buf for this output system Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    If you have finished using OutputPortBuf (no more call MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf / MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortPutBuf), you can set u32UserFrameTou to 0 so that the speed of the underlying call is not affected.

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf Sample.

2.4.14. MI_SYS_ChnPortInjectBuf

  • Function

    Plug the acquired output Port buf into the specified input Port Buf Queue.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ChnPortInjectBuf(MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE hHandle ,MI_SYS_ChnPort_t *pstChnInputPort);
  • Parameters

Parameter Name Description Input/Output
pstChnPort A pointer to the input port of the module channel Input
hHandle Get the Idr handle of outputPort Buf Output

2.4.15. MI_SYS_GetFd

  • Function

    Get the file Description Number for the current output Port wait ing-up event.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_GetFd(MI_SYS_ChnPort_t *pstChnPort, MI_S32 *ps32Fd);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstChnPort Port information structure pointer Input
    ps32Fd File Description for waiting for event Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • Need to be used in pairs with MI_SYS_CloseFd.

    • It is recommended to use the fd s select method to extract the data, so that the MI_SYS only wake up the thread when the corresponding port port port has data, the efficiency is more efficient than the use of while and sleep loop to take data.

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf Sample.

  • Related topics


2.4.16. MI_SYS_CloseFd

  • Function

    File Description Number to close the current channel

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_CloseFd(MI_S32 s32ChnPortFd);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    s32ChnPortFd File Description Members for waiting for event Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf Sample.

  • Related topics


2.4.17. MI_SYS_DupBuf

  • Function

    Duplicate buf object.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_DupBuf (MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE srcBufHandle , MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE *pDupTargetBufHandle);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    srcBufHandle Source buf object Input
    pDupTargetBufHandle Return buf object pointer Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf Sample

    int test0()
        MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stChnPort;
        MI_SYS_BufInfo_t stBufInfo;
        MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE bufHandle ,DupTargetBufHandle;
        MI_S32 s32Ret;
        stChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
        stChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
        stChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
        stChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
        s32Ret = MI_SYS_ChnOutputPortGetBuf (&stChnPort,&stBufInfo,&bufHandle);
        if(s32Ret != MI_SUCCESS)
            return 0;
        s32Ret =  MI_SYS_DupBuf(bufHandle, &DupTargetBufHandle);
        if(s32Ret != MI_SUCCESS)
            return 0;
        stChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_DIVP;
        stChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
        stChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
        stChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
        MI_SYS_ChnPortInjectBuf(DupTargetBufHandle , &stChnPort);
            continue to use the stBufInfo
        return 1;
    int test1()
        MI_SYS_ChnPort_t stChnPort;
        MI_SYS_BufInfo_t stBufInfo;
        MI_SYS_BufConf_t stBufConf;
        MI_SYS_BUF_HANDLE bufHandle ,DupTargetBufHandle;
        MI_S32 s32Ret;
        stChnPort.eModId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_DIVP;
        stChnPort.u32DevId = 0;
        stChnPort.u32ChnId = 0;
        stChnPort.u32PortId = 0;
        memset(&stBufConf , 0 , sizeof(stBufConf));
        stBufConf.eBufType = E_MI_SYS_BUFDATA_FRAME;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.eFormat = E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_422;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.u16Height = 1080;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.u16Width = 1920;
        stBufConf.stFrameCfg.eFrameScanMode = E_MI_SYS_FRAME_SCAN_MODE_PROGRESSIVE;
        s32Ret = MI_SYS_ChnInputPortGetBuf (&stChnPort,&stBufConf,&stBufInfo,&bufHandle ,0);
        if(s32Ret != MI_SUCCESS)
            return 0;
            Fill stBufInfo
        s32Ret =  MI_SYS_DupBuf(bufHandle, &DupTargetBufHandle);
        if(s32Ret != MI_SUCCESS)
            return 0;
        MI_SYS_ChnInputPortPutBuf(DupTargetBufHandle , &stBufInfo , FALSE);
            continue to use the stBufInfo
        return 1;
  • Related topics






2.5. Memory Management Class API

2.5.1. MI_SYS_SetChnMMAConf

  • Function

    Set the MMA pool name of the module device channel Output default allocation memory.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_SetChnMMAConf (MI_ModuleId_e eModId, MI_U32 u32DevId, MI_U32 u32ChnId, MI_U8 *pu8MMAHeapName);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    eModId Module ID to be configured Input
    u32DevId Device ID to be configured Input
    u32ChnId Channel number to be configured Input
    pu8MMAHeapName MMA heap name Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    MI_ModuleId_e eVifModeId = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VIF;
    MI_VIF_DEV vifDev = 0;
    MI_VIF_CHN vifChn = 0;
    MI_SYS_SetChnMMAConf(eVifModeId, vifDev, vifChn, "mma_heap_name0");

2.5.2. MI_SYS_GetChnMMAConf

  • Function

    Get the MMA pool name of the module device channel Output port's default allocated memory.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_GetChnMMAConf (MI_ModuleId_e eModId, MI_U32 u32DevId, MI_U32 u32ChnId, void *data, MI_U32 u32Length);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    eModId Module ID to be configured Input
    u32DevId Device ID to be configured Input
    u32ChnId Channel number to be configured Input
    pu8MMAHeapName MMA heap name Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Related topics


2.5.3. MI_SYS_ConfDevPubPools

  • Function

    Configure and initialize the module's public buffer pool.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ConfDevPubPools(MI_ModuleId_e  eModule, MI_U32 u32DevId, MI_VB_PoolListConf_t  stPoolListConf);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    eModule Target module ID Input
    u32DevId Dev ID Input
    stPoolListConf Module public buffer pool queue configuration Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    Version 2.0 and above is not on by default, recommended MI_SYS_ConfigPrivateMMAPool.

2.5.4. MI_SYS_ReleaseDevPubPools

  • Function

    Free the global public buffer pool.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ReleaseDevPubPools(MI_ModuleId_e eModule, MI_U32 u32DevId);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    eModule Target module ID Input
    u32DevId Dev ID Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Version 2.0 and above is not on by default, recommended MI_SYS_ConfigPrivateMMAPool.

2.5.5. MI_SYS_ConfGloPubPools

  • Function

    Configure and initialize the system's global public buffer pool.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ConfGloPubPools(MI_VB_PoolListConf_t stPoolListConf);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    stPoolListConf Module public buffer pool queue configuration Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    Version 2.0 and above is not on by default, recommended MI_SYS_ConfigPrivateMMAPool.

2.5.6. MI_SYS_ReleaseGloPubPools

  • Function

    Free the global public buffer pool.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_VB_ ReleaseGloPubPools (void);
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Version 2.0 and above is not on by default, recommended MI_SYS_ConfigPrivateMMAPool.

2.5.7. MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc

  • Function

    Request the allocation of memory directly to the MMA Memory Manager.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc(MI_U8 *pstMMAHeapName, MI_U32 u32BlkSize, MI_PHY *phyAddr);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstMMAHeapName Target MMA heapname Input
    u32BlkSize The size of the block byteto sedated Input
    phyAddr Physical address of memory block returned Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc Sample

    MI_PHY phySrcBufAddr = 0;
    void *pVirSrcBufAddr = NULL;
    MI_U32 srcBuffSize = 1920 * 1980 * 3 / 2;
    srcBuffSize = ALIGN_UP(srcBuffSize, 4096);
    ret = MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc(NULL, srcBuffSize, &phySrcBufAddr);
    if(ret != MI_SUCCESS)
        printf("alloc src buff failed\n");
        return -1;
    ret = MI_SYS_Mmap(phySrcBufAddr, srcBuffSize, &pVirSrcBufAddr, TRUE);
    if(ret != MI_SUCCESS)
        printf("mmap src buff failed\n");
        return -1;
    memset(pVirSrcBufAddr, 0, srcBuffSize);
    MI_SYS_Munmap(pVirSrcBufAddr, srcBuffSize);
  • Related topics





2.5.8. MI_SYS_MMA_Free

  • Function

    Memory allocated before being released directly to mmA Memory Manager.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_MMA_Free(MI_U64 phyAddr);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    phyAddr Physical address of memory to be freed Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc Sample.

  • Related topics





2.5.9. MI_SYS_Mmap

  • Function

    Mapping any physical memory to the CPU virtual address space for the current user-state process.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_Mmap(MI_U64 u64PhyAddr, MI_U32 u32Size , void
    **ppVirtualAddress , MI_BOOL bCache);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    u64PhyAddr Physical address to be mapped Input
    u32Size The length of the physical address to be mapped Input
    ppVirtualAddress Pointer to store the CPU virtual address pointer Output
    bCache Whether map into cache or un-cache Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • The physical address must be 4KByte aligned.

    • The physical address is the SStar memory controller address, the non-CPU bridge address.

    • The physical address length must be 4KByte aligned.

    • Physical memory must fall completely outside the memory range managed by MMA or from the memory managed by linux kenrel

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc Sample.

  • Related topics





2.5.10. MI_SYS_FlushInvCache

  • Function

    Flush cache.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_FlushCache(MI_VOID *pVirtualAddress, MI_U32 u32Size);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pVirtualAddress Previously MI_SYS_Mmap returned CPU virtual address Input
    u32Size The length of the cache to be flush Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • The physical address to flush cache must be 4KByte aligned.

    • The mapping length to flush cache must be 4KByte aligned.

    • The map memory range to flush cache must be previously obtained through the MI_SYS_Mmap API.

    • The mapping memory for flush cache should be MI_SYS_Mmap in the way of cache, nocache way without flush cache.

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc Sample.

  • Related topics





2.5.11. MI_SYS_Munmap

  • Function

    Cancel the mapping of physical memory to the virtual address..

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_Munmap(MI_VOID *pVirtualAddress, MI_U32 u32Size);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pVirtualAddress Previously MI_SYS_Mmap returned CPU virtual address Input
    u32Size The length of the map to be unmapped Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • The virtual address to be unmapped must be 4KByte aligned.

    • The mapping length to be unmapped must be 4KByte aligned

    • The range of mapped memory to be canceled must be previously obtained through the MI_SYS_Mmap API.

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc Sample.

  • Related topics





2.5.12. MI_SYS_MemsetPa

  • Function

    Fill the entire physical memory with the DMA hardware module.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_MemsetPa(MI_PHY phyPa, MI_U32 u32Val, MI_U32 u32Lenth);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    phyPa The physical address of the padding Input
    u32Val Fill value Input
    u32Lenth Fill size, in byte Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_MemsetPa Sample

    MI_PHY phySrcBufAddr = 0;
    MI_PHY phyDstBufAddr = 0;
    void *pVirSrcBufAddr = NULL;
    void *pVirDstBufAddr = NULL;
    MI_U32 buffSize = 1920 * 1980 * 3 / 2;
    buffSize = ALIGN_UP(buffSize, 4096);
    ret = MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc(NULL, buffSize, &phySrcBufAddr);
    if(ret != MI_SUCCESS)
        printf("alloc src buff failed\n");
        return -1;
    ret = MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc(NULL, buffSize, &phyDstBufAddr);
    if(ret != MI_SUCCESS)
        printf("alloc dts buff failed\n");
        return -1;
    MI_SYS_MemsetPa(phySrcBufAddr, 0xff, buffSize);
    MI_SYS_MemsetPa(phyDstBufAddr, 0x00, buffSize);
    MI_SYS_MemcpyPa(phyDstBufAddr, phySrcBufAddr, buffSize);
  • Related topics


2.5.13. MI_SYS_MemcpyPa

  • Function

    Copy the source memory data to the target memory via the DMA hardware module.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_MemcpyPa(MI_PHY phyDst, MI_PHY phySrc, MI_U32 u32Lenth);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    phyDst Destination physical address Input
    phySrc Source physical address Input
    u32Lenth Copy size, in byte Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_MemsetPa Sample.

  • Related topics


2.5.14. MI_SYS_BufFillPa

  • Function

    Fill some of the physical memory with the DMA hardware module.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_BufFillPa(MI_SYS_FrameData_t *pstBuf, MI_U32 u32Val, MI_SYS_WindowRect_t *pstRect);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstBuf The structure of the filled frame data Description Input
    u32Val Fill value Input
    pstRect The extent of the data populated Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • The pstRect data range is based on the first address of the pstBuf Description as the first address (0,0), and the width and height are partially filled with the ePixel Format in pstBuf to calculate the size of the memory data moved by each pixel.

    • PstBuf in u16Width, u16 Height, phyAddr, u32Stride, ePixelFormat is required, the rest of the value is meaningless.

  • Sample

    MI_S32 ret = 0;
    MI_SYS_WindowRect_t rect;
    MI_SYS_FrameData_t stSysFrame;
    memcpy(&stSysFrame, &buf->stFrameData, sizeof(MI_SYS_FrameData_t));
    if(pRect) {
        rect.u16X = pRect->left;
        rect.u16Y = pRect->top;
        rect.u16Height = pRect->bottom-pRect->top;
        rect.u16Width = pRect->right-pRect->left;
    } else {
        rect.u16X = 0;
        rect.u16Y = 0;
        rect.u16Height = stSysFrame.u16Height;
        rect.u16Width = stSysFrame.u16Width;
    DBG_INFO("rect %d %d %d %d \n", rect.u16X, rect.u16Y
             , rect.u16Width, rect.u16Height);
    ret = MI_SYS_BufBlitPa(&stSysFrame, u32ColorVal, &rect);
    return ret;
  • Related topics


2.5.15. MI_SYS_BufBlitPa

  • Function

    Copy parts of the source memory data to parts of the target memory through the DMA hardware module.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_BufBlitPa(MI_SYS_FrameData_t *pstDstBuf,
    MI_SYS_WindowRect_t *pstDstRect, MI_SYS_FrameData_t *pstSrcBuf,
    MI_SYS_WindowRect_t *pstSrcRect);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstDstBuf Target memory physical first address Input
    pstDstRect The area of the target memory copy Input
    pstSrcBuf Source memory physical first address Input
    pstSrcRect Area of the source memory copy Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • The pstDStRect/pstSrcRect data range is based on the first address of pstDstBuf/pstSrcBuf Buf Description as the first address (0,0), and the width and height are partially populated with ePixelFormat to calculate the size of memory data moved by each pixel.

    • PstDdbuf/pstSrcBuf in u16Width, u16 Height, phyAddr, u32Stride, e32Cre, ePixelFormat is required, the rest of the value is meaningless.

    • The area portion of the source memory or target memory exceeds its original range and will only copy the data on which it is not exceeded.

  • Sample

    MI_S32 ret = MI_SUCCESS;
    vdisp_copyinfo_plane_t *plane;
    MI_SYS_FrameData_t stSrcFrame, stDstFrame;
    MI_SYS_WindowRect_t stSrcRect, stDstRect;
    plane = &copyinfo->plane[0];
    stSrcFrame.ePixelFormat = E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_I8;
    stSrcFrame.phyAddr[0] = plane->src_paddr;
    stSrcFrame.u16Width =  plane->width;
    stSrcFrame.u16Height = plane->height;
    stSrcFrame.u32Stride[0] = plane->src_stride;
    stDstFrame.ePixelFormat = E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_I8;
    stDstFrame.phyAddr[0] = plane->dst_paddr;
    stDstFrame.u16Width =  plane->width;
    stDstFrame.u16Height = plane->height;
    stDstFrame.u32Stride[0] = plane->dst_stride;
    stSrcRect.u16X = 0;
    stSrcRect.u16Y = 0;
    stSrcRect.u16Height = stSrcFrame.u16Height;
    stSrcRect.u16Width = stSrcFrame.u16Width;
    stDstRect.u16X = 0;
    stDstRect.u16Y = 0;
    stDstRect.u16Height = stDstFrame.u16Height;
    stDstRect.u16Width = stDstFrame.u16Width;
    ret = MI_SYS_BufBlitPa(&stDstFrame, &stDstRect, &stSrcFrame, &stSrcRect);
    return ret;
  • Related topics


2.5.16. MI_SYS_ConfigPrivateMMAPool

  • Function

    Configure private MMA Heap.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_ConfigPrivateMMAPool(MI_SYS_GlobalPrivPoolConfig_t
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pstGlobalPrivPoolConf Configure private MMA Heap for modules Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    • Device private MMA Heap and channel private MMA Heap cannot coexist.

    • It is recommended to create a private MMA heap for each module after MI_SYS_Init.

    • When pstGlobalPrivPoolConf-bCreate is TRUE, create a private POOL, destroy the private POOL when it is FALSE

    • Various eConfigType use scenarios are as follows:

      eConfigType Applicable Scenario
      E_MI_SYS_VPE_TO_VENC_PRIVATE_RING_POOL Set up a private ring heap pool for vpe and venc ports bound to E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_HW_RIN mode
      E_MI_SYS_PRE_CHN_PRIVATE_POOL Set up a private heap pool for the module channel
      E_MI_SYS_PRE_DEV_PRIVATE_POOL Set up a private heap pool for module devices
      E_MI_SYS_PER_CHN_PORT_OUTPUT_POOL Set heap pool for module output port, after which the ouput buf priority of the port port is assigned
  • Sample

    Suppose the scene is: Two streams under IPC, one main Stream H265 maximum resolution 1920 x 1080, and all the way Sub Stream H264 max resolution is 720*576.

    VENC Creat MMA Heap:

    //Main Sream:
    //Create private MMA heap with size of 38745760 for Channel 1
    MI_SYS_GlobalPrivPoolConfig_t stConfig;
    memset(&stConfig , 0 ,sizeof(stConfig));
    stConfig.eConfigType = E_MI_SYS_PER_CHN_PRIVATE_POOL;
    stConfig.bCreate = TRUE;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.eModule = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32Devid =  0;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32Channel= 1;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32PrivateHeapSize = 38745760;
    //Sub Stream:
    // Create private MMA heap with size of 805152 for Channel 2
    stConfig.eConfigType = E_MI_SYS_PER_CHN_PRIVATE_POOL;
    stConfig.bCreate = TRUE;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.eModule = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32Devid =  0;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32Channel= 2;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32PrivateHeapSize = 805152;

    VENC Destroyed MMA Heap:

    //Main Sream:
    //Destroyed private MMA heap of Channel 1
    stConfig.eConfigType = E_MI_SYS_PER_CHN_PRIVATE_POOL;
    stConfig.bCreate = FALSE;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.eModule = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32Devid =  0;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32Channel= 1;
    //Sub Stream:
    //Destroyed private MMA heap of Channel 2
    stConfig.eConfigType = E_MI_SYS_PER_CHN_PRIVATE_POOL;
    stConfig.bCreate = FALSE;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.eModule = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32Devid =  0;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32Channel= 2;

    VPE Creat MMA Heap:

    //Creat private MMA Heap with size of 0x4f9200 for Device 0
    stConfig.eConfigType = E_MI_SYS_PER_DEV_PRIVATE_POOL;
    stConfig.bCreate = TRUE;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreDevPrivPoolConfig.eModule = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreDevPrivPoolConfig.u32Devid =  0;

    VPE Destroyed MMA Heap:

    //Destroyed private MMA Heap of Device 0
    stConfig.eConfigType = E_MI_SYS_PER_DEV_PRIVATE_POOL;
    stConfig.bCreate = FALSE;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreDevPrivPoolConfig.eModule = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig.u32Devid =  0;

    Creat VPE -> VENC ring MMA Heap:

    stConfig.eConfigType = E_MI_SYS_VPE_TO_VENC_PRIVATE_RING_POOL;
    stConfig.bCreate = TRUE;
    stConfig.uConfig. stPreVpe2VencRingPrivPoolConfig.u32VencInputRingPoolStaticSize =  8*1024*1024;

    Destroyed VPE -> VENC ring MMA Heap:

    stConfig.eConfigType = E_MI_SYS_VPE_TO_VENC_PRIVATE_RING_POOL;
    stConfig.bCreate = FALSE;
    Different resolutions or turns on different Functionsize sizes are
    different, detailed parameters should be calculated according to the scene
    and specifications used.
  • Related topics



2.5.17. MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapAlloc

  • Function

    Request memory from module channel private MMA Pool.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapAlloc(MI_ModuleId_e eModule, MI_U32
    u32Devid, MI_S32 s32ChnId, MI_U8 *pu8BufName, MI_U32 u32blkSize, MI_PHY
    *pphyAddr, MI_BOOL bTailAlloc);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    eModule Module ID Input
    u32Devid The device ID of the module Input
    s32ChnId Channel ID of the module Input
    pu8BufName When applying for the name of private memory, pass null, use the "app-privAlloc" as the default name Input
    u32blkSize Request the size of private memory Input
    pphyAddr Physical address of allocated private memory Output
    bTailAlloc Whether to apply from the tail of the channel private pool Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    When using this interface, make sure that you have applied E_MI_SYS_PRE_CHN_PRIVATE_POOL type of private memory pool using MI_SYS_ConfigPrivateMMAPool first.

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapAlloc Sample

    MI_PHY *pphyAddr = NULL;
    MI_SYS_GlobalPrivPoolConfig_t stConfig;
    Memset(&stConfig , 0 ,sizeof(stConfig));
    stConfig.eConfigType = E_MI_SYS_PER_CHN_PRIVATE_POOL;
    stConfig.bCreate = TRUE;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig. eModule = E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig. u32Devid =  0;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig. u32Channel= 1;
    stConfig.uConfig.stPreChnPrivPoolConfig. u32PrivateHeapSize = 38745760;
    ret = MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapAlloc(E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC, 0, 1, NULL, 4096, pphyAddr, FALSE);
    if(ret != MI_SUCCESS)
        printf("alloc buff from chn private heap failed\n");
        return -1;
    //do something...
    MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapFree(E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC, 0, 1, *pphyAddr);
  • Related topics



2.5.18. MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapFree

  • Function

    Free memory from module channel private MMA Pool.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapFree(MI_ModuleId_e eModule, MI_U32
    u32Devid, MI_S32 s32ChnId, MI_PHY phyAddr);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    eModule Module ID Input
    u32Devid The device ID of the module Input
    s32ChnId Channel ID of the module Input
    phyAddr Physical address for memory that needs to be freed Input
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    When using this interface, make sure that you have applied a private memory pool of E_MI_SYS_PRE_CHN_PRIVATE_POOL type using the MI_SYS_ConfigPrivateMMAPool first.

  • Sample

    Reference MI_SYS_PrivateDevChnHeapAlloc Sample.

  • Related topics



2.5.19. MI_SYS_Va2Pa

  • Function

    Turn CPU virtual address pointer to Physical address.

  • Syntax

    MI_S32 MI_SYS_Va2Pa (void *pVirtualAddress, MI_PHY *pPhyAddr);
  • Parameters

    Parameter Name Description Input/Output
    pVirtualAddress CPU virtual address pointer Input
    pPhyAddr Pointer to store the physical address of the memory block Output
  • Return

    • 0 Successful.

    • !0 Failed, please refer to the error code.

  • Dependency

    • Head file: mi_sys_datatype.h, mi_sys.h

    • Library files: libmi_sys.a / libmi_sys.so

  • Note

    When using the interface, make sure that the input CPU virtual address is valid and points to the address space allocated in MI.

  • Sample

    MI_SYS_Va2Pa Sample

    MI_PHY phySrcBufAddr = 0;
    MI_PHY phyAddrVa2Pa = 0;
    void *pVirSrcBufAddr = NULL;
    MI_U32 srcBuffSize = 1920 * 1980 * 3 / 2;
    srcBuffSize = ALIGN_UP(srcBuffSize, 4096);
    ret = MI_SYS_MMA_Alloc(NULL, srcBuffSize, &phySrcBufAddr);
    if(ret != MI_SUCCESS)
        printf("alloc src buff failed\n");
        return -1;
    ret = MI_SYS_Mmap(phySrcBufAddr, srcBuffSize, &pVirSrcBufAddr, TRUE);
    if(ret != MI_SUCCESS)
        printf("mmap src buff failed\n");
        return -1;
    MI_SYS_Va2Pa(pVirSrcBufAddr, &phyAddrVa2Pa);
    assert(phySrcBufAddr == phyAddrVa2Pa);
    memset(pVirSrcBufAddr, 0, srcBuffSize);
    MI_SYS_Munmap(pVirSrcBufAddr, srcBuffSize);
  • Related topics


3. Data type

3.1. Description of data structure Description Format

This manual uses information about the five reference domain Description data types, which act as information about the reference domain Description data types, as shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3‑1 : Data Structure Description Format Description

Label Function
Description Brief Description data type of the main Function.
Define Define statement slisting data types
Members List the data structure of the Members and meaning.
Note List things that should be in Note when using data types.
Related data types and interfaces List the other data types and interfaces associated with this data type.

3.2. List of data structures

Relevant data types and data structures are defined as follows:

Table 3‑2 : Summary of Data Structures

Data Structures definition
MI_ModuleId_e Define module ID enumeration type
MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e Define pixel enumeration type
MI_SYS_CompressMode_e Define compression enumeration type
MI_SYS_FrameTileMode_e Define Tile format enumeration type
MI_SYS_FieldType_e Define Field Enumeration Type
MI_SYS_BufDataType_e Define module ID enumeration type
MI_SYS_FrameIspInfoType_e Types of ISP info enumerations carried by Define frame data
MI_SYS_ChnPort_t Define module device channel structure
MI_SYS_MetaData_t Structure of Define Stream MetaData
MI_SYS_RawData_t Structure of Define Stream RawData
MI_SYS_WindowRect_t Structure of Define Window coordinates
MI_SYS_FrameData_t Structure of Define Stream FrameData
MI_SYS_BufInfo_t Buf Information Structure
MI_SYS_FrameBufExtraConfig_t Define Structure sits additionally configured by Stream Frame buffer
MI_SYS_BufFrameConfig_t Frame buf configuration information structure
MI_SYS_BufRawConfig_t Raw buf configuration information structure
MI_SYS_MetaDataConfig_t Meta buf configuration information structure
MI_SYS_BufConf_t Configure the Buf information structure
MI_SYS_Version_t Sys version information structure
MI_VB_PoolListConf_t Structure of DescribeVB Pool list information
MI_SYS_BindType_e Enumeration type of Pre- and Post-Level Working Mode of Define
MI_SYS_FrameData_PhySignalType Enumeration type of buffer type to which Describeframe data belongs
MI_SYS_InsidePrivatePoolType_e Enumeration type of private MMA POOL type in Description Creat
MI_SYS_PerChnPrivHeapConf_t Define Description Channel private MMA Pool structure
MI_SYS_PerDevPrivHeapConf_t Define Description Structure of the device's private MMA Pool
MI_SYS_PerVpe2VencRingPoolConf_t Define Description Structure of private Ring MMA Pool between VPE and VENC
MI_SYS_PerChnPortOutputPool_t Define Describeouput port Structure of private MMA Pool
MI_SYS_GlobalPrivPoolConfig_t Define Description Configure the structure of the private MMA Pool
MI_SYS_FrameIspInfo_t Structure of ISP info in Define frame data
MI_SYS_InitParam_t Define the initialized parameter of SYS device
MI_SYS_BufFrameMultiPlaneConfig_t MultiPlane Frame buf configuration information structure
MI_SYS_FrameDataSubPlane_t Structure of Define Stream SubPlane FrameData
MI_SYS_FrameDataMultiPlane_t Structure of Define Stream MultiPlane FrameData
MI_SYS_GlobalFlagType_e Define global Flag type
MI_SYS_GlobalFlagParam_t Set global Flag parameter

3.2.1. MI_ModuleId_e

  • Description

    Define Module ID enumeration type.

  • Define

    typedef enum
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_IVE    = 0,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_VDF      = 1,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC     = 2,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_RGN     = 3,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_AI    = 4,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_AO    = 5,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_VIF    = 6,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE    = 7,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_VDEC    = 8,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_SYS     = 9,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_FB    = 10,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_HDMI  = 11,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_DIVP  = 12,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_GFX    = 13,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_VDISP    = 14,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_DISP     = 15,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_OS     = 16,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_IAE = 17,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_MD = 18,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_OD = 19,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_SHADOW = 20,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_WARP = 21,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_UAC = 22,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_LDC = 23,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_SD = 24,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_PANEL = 25,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_CIPHER = 26,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_SNR = 27,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_WLAN =28,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_IPU = 29,
        E_MI_MODULE_ID_MIPITX = 30,
        //E_MI_MODULE_ID_SED  = 29,
    } MI_ModuleId_e;
  • Members

    Module ID Module ID HEX Value Members Name Module
    0 0x00 E_MI_MODULE_ID_IVE Module ID for Image Intelligent Operator IVE
    1 0x01 E_MI_MODULE_ID_VDF Module ID of Video Intelligent Algorithm Framework Module VDF
    2 0x02 E_MI_MODULE_ID_VENC Module ID for video coding module VPE
    4 0x04 E_MI_MODULE_ID_AI Module ID for Audio Input Module AI
    5 0x05 E_MI_MODULE_ID_AO Module ID for audio Output Module AO
    6 0x06 E_MI_MODULE_ID_VIF Video InputVIF's Module ID
    7 0x07 E_MI_MODULE_ID_VPE Module ID of the video image processing module VPE
    8 0x08 E_MI_MODULE_ID_VDEC Module ID for video processing VPE
    9 0x09 E_MI_MODULE_ID_SYS Module ID of System Module SYS
    10 0x0A E_MI_MODULE_ID_FB SStar UI shows the module ID of the FrameBuffer Device module
    11 0x0B E_MI_MODULE_ID_HDMI HMDI Module ID
    12 0x0C E_MI_MODULE_ID_DIVP Module ID for video DI and post-processing module DIVP
    13 0x0D E_MI_MODULE_ID_GFX Module ID of 2D Graphics Processing Acceleration Module GFX
    14 0x0E E_MI_MODULE_ID_VDISP Image Puzzle Module VDISP Module ID
    15 0x0F E_MI_MODULE_ID_DISP Video display module ID of module DISP
    16 0x10 E_MI_MODULE_ID_OS RTOS System Module ID
    17 0x11 E_MI_MODULE_ID_IAE Module ID for Audio Smart Operator IAE
    18 0x12 E_MI_MODULE_ID_MD Module ID of the motion detection module MD
    19 0x13 E_MI_MODULE_ID_OD Block ingesting module ID for the OD of the detection module
    20 0x14 E_MI_MODULE_ID_SHADOW Module ID for virtual MI framework SHADOW
    21 0x15 E_MI_MODULE_ID_WARP Module ID of the image malformation correction algorithm WARP
    22 0x16 E_MI_MODULE_ID_UAC Module ID for USB Aduio Class-specific ALSA devices
    23 0x17 E_MI_MODULE_ID_LDC Module ID of image malformation correction algorithm LDC
    24 0x18 E_MI_MODULE_ID_SD Module ID for image zoom function
    25 0x19 E_MI_MODULE_ID_PANEL The display of panel's module ID
    26 0x1A E_MI_MODULE_ID_CIPHER Chip encrypts CIPHER's module ID
    27 0x1B E_MI_MODULE_ID_SNR Sensor sensor module ID
    28 0x1C E_MI_MODULE_ID_WLAN Module ID for wireless communication network Wi-Fi
    29 0x1D E_MI_MODULE_ID_IPU Module ID for image recognition processing IPU
    30 0x1E E_MI_MODULE_ID_MIPITX Send data module IDs using THE MIPI protocol

3.2.2. MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e

  • Description

    Define Pixel enumeration type.

  • Define

    typedef enum
    } MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_ARGB8888 ARGB8888 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_ABGR8888 ABGR8888 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_BGRA8888 BGRA8888 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB565 RGB565 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_ARGB1555 ARGB1555 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_ARGB4444 ARGB4444 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_I2 2 bpp format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_I4 4 bpp format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_I8 8 bpp format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_422 YUV422 semi-planar format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_420 YUV420sp nv12 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_420_NV21 YUV420sp nv21 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_TILE_420 Internal custom TILE format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_FBC_420 Internal customa format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB_BAYER_BASE RGB raw data combined format base num value
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB_BAYER_NUM RGB raw data combined format max num value
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB888 RGB888 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_BGR888 BGR888 format
    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_GRAY8 8bit gray format
  • Note

    E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB_BAYER_BASE, E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB_BAYER_NUM is available in the RGB raw data combination format. In this format, the bit bit ePixPrecision and the orderee eBayerId provided by the sensor generate an enum value in the RGB raw data combination format from a RGB_BAYER_PIXEL macro, with the following values ranging from: (E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB_BAYER_BASE, E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB_BAYER_ NUM)

    A small example of the use is provided below, and for more detailed information, please refer to the API documentation for the corresponding module.

    static MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e getVpeRawType(STUB_SensorType_e sensorType)
        MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e eVpeRawType = E_MI_SYS_PIXEL_FRAME_RGB_BAYER_NUM;
        MI_SNR_PlaneInfo_t stSnrPlane0Info;
        memset(&stSnrPlane0Info, 0x0, sizeof(MI_SNR_PlaneInfo_t));
        MI_SNR_GetPlaneInfo(E_MI_SNR_PAD_ID_0, 0, &stSnrPlane0Info);
        eVpeRawType =  (MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e)RGB_BAYER_PIXEL(stSnrPlane0Info.ePixPrecision, stSnrPlane0Info.eBayerId);
        return eVpeRawType;

3.2.3. MI_SYS_CompressMode_e

  • Description

    Define Compression enumeration type.

  • Define

    typedef enum
        E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_NONE,//no compress
        E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_SEG,//compress unit is 256 bytes as a segment
        E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_LINE,//compress unit is the whole line
        E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_FRAME,//compress unit is the whole frame
        E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_BUTT, //number
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_NONE Uncompressed video formats
    E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_SEG Segment compressed video format
    E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_LINE Line-compressed video format, compressed by one segment of behavior
    E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_FRAME Frame-compressed video format that compresses a frame of data
    E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_TO_8BIT Compress pixel to 8-bit
    E_MI_SYS_COMPRESS_MODE_BUTT Number of video compression methods

3.2.4. MI_SYS_FrameTileMode_e

  • Description

    Define Tile Format enumeration type.

  • Define

    typedef enum
        E_MI_SYS_FRAME_TILE_MODE_16x16,       // tile mode 16x16
        E_MI_SYS_FRAME_TILE_MODE_16x32,       // tile mode 16x32
        E_MI_SYS_FRAME_TILE_MODE_32x16,       // tile mode 32x16
        E_MI_SYS_FRAME_TILE_MODE_32x32,       // tile mode 32x32
    } MI_SYS_FrameTileMode_e;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    E_MI_SYS_FRAME_TILE_MODE_16x16 16x16 mode
    E_MI_SYS_FRAME_TILE_MODE_16x32 16x32 mode
    E_MI_SYS_FRAME_TILE_MODE_32x16 32x16 mode
    E_MI_SYS_FRAME_TILE_MODE_32x32 32x32 mode

3.2.5. MI_SYS_FieldType_e

  • Description

    Define Enumeration type.

  • Define

    typedef enum
        E_MI_SYS_FIELDTYPE_NONE,         //< no field.
        E_MI_SYS_FIELDTYPE_TOP,             //< Top field only.
        E_MI_SYS_FIELDTYPE_BOTTOM,     //< Bottom field only.
        E_MI_SYS_FIELDTYPE_BOTH,         //< Both fields.
    } MI_SYS_FieldType_e;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    E_MI_SYS_FIELDTYPE_TOP Top field only
    E_MI_SYS_FIELDTYPE_BOTTOM Bottom field only

3.2.6. MI_SYS_BufDataType_e

  • Description

    Define Module ID enumeration type.

  • Define

    typedef enum
        E_MI_SYS_BUFDATA_RAW = 0,
    } MI_SYS_BufDataType_e;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    E_MI_SYS_BUFDATA_RAW Raw data type
    E_MI_SYS_BUFDATA_FRAME Frame data type
    E_MI_SYS_BUFDATA_META Meta data type
    E_MI_SYS_BUFDATA_MULTIPLANE Multiplane data type

3.2.7. MI_SYS_FrameIspInfoType_e

  • Description

    Types of ISP info enumerations carried by Define frame data.

  • Define

    typedef enum
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    E_MI_SYS_FRAME_ISP_INFO_TYPE_GLOBAL_GRADIENT Global gradient data types for ISPs

3.2.8. MI_SYS_ChnPort_t

  • Description

    Define Module equipment channel structure.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_ChnPort_s
        MI_ModuleId_e eModId;
        MI_U32  u32DevId;
        MI_U32 u32ChnId;
        MI_U32 u32PortId;
    } MI_SYS_ChnPort_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eModId Module No.
    u32DevId Device No.
    u32ChnId Channel No.
    u32PortId Port No.

3.2.9. MI_SYS_MetaData_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of the Code Stream MetaData.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_MetaData_s
        void*  pVirAddr;
        MI_PHY phyAddr;//notice that this is miu bus addr,not cpu bus addr.
        MI_U32 u32Size;
        MI_U32 u32ExtraData;    /*driver special flag*/
        MI_ModuleId_e eDataFromModule;
    } MI_SYS_MetaData_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    pVirAddr Data storage virtual address.
    phyAddr Data storage physical address
    u32Size Data size
    u32ExtraData driver special flag
    eDataFromModule Data from which module

3.2.10. MI_SYS_RawData_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of The Stream RawData.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_RawData_s
        void*    pVirAddr;
        MI_PHY  phyAddr; //notice that this is miu bus addr,not cpu bus addr.
        MI_U32  u32BufSize;
        MI_U32  u32ContentSize;
        MI_BOOL bEndOfFrame;
        MI_U64  u64SeqNum;
    } MI_SYS_RawData_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    pVirAddr The address of the stream package.
    phyAddr The physical address of the stream package
    u32BufSize Buf size
    u32ContentSize Data actually takes up buf size
    bEndOfFrame Whether the current frame ends. (Reserved parameter) currently only supports frame-by-frame transmission in frame mode.
    u64SeqNum Frame number of the current frame
  • Note

    • Currently only support the transmission of data by frame, each time need to transfer a complete frame of data.

    • When the stream frame data comes with PTS, the decoded Output data Output is the same PTS. When PTS is 1, do not refer to the system clock Output data frame.

3.2.11. MI_SYS_WindowRect_t

  • Description

    Define window Structure of coordinates.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_WindowRect_s
        MI_U16 u16X;
        MI_U16 u16Y;
        MI_U16 u16Width;
        MI_U16 u16Height;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u16X The value of the horizontal direction of the window start position.
    u16Y The value of the vertical direction of the window start position.
    u16Width Window width.
    u16Height Window height.

3.2.12. MI_SYS_FrameData_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of The Stream FrameData.

  • Define

    //N.B. in MI_SYS_FrameData_t should never support u32Size,
    //for other values are enough,and not support u32Size is general standard method.
    typedef  struct  MI_SYS_FrameData_s
        MI_SYS_FrameTileMode_e eTileMode;
        MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e ePixelFormat;
        MI_SYS_CompressMode_e eCompressMode;
        MI_SYS_FrameScanMode_e eFrameScanMode;
        MI_SYS_FieldType_e eFieldType;
        MI_SYS_FrameData_PhySignalType ePhylayoutType;
        MI_U16 u16Width;
        MI_U16 u16Height;
    //in case ePhylayoutType equal to REALTIME_FRAME_DATA, pVirAddr would be MI_SYS_REALTIME_MAGIC_PADDR and phyAddr would be MI_SYS_REALTIME_MAGIC_VADDR
        void* pVirAddr[3];
        MI_PHY phyAddr[3]; //notice that this is miu bus addr,not cpu bus addr.
        MI_U32 u32Stride[3];
        MI_U32 u32BufSize; //total size that allocated for this buffer,include consider alignment.
        MI_U16 u16RingBufStartLine; //Valid in case RINGBUF_FRAME_DATA,  u16RingBufStartLine must be LGE than 0 and less than u16Height
        MI_U16 u16RingBufRealTotalHeight; ///Valid in case RINGBUF_FRAME_DATA,  u16RingBufStartLine must be LGE than u16Height
        MI_SYS_FrameIspInfo_t stFrameIspInfo; //isp info of each frame
        MI_SYS_WindowRect_t stContentCropWindow;
    } MI_SYS_FrameData_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eTileMode Tile mode
    ePixelFormat Pixel format
    eCompressMode Compressed format
    eFrameScanMode Frame scan module
    eFieldType File type
    ePhylayoutType The type of buffer that the frame belongs to
    u16Width Frame width
    u16Height Frame height
    pVirAddr Virtual address
    phyAddr Physical address
    u32Stride Number of bytes per row of pictures
    u32BufSize The actual buf size assigned by Sys to the current frame
    u16RingBufStartLine When ring mode, frame data starts with the number of rows of ring buffer
    u16RingBufRealTotalHeight The true height of frame data when ring mode
    stFrameIspInfo ISP info struct
    stContentCropWindow Crop info struct

3.2.13. MI_SYS_BufInfo_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of code flow information.

  • Define

    typedef  struct  MI_SYS_BufInfo_s
        MI_U64 u64Pts;
        MI_U64 u64SidebandMsg;
        MI_SYS_BufDataType_e eBufType;
        MI_U32 bEndOfStream : 1;
        MI_U32 bUsrBuf : 1;
        MI_U32 bDrop : 1;
        MI_U32 u32IrFlag : 2; // For Window Hello Usage: 0x00/off, 0x01/on, 0x02/invalid
        MI_U32 u32Reserved : 27;
        MI_U32 u32SequenceNumber;
            MI_SYS_FrameData_t stFrameData;
            MI_SYS_RawData_t stRawData;
            MI_SYS_MetaData_t stMetaData;
            MI_SYS_FrameDataMultiPlane_t stFrameDataMultiPlane;
    } MI_SYS_BufInfo_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eBufType Buf type
    u64Pts Time stamp
    bEndOfStream Whether all the information has been sent
    u32IrFlag Ir flag bit

3.2.14. MI_SYS_FrameBufExtraConfig_t

  • Description

    Define Structure sits additionally configured by Stream Frame buffer.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_FrameBufExtraConfig_s
        //Buf alignment requirement in horizontal
        MI_U16 u16BufHAlignment;
        //Buf alignment requirement in vertical
        MI_U16 u16BufVAlignment;
        //Buf alignment requirement in chroma
        MI_U16 u16BufChromaAlignment;
        //Clear padding flag
        MI_BOOL bClearPadding;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u16BufHAlignment Horizontal alignment values
    u16BufVAlignment Vertical alignment values
    u16BufChromaAlignment Chroma buffer size alignment value
    bClearPadding Do you want to blacken the edges of the buffer?

3.2.15. MI_SYS_BufFrameConfig_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of the Code Stream Frame buffer configuration.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_BufFrameConfig_s
        MI_U16 u16Width;
        MI_U16 u16Height;
        MI_SYS_FrameScanMode_e eFrameScanMode;//
        MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e eFormat;
        MI_SYS_CompressMode_e eCompressMode;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u16Width Frame width
    u16Height Frame height
    eFrameScanMode Frame Scan Mode
    eFormat Frame pixel format
    eCompressMode Frame compress mode

3.2.16. MI_SYS_BufRawConfig_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of the code flow raw buffer configuration.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_BufRawConfig_s
        MI_U32 u32Size;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u32Size Buf Size

3.2.17. MI_SYS_MetaDataConfig_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of the code flow meta buffer configuration.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_MetaDataConfig_s
        MI_U32 u32Size;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u32Size Buf Size

3.2.18. MI_SYS_BufConf_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of the Flow Port Buf configuration.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_BufConf_s
        MI_SYS_BufDataType_e eBufType;
        MI_U32 u32Flags;    //0 or MI_SYS_MAP_VA
        MI_U64 u64TargetPts;
            MI_SYS_BufFrameConfig_t stFrameCfg;
            MI_SYS_BufRawConfig_t stRawCfg;
            MI_SYS_MetaDataConfig_t stMetaCfg;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eBufType Buf type
    u32Flags Buf is map kernel space va?

3.2.19. MI_SYS_Version_t

  • Description

    Define Sys version structure information.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_Version_s
        MI_U8 u8Version[128];
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u8Version[128] Describe sys version information string buf

3.2.20. MI_VB_PoolListConf_t

  • Description

    Define DescribeVB Pool Structure of linked information.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_VB_PoolListConf_s
        MI_U32 u32PoolListCnt;
        MI_VB_PoolConf_t stPoolConf[MI_VB_POOL_LIST_MAX_CNT];
    } MI_VB_PoolListConf_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u32PoolListCnt VB pool list number of Members
    stPoolConf VB pool linked table Members configuration information

3.2.21. MI_SYS_BindType_e

  • Description

    Define Front and rear operating modes.

  • Define

    typedef enum
        E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_FRAME_BASE = 0x00000001,
        E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_SW_LOW_LATENCY = 0x00000002,
        E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_REALTIME = 0x00000004,
        E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_HW_AUTOSYNC = 0x00000008,
        E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_HW_RING = 0x00000010
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_FRAME_BASE frame mode, default how to work
    E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_SW_LOW_LATENCY Low latency working
    E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_REALTIME How hardware is directly connected
    E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_HW_AUTOSYNC Front and rear handshake level, buffer size consistent with image resolution
    E_MI_SYS_BIND_TYPE_HW_RING Front and rear handshake levels, ring buffer depth can be trated less than the image resolution is high
  • Note

    Older versions of MI SYS do not provide this function, if not found, do not have to set.

3.2.22. MI_SYS_FrameData_PhySignalType

  • Description

    Describe frame data Enumerated types of buffer types that are affiliated.

  • Define

    typedef enum
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    RINGBUF_FRAME_DATA The resulting frame data
  • Note

    Older versions of MI SYS do not provide this function, if not found, do not have to set.

3.2.23. MI_SYS_InsidePrivatePoolType_e

  • Description

    Enumeration type of private MMA POOL type in Description Creat.

  • Define

    typedef enum
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    E_MI_SYS_VPE_TO_VENC_PRIVATE_RING_POOL Private Ring Pool Type for VPE and VENC
    E_MI_SYS_PER_CHN_PRIVATE_POOL Channel Private Pool Type
    E_MI_SYS_PER_DEV_PRIVATE_POOL Device Private Pool Type
    E_MI_SYS_PER_CHN_PORT_OUTPUT_POOL Output Port Private Pool Type
  • Note

    Older versions of MI SYS do not provide this function, if not found, do not have to set.

3.2.24. MI_SYS_PerChnPrivHeapConf_t

  • Description

    Define Description Channel private MMA Pool structure.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_PerChnPrivHeapConf_s
        MI_ModuleId_e eModule;
        MI_U32 u32Devid;
        MI_U32 u32Channel;
        MI_U8 u8MMAHeapName[MI_MAX_MMA_HEAP_LENGTH];
        MI_U32 u32PrivateHeapSize;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eModule Module ID
    u32Devid Device ID
    u32Channel Channel ID
    u8MMAHeapName Mma heap name
    u32PrivateHeapSize Private pool size

3.2.25. MI_SYS_PerDevPrivHeapConf_t

  • Description

    Define Description Structure of the device's private MMA Pool.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_PerDevPrivHeapConf_s
        MI_ModuleId_e eModule;
        MI_U32 u32Devid;
        MI_U32 u32Reserve;
        MI_U8 u8MMAHeapName[MI_MAX_MMA_HEAP_LENGTH];
        MI_U32 u32PrivateHeapSize;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eModule Module ID
    u32Devid Device ID
    u32Reserve Reserved
    u8MMAHeapName Mma heap name
    u32PrivateHeapSize Private pool size

3.2.26. MI_SYS_PerVpe2VencRingPoolConf_t

  • Description

    Define Description Structure of private Ring MMA Pool between VPE and VENC.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_PerVpe2VencRingPoolConf_s
        MI_U32 u32VencInputRingPoolStaticSize;
        MI_U8 u8MMAHeapName[MI_MAX_MMA_HEAP_LENGTH];
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u32VencInputRingPoolStaticSize Private pool size
    u8MMAHeapName Mma heap name

3.2.27. MI_SYS_PerChnPortOutputPool_t

  • Description

    Define Describeouput port Structure of private MMA Pool.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_PerChnPortOutputPool_s
        MI_ModuleId_e eModule;
        MI_U32 u32Devid;
        MI_U32 u32Channel;
        MI_U32 u32Port;
        MI_U8 u8MMAHeapName[MI_MAX_MMA_HEAP_LENGTH];
        MI_U32 u32PrivateHeapSize;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eModule Module ID
    u32Devid Device ID
    u32Channel Channel ID
    u32Port Port ID
    u8MMAHeapName Mma heap name
    u32PrivateHeapSize Private pool size

3.2.28. MI_SYS_GlobalPrivPoolConfig_t

  • Description

    Define Description Configure the structure of the private MMA Pool.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_GlobalPrivPoolConfig_s
        MI_SYS_InsidePrivatePoolType_e eConfigType;
        MI_BOOL bCreate;
            MI_SYS_PerChnPrivHeapConf_t stPreChnPrivPoolConfig;
            MI_SYS_PerDevPrivHeapConf_t stPreDevPrivPoolConfig;
            MI_SYS_PerVpe2VencRingPoolConf_t stPreVpe2VencRingPrivPoolConfig;
            MI_SYS_PerChnPortOutputPool_t stPreChnPortOutputPrivPool;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eConfigType Private pool type
    bCreate Whether Create PrivatePool.true: Creat false: Destroyed
    uConfig Structures of different types of private pool

3.2.29. MI_SYS_FrameIspInfo_t

  • Description

    Structure of ISP info in Define frame data.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_FrameIspInfo_s
        MI_SYS_FrameIspInfoType_e eType;
            MI_U32 u32GlobalGradient;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eType ISP info type
    uIspInfo ISP info union

3.2.30. MI_SYS_InitParam_t

  • Description

    SYS device initialization parameter.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_InitParam_s
        MI_U32 u32DevId;
        MI_U8 *u8Data;
    } MI_SYS_InitParam_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u32DevId Device ID
    u8Data Data pointer buffer
  • Related data types and interfaces


3.2.31. MI_SYS_BufFrameMultiPlaneConfig_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of the code flow multiplane buffer configuration.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_BufFrameMultiPlaneConfig_s
        MI_U8 u8SubPlaneNum;
        MI_SYS_BufFrameConfig_t stFrameCfg;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u8SubPlaneNum Buf count
    stFrameCfg Define Structure of the code flow frame buffer configuration.

3.2.32. MI_SYS_FrameDataSubPlane_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of The Stream SubPlane FrameData.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_FrameDataSubPlane_s
        MI_SYS_PixelFormat_e ePixelFormat;
        MI_SYS_CompressMode_e eCompressMode;
        MI_U64 u64FrameId;
        MI_U16 u16Width;
        MI_U16 u16Height;
        void* pVirAddr[2];
        MI_PHY phyAddr[2];
        MI_U16 u16Stride[2];
        MI_U32 u32BufSize;
    } MI_SYS_FrameDataSubPlane_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    ePixelFormat Pixel format
    eCompressMode Compressed format
    u64FrameId Frame id
    u16Width Frame width
    u16Height Frame height
    pVirAddr Virtual address
    phyAddr Physical address
    u16Stride Number of bytes per row of pictures
    u32BufSize The actual buf size assigned by Sys to the current frame

3.2.33. MI_SYS_FrameDataMultiPlane_t

  • Description

    Define Structure of the Stream MutiPlane FrameData.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_FrameDataMultiPlane_s
        MI_U8 u8SubPlaneNum;
        MI_SYS_FrameDataSubPlane_t stSubPlanes[MI_SYS_MAX_SUB_PLANE_CNT];
    } MI_SYS_FrameDataMultiPlane_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    u8SubPlaneNum Buf count
    stSubPlanes Define Structure of the code flow MultiPlane buffer configuration.

3.2.34. MI_SYS_GlobalFlagType_e

  • Description

    Define global Flag type.

  • Define

    typedef enum
    } MI_SYS_GlobalFlagType_e;
  • Members

    Members Name Description

3.2.35. MI_SYS_GlobalFlagParam_t

  • Description

    Set global Flag parameter.

  • Define

    typedef struct MI_SYS_GlobalFlagParam_s
        MI_SYS_GlobalFlagType_e eFlagType;
        MI_BOOL bIsr;
        MI_U32 u32Value;
    } MI_SYS_GlobalFlagParam_t;
  • Members

    Members Name Description
    eFlagType Set Flag type
    bIsr Whether the Flag setting will be executed in the interrupt request
    u32FlagNew Set new Flag value
  • Note

    When setting the IR global Flag, u32FlagNew=0, it means OFF, u32FlagNew=1, it means ON.

4. Error Code

4.1. The composition of the error code

Mi returns the error code for 4 bytes, a total of 32bits, consisting of five parts as shown in Table 4-1:

Table 4‑1: The composition of the error code

Position Bits Description
BIT [0-11] 12bits The error type that indicates the specific error meaning of the error code.
BIT [12-15] 4bits Error level, fixed return 2.
BIT [16-23] 8bits Module ID, which module the error code belongs to.
BIT [24-31] 8bits Fixed to 0xA0.


We can simply think of the error code as two double bytes (16bits) for quick interpretation, in the case of the error code 0xA0092001:

"A009": Indicates that the error occurred in a module with module ID 9, which can be seen as a MI_SYS module by looking at the “MI_ModuleId_e”Define.

"2001": The error type that indicates the error is 1, i.e. "Device ID is out of legal range".

4.2. The error code list for MI_SYS API

MI_SYS module all APIs return a value of 4 bytes, 0 indicates execution success, other values indicate execution failure, the need for Note is that all! 0 Return should be listed in Table 4-2, otherwise it is illegal.

Table 4‑2: MI_SYS Module sier ingo code

Error Code Definition Description
0xA0092001 MI_ERR_SYS_INVALID_DEVID Device ID out of legal range
0xA0092002 MI_ERR_SYS_INVALID_CHNID Channel group number error or invalid area handle
0xA0092003 MI_ERR_SYS_ILLEGAL_PARAM Argument out of legal range
0xA0092004 MI_ERR_SYS_EXIST Repeat a device, channel, or resource that already exists in Creat
0xA0092005 MI_ERR_SYS_UNEXIST Trying to use a setting that does not exist in Destroyed
0xA0092006 MI_ERR_SYS_NULL_PTR access, channel, or resource
0xA0092007 MI_ERR_SYS_NOT_CONFIG There are empty pointers in the function arguments
0xA0092008 MI_ERR_SYS_NOT_SUPPORT The module is not configured
0xA0092009 MI_ERR_SYS_NOT_PERM Unsupported parameters or Function
0xA009200C MI_ERR_SYS_NOMEM This operation is not allowed, such as an attempt to modify static configuration parameters
0xA009200D MI_ERR_SYS_NOBUF Failed to allocate memory, such as insufficient system memory
0xA009200E MI_ERR_SYS_BUF_EMPTY Allocation cache failed, such as the requested data buffer is too large
0xA009200F MI_ERR_SYS_BUF_FULL No data in the buffer
0xA0092010 MI_ERR_SYS_NOTREADY Full data in buffer
0xA0092011 MI_ERR_SYS_BADADDR The system did not initialize or load the module
0xA0092012 MI_ERR_SYS_BUSY The address's illegal
0xA0092013 MI_ERR_SYS_CHN_NOT_STARTED The system is busy
0xA0092014 MI_ERR_SYS_CHN_NOT_STOPED The channel didn't start.
0xA0092015 MI_ERR_SYS_NOT_INIT The channel has not stopped.
0xA0092016 MI_ERR_SYS_INITED The module is not initialized
0xA0092017 MI_ERR_SYS_NOT_ENABLE Module has been initialized
0xA0092018 MI_ERR_SYS_NOT_DISABLE Channel or port does not have ENABLE
0xA0092019 MI_ERR_SYS_TIMEOUT Channel or port does not have DISABLE
0xA009201B MI_ERR_SYS_DEV_NOT_STOPED The device didn't start
0xA009201C MI_ERR_SYS_CHN_NO_CONTENT The device is not stopped
0xA009201D MI_ERR_SYS_NOVASAPCE There's no information in the channel.
0xA009201E MI_ERR_SYS_NOITEM Failed to map virtual address
0xA009201F MI_ERR_SYS_FAILED There's no record in RingPool.